True, but also if early on the Vaccines were proven not too work then the lock downs could have last for two years or more consecutively, that would have been devastating and many lives lost just from lock downs along, unfortunately it's a double edge sword.
Ture, but the Mere definition of war, Inflicting a Virus that kills, the Media's war against USA, the companies that kill on a large scales, this is going to be very trying times and whether or not people will be executed for actual Treason is not important because you can be executed for less especially with Military Tribunals.
1.4 Million is just the tip of the Iceberg, what will more revealing is the Stats over a 10yr period and so on above what is average before the ejections.
I'm still not sure, people keep observing different featuring or there's a mask involved, Hollywood can make a mask that look's just like someone else with features that are Identical to the person being copied ear lopes and all. So that means that the coverup is just enough too Question who is behind the Mask man? I'M enjoying the show!
I was only inquiring about Building 7 in which was your head line.
With out drought you've hit the nail square on the head. My friends don't understand why I'm so clam and at peace with all that is going and I don't let any of it upset me and their thinking the world is coming to the end.
The Question is not what happened to building 7 but what was in the building? Hiding something getting rid of evidence ,easier to destroy than to just remove something?
I second that motion.
She's obviously under control as is Biden, enjoy the show.
Unless I'm mistaken, the above in green text says, Post D comes many I’d (indictments). But in the Q post it's I's. maybe like many in eyes? not sure.
Is it possible to prove that you've not been Vaccinated if not then anybody could say their clear of being Vac.
The Evils of this world will never be eradicated it can only be controlled the fight has to continue for ever in this world and we must never stop or get complacent, that's the way Americans screw up. Evil just quietens down then we get complacent. It takes just one generation to lose our freedoms it must be handed down to our children.
It'll take Billions in losses in order to have an impact, right now we're only looking at chump change.
Oh My God you still don't understand why? It's obvious it had to be this way that was the point from the beginning of Q, this whole show is waking up people, the corruption is that bad the swamp is that deep, over 400,000 and counting indictment's. Just think how chaotic it would be if Trump was openly recognized by the military as President, Biden being sworn in by the corrupt establishment, this country would literally by at war with in. Just saying.
That's always the first thing we think of, but I wasn't sure what kind of equipment they use in their operations for processing?
We can't just assume it was intentional till we know what and how the explosion happened.
Too bad that the resolution/clarity wasn't better, because it doesn't help to prove the point. Just saying.
And it just keeps getting better, Avalanche Incoming.
That's nothing they can wipe theirs Asses with that and flush it down and not feel a thing.
What happens when you or companies go Bank-Rub a very large percentage of Debt is held by the international banking system, Federal does not mean the USA is Liable, They will be left holding the bag and rightfully so, we the USA will go back to Gold and or combinations of precious Metals Standards, where we were once on it before. This is how I'm seeing it unfold and not necessarily exactly as stated.
The only part of 20 to 30 yrs to repair would be the peoples minds to heal and some will be a loss for ever, otherwise the economy will repair rapidly under President Trump.
Absolutely and US and or Deep-State does not have clean hands.
Well since Q's post is information and disinformation and have Dbl meanings and Q said not all post are meant for us. We're left with guessing. Like maybe the FED is now covered in Gold.
Good one. Doesn't matter who it is it proves the point.