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1800: Thomas Jefferson, the Democratic-Republican candidate for president, lost the Electoral College vote to Aaron Burr, but Jefferson ultimately won the presidency through a contingent election in the House of Representatives. As the runner-up, Burr became the vice president-elect, and he certified Jefferson’s election.
1880: James A. Garfield, the Republican candidate for president, won the Electoral College vote and became president-elect. His running mate, Chester A. Arthur, lost the vice presidential election to Thomas A. Hendricks, but Garfield’s victory meant Arthur became vice president-elect. Arthur certified Garfield’s election as president.
1948: Strom Thurmond, the States’ Rights Democratic candidate for president, lost the Electoral College vote to Harry S. Truman. As Thurmond’s running mate, Fielding L. Wright, lost the vice presidential election to Alben W. Barkley, Wright certified Truman’s re-election as president.
↑↑↑↑↑↑ THIS RIGHT HERE ↑↑↑↑↑
Absolutely violates federal law, 18 U.S. Code § 611. Should be overturned immediately!
I have done this myself, and that long-form birth certificate is 100% photoshoped in dozens of ways.
Our little home, with just 2 people, is insane. We sold it, now we're moving out of Commiefornia in two weeks! Lived here my whole life, but it's a shithole now that they're letting hundreds of thousands illegals cross over the San Diego/TJ border. Hell, they pull up in boats and jet skis in places like La Jolla. Buh Bye!
Can you share more about how you determine a qualified red light therapist?
↑↑↑↑↑↑ THIS RIGHT HERE ↑↑↑↑↑
It was FLYING it was going so fast...
Explain to me like I got vaxxed for a donut..?!?!?
Still missing the big neck tattoo
"...blames Trump" means they're RINOS
I'm not the OP, but here:
Original tweet?
But article is from 2021:
Archived 5 months ago:
MTG cut herself a deal, it's what politicians do. I'm sure it's some committee position or the like
In high-cost Commiefornia, we saw $2.25 under GEOTUS, and we have the most expensive gas in the country
I don't know where 0bummer was born, but his Hawaiian long-form birth certificate is a total forgery. Here's a quick video done just today to show why:
0bummer's long-form birth certificate was a total forgery.
Take less that 6 minutes to see why...
I think it is the Irish The Light, May edition... here's a vid clip
Calvary Chapel Temecula - Rancho Calif. Road:
Livestream page:
An AI Summery:
Executive Order from January 19, 2025. Here's a summary of the key changes:
Main Changes Made
This appears to be a partial revocation of Executive Order 13961, which was originally issued on December 7, 2020, regarding Federal Mission Resilience governance and integration.
Source: Executive Order on the Partial Revocation of Executive Order 13961, White House, January 19, 2025.