bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now combine this with the recent trend of making it nearly impossible to replace smartphone batteries and other parts. Using remotely activated tamper-proof explosive tags to control a huge open-air prison population is a common dystopian science fiction trope, but turns out it's getting closer to reality each passing day.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sounds like a straightforward way to return the globalist criminals' ill-gotten wealth back to the general public that they robbed in the first place.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, if you watch footage with sound it shows that Trump moved his head right before the first shot rang out.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything about the set-up (no live audience, no outside reporters, isolated venue, huge broadcast delay) screams that they're prepared to insert pre-recorded footage to cover-up any mistakes Biden might make.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dems almost certainly have pre-recorded video and audio of Biden's responses on a duplicate set (why else would they need so much time to prepare beforehand?). Having minutes of broadcast delay gives them plenty of leeway to insert pre-recorded clips into the broadcast to cover up any live Biden fails. Also, depending on how much they've prepared, they could fuck with Trump's responses using anything from deceptive realtime editing to full-blown replacement computer-generated video and audio.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

CCP communists have no legitimate claim to China, much less to Taiwan. China rightfully belongs to an emperor who rules under the Mandate of Heaven, not to godless pinko usurpers.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

going back to their original “owners”

The mainland CCP is also "satellite state carved out" of the original Chinese Empire. A new traditional Chinese Empire ruled by an emperor with the Mandate of Heaven must be established, and then the two satellite states of the CCP and Taiwan can be returned to him.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Frankly, that's not nearly as limiting as one would expect to be. "Designed to do," "programmed to do," and "what the damn thing actually ends up doing," are three very, very different things. Translating human intent into useful mathematical functions will always be lossy, and thus open to exploitable unintended consequences. "AI" will only exacerbate this further.

bawitadaba 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's stopping Trump and his team from just breaking those stupid rules at the debate? Show up with a huge crowd, open mics, and live independent coverage broadcasting everything in real-time. If the Dems back down from that they'll just look even weaker than they already are. What's the worst that could happen to Trump? Seriously, it's not like the cabal hasn't already tried everything they could do against him, multiple times.

bawitadaba 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah, it never fails to amaze me how many people remain blind to the true costs of solar panels. They fall for the marketing hype of solar panels being some slick futuristic clean electronic gadget, when the truth is that solar panels require horribly polluting manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal processes. The only truly renewable and safe solar energy panel is God's natural solar panel: the LEAF.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +6 / -1

produce an exact clone of you based on your habits, behaviors, interactions etc.

No. This is a common fear, but it is fundamentally impossible due to the inherent limitations of computers, Turing machines, and ALL formalized systems of logical symbolic processing. We humans aren't such things. You as a flesh-and-blood human won't hang in an endless loop or crash when you encounter an unexpected irrational value, unpredicted divide-by-zero, or any other unfalsifiable statement of logic. But any so-called "AI" based on you can and will eventually crash, loop, or otherwise reveal the machine inside when faced with the right questions.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look, I hate child rapists as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to let my emotions on the matter cloud my judgement. Things are already a damn nightmare regarding the abuses of legally-mandated medical treatment. As things currently stand, the courts should not be entrusted with any more additional powers to mandate any form of permanent bodily mutilation. This kind of legal precedent makes crazy leftist totalitarians absolutely salivate with glee at the prospect of having legal backing to castrate political undesirables.

bawitadaba 16 points ago +16 / -0

The whole covid pandemic was staged overblown bullshit used as an excuse to push equally fake-ass totalitarian "solutions". So frankly, I'm not expecting anything different from all this recent media focus on "AI". They want everyone scared and fearful. So don't fucking fall for it.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's also the false flag bioterror angle, which would nicely coincide with the "isolation and quarantine" rules (ie: seize anyone, anytime and throw them in a concentration camp on the merest suspicion of whatever communicable disease) just recently reinstated by the NY Appellate Division Court.

bawitadaba 12 points ago +12 / -0

Given the staggering amount of systematic corruption that's been revealed over the past few years, I'm open to the possibility that lots of supposedly longtime leftist strongholds have actually been silently subverted and enslaved against their will for decades.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I may go on a tangent, God's divine servants are certainly still imperfect and may contradict themselves and each other. As evident by Lucifer's fall from grace, even the greatest of angels are limited, and thus flawed. And we humans are even more flawed; we may be erroneously attributing to God many Old Testament-era actions, commands, and attitudes that might actually be from His numerous lower imperfect servants of the Elohim collective. Possibly that's the reason for sending perfect Christ into this imperfect world in the first place; maybe God decided that the conditions were right for Him to stop delegating the bulk of His plan to divine servants, and to start taking more direct action Himself through Christ.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

They knew the problems, they just didn't give a shit because they're not being held responsible for their unsafe, dangerous products. These days you can get away with anything as long as it's marketed as "eco-friendly". So they're going to continue using the cheapest, shoddiest methods out there. Why research and build new factories for vehicle-safe fuel cells? Much easier and cheaper to use existing manufacturing chains and slap together phone batteries into unstoppable chemical fires.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

And we know after years and years of use that they’re incredibly safe and stable under the right protected conditions.

Those conditions are NOT vehicle conditions. Lithium batteries were developed for small handheld devices with low energy needs, used in conditions safe enough for an unprotected human. In contrast, vehicles are large heavy machines with high energy needs, which need to reliably perform under dangerous, stressful high speed conditions that would kill an unprotected human.

The question is how are we going to achieve this in vehicles

It's simple: DON'T USE LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR VEHICLES. Those batteries are meant for laptops and phones, not vehicles. Use something else.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is this shitty gloating leftist meme stickied on the front page? I know it's easy to get angry, but it should never get to the point where we end up using our own visual territory to broadcast their propaganda.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Problem is that this can't possibly be 100% accurate. Not only do we have incomplete knowledge of our present, thus requiring us to make inevitably flawed assumptions, but there will be many different possible pasts that converge to any assumed present state, including pasts with different versions of the same people. In one timeline an executed criminal is really innocent but unjustly framed by the true perpetrator, in another he is guilty of the action but was coerced by secretive unseen parties into commiting the crime, and yet in another he is a guilty willing participant. Which was the "real" person? What was the "real" past?

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Plants and trees are nature's solar energy collectors, and are much more efficient and eco-friendly than solar panels. Huge fields of solar panels are only suitable for outright barren environments like the desert or tundra. Otherwise, it's better to simply plant, harvest, and process vegetation biomass into fuel and food.

bawitadaba 3 points ago +3 / -0

Which coincidentally lasts just long enough to match the general age when human brain plasticity starts to freeze. This ensures that their personalities will be permanently ill-suited for handing real adult responsibilities and rearing strong families of their own. Long before drag queens were being put in classrooms, the educational system has been perpetrating a more subtle but still dangerous form of child abuse: keeping children in perpetual childhood, and never letting them grow into capable adults.

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