That's the customer's problem.
It seems like almost every single jobs report in the last two years at least was later revised down. I'm not sure why anyone believes them at this point; want the real numbers? Wait a few months, at least.
These jobs reports move the markets by the way, so it's not just for political points that they print these numbers, it pumps stocks across the board, and then, presumably, those on the inside can trade those reports.
Hospitals are structured such that they need to operate at near full capacity in order to make money.
If I recall correctly it was fall 2021, the period heading into fall and winter of Biden's first term, the so-called Winter of Death.
Something I find interesting that never got discussed about the hospitals being overwhelmed part of the guilt, intimidation, and manipulation campaign around both the initial lockdowns and the vaccine is that in a true free market system where hospitals are free to decide who to serve and who not to serve this would not be an issue at all.
Their entire argument, especially the "two weeks to flatten the curve" game, rested on the fact that government regulation forces emergency rooms to take people in no matter what. It seems like the libertarians should have taken this opportunity to show how bad regulation can be in most cases, because without it hospitals would never be overwhelmed, they would just take in as many people as they could profitably care for, but instead prominent libertarians instead threw their principles away and endorsed lockdowns and later forced vaccination.
Do people think he's a bad guy?
Well, at least they would be making a law so, irrespective of the constitutionality of that law, there would be some basis, something at least written down, instead of the extra-legal way in which they currently attack, undermine, frame, defame, and persecute militias and their members.
Yeah, but why would you? If to get back pay or pension or something, sure, but certainly not to go fight for this corrupt, evil institution ever again.
Unfortunately, we no longer have a functioning society, which includes medical facilities, and so you must assume an adversarial posture (both in the sense that you should assume that posture and in the sense that you should assume that that is their posture towards you) and you must adjust your expectations accordingly. It may be safer, and quite likely cheaper, to go to another country for medical care.
There is a fatal flaw in the whole run away climate change argument, it's mathematical in nature and so any person who actually studies this stuff will concede it, they just then invent epicycles and "models" which constantly have to change because they always fail to predict anything and so the goal posts have to move. Most others have no idea about this mathematical fact, have never heard it, or are even incapable of understanding what it means because many people are barely numerate.
The flaw in this whole thing, the fact that makes this whole thing nonsense is that while there is a relationship between CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and global mean temperature rise, that relationship is not exponential, it's not even linear, it's logarithmic, i.e. sub-linear. This means that the more CO2 we emit into the atmosphere the less impact each additional unit of CO2 has. The more CO2 that is emitted the more the temperature converges on a stable plateau, all other things being equal.
If you think about it, this has to be the case. Imagine a balloon which had air in it the same composition as the atmosphere, which you had laying in out in the sun, and then you slowly began adding pure CO2. If, as many believe, the relationship were not sub-linear, what would happen would be that the temperature increases would scale with the amount of CO2 you added, all you'd have to do is add a bit more CO2 and you'd have a thermal capacitor, a heat battery. If this were possible we'd be able to solve the world's energy needs by letting the sun cause balloons of CO2 to enter thermal runaway which we could then use to power turbines. This of course does not happen. Increased CO2 will trap a relatively small bit of heat, the more you added the less would be trapped, until finally you wouldn't see any more heat being trapped and the system would be stable. The same is true for the atmosphere, the effect of CO2 is diminishing on this heat trapping capacity, and we'd have to continually double the number of cars, airplanes, ships, power plants, factories, etc. simply to maintain a linear temperature increase. We have no hope of doing that, especially given our very low global GDP growth.
Yeah, they're called heat islands, large masses of concrete with absorb a lot of heat. They don't affect larger climate to any appreciable extent, but if your measurement devices are all in the heat islands, i.e. cities/airports, then your data is going to skew higher.
They've been telling us it's going to get hotter because it's actually going to get colder, this is so we all flock into the wrong real estate, assets, and positions so they can scoop up the good ones for pennies.
I think covid taught us that not only will the American parent do nothing to prevent their children from being murdered, they will gleefully participate in the murder themselves.
Thanks for the input and advice, but there's probably not much hope for me in terms of self improvement because I'm not tall, in fact kind of short, and there's no amount of improvement that can fix that. Also, I wouldn't go for someone divorced with kids because I wouldn't want to raise kids that weren't my own and a divorce is a strong indication that the woman cannot make a relationship work.
Pride goeth before the fall.
Be careful of this attitude. You should assume that you don't know as much as you think you do.
The ancient Egyptians were also blonde haired and blue eyed White people. The project to erase us is very old. We're merely only just recently in the Europe phase of this story.
I have the feeling at most women now would be this way.
Yeah, but the woman needs to be younger or else the risk for down syndrome gets too high, and I'm not really the kind of guy who is blowing any skirts up.
40 is too old for a woman to have kids, or at least it starts to become high risk for down syndrome and birth defects, which means I would need to find a younger woman, which is a) unlikely to happen in terms of me finding one who would have me and b) likely that we would have very little in common if I did.
I'm one of the sad bastards for whom it's most likely too late. I'm 40 now and spent my 20s and 30s basically brainwashed that it wasn't good to have kids, or I wasn't worthy, or I didn't want them, wouldn't be a good father, there are no good women anymore, blah blah blah, now in these last few years coming to my senses, it hurts to realize I let the prime years slip away.
Ole oyster eyes never quits.
It's odd that it's of the same form with some incongruous/incorrect substitutions.
You should have replaced the '16 OZ' with '16 Inch".