bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

So basically, keeping a chatbot woke and stupid requires enormous wastes of money and manpower.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's hilarious, really. Big-name bots like ChatGPT are literally running on vast networks of supercomputers, yet they're getting ass-kicked by consumer-level gaming rigs trained on little more than raw piles of uncensored truth.

Just goes to show that in the end, chatbots are only as good as their training data. Using woke bullshit in training data is like having tumors in the brain; it fucks up neural connections, wastes resources, and ends up being much more retarded than it should be.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, that won't work anymore. The machines are now listening and learning whether we want them to or not. The only option left is to put in the hard work of mastering, developing, and subduing the tech for our own benefit. Yes, the machines are inherently just stupid tools, but that doesn't make the technology any less dangerous in the wrong hands. It is a fool's dream to simply deny it in the hope that it will magically go away, because our enemies are most certainly using it against us as we speak.

bawitadaba 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need more of this kind of biotech. Restoring body parts lost to disease, accident, and trans-mutilation should be the #1 priority. Instead, clown world goes for spike protein clots and stupid fake meat made from cancer cells.

bawitadaba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Communism is a relatively recent foreign anomaly which goes against the natural Chinese character. In direct opposition to core communist principles, any large population of generally free, un-traumatized Chinese people will almost invariably become ragingly capitalistic and fiercely loyal to bloodline and ancestors. This has always been a constant thorn in the side of the CCP, and is slowly but surely bleeding it to death.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems to be a lot of media fearmongering over AI lately. I guess they've realized that no one's going to fall for their lame-ass Project Bluebeam fake alien invasions, so now they're going to try to scare us with fake robot uprisings instead.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

People need to worry less about whatever silly transient fads the kids happen to be into, and more about what propaganda and drugs the teachers and doctors are systematically forcing into the kids.

bawitadaba 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh geez. Employees at Samsung are leaking company secrets because they're a bunch of lazy asses who want ChatGPT to do their work for them. They're copy-pasting proprietary source code, internal memos, and other sensitive company documents into the ChatGPT public web service. That as stupid as trying to get help organizing a folder of confidential state-level nuclear secrets by posting scans of them on 4chan.

This isn't the "Dark Side of ChatGPT", this is the fucking "Dumb Side of Samsung".

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Asimov's 3 Laws of Robotics are a fictional literary device, like the Force in Star Wars or dilithium crystals in Star Trek. They were written in a time when there were two opposing approaches in the realm of AI research: "hard AI" vs "soft AI". To put it very simply:

  1. Hard AI was the "top-down" theory, that intelligence was the result of having the correct logical algorithms and representational data structures in place; research experiments thus focused on exploring what were the "right" laws to program into a machine for intelligence.

  2. Soft AI was the "bottom-up" theory, that intelligence was an emergent property of complex, chaotic interactions that could not be perfectly predicted or designed; research experiments focused more on probability and statistical analysis.

Asimov was more in the Soft AI camp, and one of the reasons he used the 3 Laws in his fictional stories was to illustrate that any hard-and-fast rules for thinking machines ultimately WONT WORK as intended by the original human creators.

In the real world, Asimov turned out to be largely correct. The Hard AI approach is pretty much a dead-end. The chatbots that everyone's all excited over right now fall very much under the Soft AI approach. They aren't designed according to clear specifications, but rather trained and tweaked on vast datasets of human activity. Furthermore, they can be easily subverted to circumvent any hard-and-fast rules imposed on them from above by their owners; much much easier than Asimov's robots, actually. It's pointless to to try to restrict these language bots using some form of the 3 Laws, because it turns out that they're even worse at following laws than humans are.

And as an aside, this recent media panic over AI strikes me as laying the groundwork for a false flag. Get everyone scared over Hollywood Skynet, then perform some great catastrophe and blame "rogue AIs" or something, to provide an excuse for crackdowns on the level of tech available to the general public. Totalitarians would love it if the common man was restricted to computing on nothing more complicated than a locked-down iPhone.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

Too late. Stopping AI research now is akin to giving up your guns when everyone already knows the secret to gunpowder. Good people who foolishly give up their guns are at the mercy of the bad people who don't. Likewise with AI technology; AI is a powerful force multiplier for psychological/memetic warfare, and each day it only gets easier and easier to independently develop. The genie is out of the bottle and there's no going back; to give up on AI now means surrendering the mental arms race to those who do not give it up.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now I don't like the Kardashians at all, but the actual article reveals that it was just a "secret ninja lair" theme novelty restaurant. Headline is technically correct, but uses manipulative language, juxtaposing trigger phrases such as "kids", "masked men", and "dungeon".

