So does this mean that the people who were shot and injured and the man who was "killed" played a part in this? And were they paid off like Sandy Hook people and Ashley Babbitt and her family?
I read that ALL the Sandy Hook families "won" large lottery winnings a few years ago. Makes sense since the school had been closed for years before the "incident" occurred.
How many other false flags are BS? Will we ever know?
I hope you are right but I am beginning to find it hard to believe so many people could be in on the "act" - Who knows at this part of the "Movie"?
The only place we donate to is his super Pac.
Any contribution site that uses RedWin is horrible and a much of the money is not going to DJT. Be sure to read the fine print if it is backed by Red Win and make sure you uncheck the monthly contribution or you will be paying every month.
It case you can't tell I hate Red Win. It is ActBlue for Republicans.
It truly does look like a very deep state cover up, as uncovering it will be the final great awakening happening. The one thing the elites fear more than death itself.
Opening the Epstein files in there entirety exposes ALL of the deep states most deepest darkest secrets; hidden for centuries.
GOD BLESS US ALL as this awakening happens, folks. Please be ready for the repercussions. ππππππππ
The problem this Country/perhaps world has is how the Deep State has manipulated the laws to their advantage.
I posted on Truth the following which is just a TINY part of what has gone wrong with this Country:
"@realDonaldTrump Sir, I am so sick and tired of the idiots burning our American flag. I want you to do this as soon as possible when you are back where you belong. Sir, there used to be law against destruction of the flag. Why it went away needs to be repealed. I suggest that anyone caught burning or destroying, in anyway, the American flag lose their citizenship and all the benefits associated with being a citizen of this great Country. No SS, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. Freedom of speech should be SPEECH; not actions and the actions should include demonstrations and protests where any damage is done. End their citizenship! End their American perks. Freedom of speech should be what it used to be - sir! Speech-not actions." Until we start arresting and holding rioters, illegals, trafficker's, rapists, murders, election fraudsters, etc. accountable nothing will change. We need to go back to the "good old days" when the laws meant something. LIKE INDECENT EXPOSURE! For the love of GOD when was it okay to strut naked in public? This world has gone to Sodom and Gomorrah. ****
It's happening in India also - for illegal immigrants.
"India has begun construction on a mass detention center for illegal immigrants in the Goalpara district of the northeastern state of Assam, one month after the country stripped almost two million people of citizenship."
"The detention center visited by Reuters is the first of at least 10 others planned in Assam."
With all the prayers I have I pray and pray that ALL of Biden's picks and EO's are negated.
And I also pray that all the down ballot wins are negated and re-done.
For all those who have read about "There will not be an election in November" here is my take on that statement.
We MUST start over for the 2020 elections nationwide and ALL decisions made after that fake and illegal election.
My hope is that once the 2020 election is voided BEFORE November that the military will take over - kick out the fake administration - arrest the corrupt individuals and declare that there will not be an election in November and declare that DJT won in 2020.
This would also negate all down ballot "wins" which would need to be re-done.
They will declare that Trump will now serve out his 4 year term and the 2024 election will not be done. It will be voided by corruption and the "we have it all" votes prove DJT won.
In GOD I Pray! πππππ
Been a "Catholic" since Baptism 70 plus years ago.
I honestly do not believe that the "Catholics" who are supporting Biden are NOT true Catholics.
Any "Catholic" who agrees with abortion is NOT a Catholic. Period. End.
I am a list maker and I make a list of everything that I need to do and a list of what I want to do.
I can no longer do many things due to be 79 years old and what I do take so much longer.
I keep the list on my computer and try to do at least two things a day.
I have found this does help me get things done; not as fast as when I was 35, but I am getting things done. And it makes me smile when I can cross that one or both off of my list.
I also play energy vibrations all day long.
Good Luck
After reading all the posts here, I had a nudge from somewhere (Hopefully, GOD) to ask if any of you follow "Whitehats" on Telegram.
I have followed it for as long as it has been there and when I start to get really down I am happy to find the account drop a post and I am once again finding hope for the future.
Today's drop (the person does not drop very often so I look forward to the drop like I used to do with Q) gave me more hope than ever before.
I will post it here for those who do not have a Telegram account. Also whomever this person is grammar and spelling is not important, but you get the message regardless. Let me know your thoughts!
"White Hats, [6/11/2024 3:02 PM] There is going to be a BIG biblical scenario where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild. THE EVENT. IT IS BIBLICAL.
What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us them. Vatican, Buckinghan Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible.
Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel Israel/Khazarians controls CCP. The Media etc 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW WORLDWIDE Planes & Trains grounded Lights/Power switched off Changing over to Tesla Free energy Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals. WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens Water Event Stock Market Crash Global Martial Law CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange. Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via Military Courts - FISA Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie - 3 Γ 8 hr sessions. 10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World. Reveals. Inauguration The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD's MEDIA out of the US. Attached is Q1871 outlining this. Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach. Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN. All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS. If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV's & RADIO's in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.
THE EVENT has many facets too it. The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more. 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like. This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show. Swapping from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars) Are we still comfy? Or are we scared? A little bit of both is normal. Trump keeps his promises. Have faith in the Lord Our God. He will comfort you through the storm.
Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Have a look at all the Global Military "Exercises" now being put in place. Its all happening in front of you. It's the largest GLOBAL MILITARY Operation in Planet Earths History. Transition to Gesara/Greatness. Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center. This is to justify to the Whole Entire Planet many things that have been taking place already. The fact that Gesara Military Law has been in place. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. The executions the lot. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things.
