Does he own the board now?
I was explaining some truths to someone the other day and they said "well Trump lied 180 times on Thursday so who's REALLY churning out fake news?" I was astounded-- where do you read an outlandish claim like 180 lies and believe it
I am speaking as someone with a degree in Health Sciences / Exercise Sport Movement Science & Kinesiology. It needs to be in our core education, teaching children about Caloric Deficit. Weight is all about caloric deficit and everyone should learn that the health industry--hand-in-hand with the fake news media--is ALL about making you think you need products to be healthy and to control weight. I left the health industry in disgust myself after how snakey and profit-driven I realized everything really is. If everyone understood calories, it would be the greatest health achievement of all time.
Remember how HATED of a cable company Comcast was? Then all of a sudden, they rebranded to Xfinity. I remember being pissed because I knew what they were doing.
Thanks for your opinion, jkaflkjasll
I am very sorry, but multiple professional linguists discredit Duolingo as real learning for native speak. It is very weak in grammar and is designed as a product to keep you coming back
Egads, thank you for the comment. I looked like you said and here is a screenshot of her hand at the speech:
Literally nothing beats peak The_Donald. The energy and momentum were unreal.
They've been doing the same with car engines as well
These people are sick!
Why isn't this bigger? This is absolutely incredible stuff
Where is the photo?
I googled around the subuds do you have any reading links?
Excellent data gathering and analysis
There was a website a few years ago that compiled all the research on ivermectin into one place, does anyone remember?
🚨🚨🚨 I would like to request that you renounce #2 and IMMEDIATELY stop this spread of misinformation. Here are the receipts. I don't need to tote my credentials but this is medical nonsense.
I clicked and was met with the most clickbait-y site ever. The "treatment" is a 72 hour fast with supplements? WTF? It said a Doctor Recommended it? Turns out, the website is quoting Dr. Makis?? Who is this man? Clicking the link of his name leads to the worst personal website ever, with a bio of: "Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General's Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications." 100 papers??? Wow? What's he done? I searched PubMed for his publications... they are all papers from his imaging as a radiologist. He literally does scans and writes about the images with really no broader conclusions or active involvement other than that. So this guy is overinflating nothing. Has he done papers about covid? Yes...but it is something is off, and the reason he is involved is very clear soon. Consider the following which is at the BOTTOM of the article: Note that all of a sudden they are selling a product to you.
Dr. Makis and the whole linked article based the "science" of this treatment, from a "paper" by a Dr. Mccullough linked here:
This is literally the stupidest thing I've ever read. It is two pages long. Is has some nice fun diagrams to look at to confuse normies but it is a big nothing burger. THIS is the second page linked here for convenience, read the discussion and conclusion:
The conclusion basically says "Ha! Nothing!" And the entire paper NEVER mentions fasting at all. Why? They'd be laughed out of the medical journal.
At the very bottom of the second page, under disclosures, says Dr. Mccullough is salary compensated and owns equity in part of the company selling the "Spike Protein Support."
This is medical misinformation and chicanery designed to sell a product and every statement on that page has money behind it. Also I would like to drop the perfunctory message emphasizing the importance of proper research.
Edit: Can someone verified on Twitter message VigilantFox this?
I was listening to NPR today just because I occasionally like to listen to what obviously directed garbage they spew, and today they said something about voting ONLINE in the future.
From their "terms and conditions" page:
1.1 Our role
The Human Meat Project merely provides conceptual artwork. The project and website ( contains pages featuring information on the art project, participants’/donators’ information, terms and conditions, consent rights and privacy rights, but the existence of these pages on the Website or Paper form does not and is not intended to be act in a real life nor deliberately/attempting to break the UN and any legal constitution law existing worldwide. Human Meat Project is a conceptual art project to give an understanding of the importance of accepting any services’ policy and agreements.
Who knows if they're hiding behind calling it art but here's what they say themselves.
Think for yourself, and question.
Your last sentence should start: "With my current understanding of technology, . . . "
Today is 11/29/22 correction