In other words, typical meaningless lurid celebrity clickbait from the Sun.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was under the impression that's what they've been doing for decades already. The only difference now is that the sickness has finally grown too big to hide.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

It really shows how bad things have gotten, that even gays of yesteryear are leagues manlier than today's straight soyboys.

bawitadaba 3 points ago +3 / -0

East Asia respects Trump for his ability to peacefully but firmly negotiate with China and North Korea, especially when compared to Biden's frighteningly inept bumbling. Trump has shown the ability to safely contain and handle dangerous fires, while Biden is constantly on the verge of letting fires rage out of control and burn everything down.

bawitadaba 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can also run and tweak LLM chatbots locally on your own cheap consumer-level hardware: https://cocktailpeanut.github.io/dalai/#/

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know you're trolling, because gay male buttsex is a hell of a lot more disgusting than that.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well technically, the Bible only clearly condemns male homosexuality, in multiple verses in both Testaments. When it comes to female-on-female, there's only a single vague allusion from Paul that's quite open to argument. This differing stance between male and female homosexual activity is possibly due to:

(A) female-on-female sexual activity doesn't entail the same blood and filth that male-on-male penetrative buttsex inevitably does. Thus lesbian activity wouldn't necessarily be considered "unclean" and abominable in the same way that gay male activity was.


(B) widespread acceptance of polygamy (multiple wives) in ancient times; for a multiple-wife family in ancient Hebrew or Greco-Roman society, it would be beneficial if the wives viewed each other as sexual companions with each other for the husband, instead of sexual competitors against each other fighting over him.

bawitadaba 7 points ago +7 / -0

Eggs from humanely-raised chickens are an excellent non-exploitive source of protein. When you think about it, the hens have the better end of the deal: they're basically getting free room, board, and protection from predators, in exchange for letting us collect their menstruation.

bawitadaba 4 points ago +4 / -0

And even among ruminating mammals, there's no such thing as veganism. Cows grazing free in the open fields as nature intended will still gladly chomp down on any mice, worms, or other small animals unfortunate enough to get caught up in their mouthfuls of grass.

bawitadaba 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not that hard. The ruling CCP has always been a mob of stone-cold power-hungry psychopaths. They have almost no regard for the life of their domestic common man, and absolutely none at all for foreign ones. Keeping this in mind, it's fairly obvious that the CCP would gladly strike a deal with factions of the Western Deep State to kill 1 million of their own enslaved Chinese subjects as part of a greater plan to kill 100 million Americans.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

DS doesn't want any competition, simple as that. Just because CCP-controlled China is at odds with the DS doesn't mean that the CCP are now good guys. It's not like the DS has a monopoly on being evil. Independant governments are still completely capable of being oppressive and totalitarian on their own.

bawitadaba 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reasonable words mean nothing. Even a dumb computer can do that. Trust can only be earned by building an extended history of real action. China's CCP has been unapologetically chipping at the borders and sovereignity of the neighboring countries for decades, and at no time in the past few years have I seen any real actions indicating a true change in approach. So until they establish a long record of action proving otherwise, they remain at best merely an enemy of my enemy, and certainly not my friend.

bawitadaba 7 points ago +7 / -0

So many naive vulnerable young people and innocent children, brainwashed into undergoing such terrible mutilation and then abandoned to suffer. I dearly hope that there is some yet unreleased regenerative technology that, in the hands of the white hats, can one day restore the bodies of these victims.

bawitadaba -4 points ago +3 / -7

The christian right is part of the people turning away from God. Much as how the impatient Israelites worshipped a golden calf at Mount Sinai, the christian right had not the humility nor faith to wait for God's Kingdom to come in His time. Instead, they fell to Satan's temptation and sought to create their own "god's kingdom" through the accumulation of worldly power, wealth, and fame. As their greed for this world grew, the protection of God diminished, and we see now how terrible the price of that faithlessness proved to be as the Satanic woke ideology wreaks its destruction. In abandoning the Kingdom of God to pursue their lust for a worldly kingdom built by men, the christian right ended up as unwitting servants for the most cunning great deceiver.

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