The forced release of EPSTEIN LIST is much more than a list. IT'S A DATA DUMP with thousands of pages that will be released. MSM is reporting 800 pages, conservative news is reporting over 1500 pages and alternative media is reporting over 3000 pages of data and information from the court report, logs, police reports and witnesses full testimony......> And MORE IS COMING<
BEHIND THE SCENES>]; White Hats are painting a picture for the American people and world that the [ EPSTEIN] CORRUPTION is connected to a world pedophile, human trafficking extortion ring and even greater is the connection that WILL lead to world money laundering system through [ EPSTEIN] Israel, cia.mi6 , EU & U.S. military intelligence agencies.
This is just the beginning of the π₯ and is opening the doors to the CIA Pentagon Corruption system. > This was always the *PLAN ... And the growing EPSTEIN SAGA WILL GROW INTO MAJOR WHISTLEBLOWERS COMING FORWARD AND LEAKS OF VIDEOS AND AUDIO FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES >>> INCLUDING EPSTEIN HIMSELF TALKING<<<
White Hats are painting a picture for the world. .. And the continuing EXPOSURE is going to lead and EXPOSE a controlled Military COUP over the U.S. government and elections. Including several countries across the world.
I have been telling you for a long time these events were coming and was going to happen . / Well it's happening and growing/
You think it's coincidence that Q military intelligence operations was the first to bring EPSTEIN into the> Exposure on a world scale with hundreds of millions of ANONS and World Partiots searching for data on EPSTEIN
RIGHT NOW_The CIA. Pentagon is in major panic as their corrupt system and institution is inside a collapse and more data is coming and going to be dumped.
As the world gave up on EPSTEIN i have been telling what was going to happen and how it was going to connect to all branches of the government, Hollywood. Entertainment Industry.
Do you think it was coincidence that i told you the black community was being guided to expose the music and entertainment industry? Do you think it was coincidence that i told you P Diddy was connected to massive pedo ring, sex extortion ring ? I gave you this information long ago and told you this would connect to the killings of Tupac and planned Black on Black hate/wars created through the music industry controlled by the CIA and Elites.
_NOW you have MAJOR celebrities, musicians exposing P Diddy for sex extortion, pedophilia and sexual assault. The truth is getting stronger as major forces come together and start to EXPOSE WILL SMITH having sex with men and being part of a male prostitution Elite ring ( more is going to drop on Smith) _ _Sean p Diddy Combs killed his childs mother Kim Potter , she had evidence P Diddy was part of a satanic cult and she had found him having sex with young boys and she knew about the killings at these elite parties. She wanted to come forward but she was killed. ... But new evidence will emerge in the year of P Diddy connection to sex extortion ring and the CIA and to [EPSTEIN] _ _ _RIGHT NOW... White Hats operations have given the green light to Hollywood White Hats to go after OPRAH WINFREY>β₯> her connection to the CIA, Harvey Weinstein ,[ Epstein] financial ring and the Clintons human trafficking ring will be EXPOSED in the next months... Right now in Hollywood and on the Internet celebrities are attacking Oprah and exposing her control over the black actors and black entertainment community. (Oprah was PLANTED by the CIA and Hollywood elites to take control of the black communities and unite them under the DNC and liberal agendas ) .. In the next coming Months White Hats are going to connect JP MORGAN. Goldman Sachs Wells Fargo Blackstone BLACKROCK to A FULL CORRUPTION SCANDLR that is connected the Pentagon the CIA ( Rockerfellers+ ELITES)
Join @WhiteHatsQ
I have adblock and never see any ads or popups on any website.
When I get a notice that I need to disable the blocker I just find the article on another site that doesn't insist on removing the blocker.
Been doing it for years now and until I read your post I forgot that websites have all those disgusting pop-ups and ads.
Here is the one I have-
After reading all the comments below I do have a small suggestion.
Perhaps all the people in the nursing home need to have a family member state that they believe their relative is cognizant enough to actually vote and sign a document to that effect.
If the relative does not believe their family member is cognizant enough than that document needs to be signed and the nursing home staff must follow the decision and signature of the relative.
Just a thought that I am sure will go nowhere in today's world.
That sounds like a good idea. I have been told many times to write a book about my life, but frankly at 79 I am too old and too tired to write the story. I married at 20 after knowing him for 5 weeks-he was abusive and when he came home from Vietnam I found out how abusive.
When we married I had a son from a relationship with my high school sweetheart and we never married.
Although I kept the baby and when I married the soldier I stayed with him for 15 years because we had 3 sons as he adopted my son. When I had a job that I knew would take care of us, I filed for divorce.
I then married a person who after another 15 years I found out was having an affair. I again divorced him.
Then, when my son from my high school sweetheart had a birthday party for his daughter, my granddaughter, we met for the first time in 30 years. We talked the night away and to make a long story short, we ended up married and have been married for 23 years. There is no doubt that he was the man GOD knew I should end up with; and end up with is the phrase...I would never have had my other two wonderful sons and I doubt that we would have stayed married when we were 20.
The path to happiness is not always what we expect and hope it will be, but it is always, the path that HE in HIS greatness knows what will work for us in the long run.
GOD bless you and I pray for you to end up with the happiness I have found after 30 years of unhappy marriages.
"Happiness begins with the decision to no longer feel sad."
Can't connect to X - Every damn time I try to click on a link from here or Telegram I get the message "Something went wrong - try again" I am so sick of this message! ππ I have to try and find the account and then try to find the post. I could use some curse words, but will refrain.