We saw this with JFK and we see it now. Slow walk everything related to the assination attempt is "We are going to form a panel" which itself becomes a political football instead of facts. As people grow weary of waiting and speak out congess will finally form an "investigative commission". They tout this as something being done. Press will run with and keep the hype up as long as possible, while the fact of the matter is that nobody has investigated anything yet. As this all plays out, the clock keeps ticking and time passes. What was imperative yesterday seems to become less pressing with time. And viola..it is time to start releasing a controlled narrative of complete bullshit. That's how you sell a magic bullet like narrative. It is this slow incrementallism that is deceiving we the people repeatedly. Whether it is eroding our God given rights or providing political cover story bullshit, they just keep chipping away. Here is the kicker though, NOT THIS TIME!!!! God is with us. God is for us, and we will prevail. God will move His mighty right hand to expose and annihilate them.He will use Trump, and you and I. He will use everything in between. We ARE His people and He IS our God. This is more than just American history being made, it is even more than world history being made (what is playing out here in U.S. is playing out in many nations), this truly Biblical prophecy being fulfilled and Bible history being made. So stay strong, stay focused, and prepare for complete victory. As Q told us, to put on the complete Armour of God.
I agree. They keep using the phrase "our democacy" over and over. Every time I hear that, two thoughts come to mind.
- We are not and never were a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic.
- somehow i get the feeling when they say ".our democracy" they are referring to the cabal and themselves and NOT "We the People".
Ok....we have an update, right here on GAW, the Aroura, Colorado story saying the slum lord property owner, who was due In court over repairs not made, and gets an extension due to the "situation" at his complex. To me, that makes the Aroura story suspect until we learn more. Now, I am just asking, do we want to run with the Chicago story, or perhaps a little more sauce first?
This whole thing stinks.to me. A republic of high status males is best for decision making. Why then do we have so many fantastic success stories of women and low class men in America, rising from nowhere to become titans of industry, military heroes, top doctors, the list goes on and on. Are we not witnessing a lot of wicked plans come to fruition because these special males are thinkng freely? Only when held to the chains of the Constitution are these "free thinkers" held in check to only pass laws that benefit the people. Lastly, this clown starts the whole diatribe by making a distinction or caste separation of those who are not their idea of perfection. God makes no mistakes...we are all here for a reason. Peace and harmony is a much smoother road.
It was posted here at GAW about a year ago or more that the Vax manufacturers were seeing massive decreases of people lining up for the Vax, so they were going to start putting it in other vaccines as well as injected antisthetics which includes novacain and lidocaine etc. I had dental work done in January of this year. I had put it off during covid as at that time you had to have jab to get in door. I had read the post I am telling you about so I was leary of going but I had already put it off too long. Dentist scared me into quitting smoking. I thought it was a good thing. At that time I noticed a new device that would show up everytime I scanned for blutooth devices. It did not have a "name" rather an identifier that was a series of 2 or 3 letters or numbers followed by a dot, then two or 3 letters or numbers followed by a dot, none of them sequential until the identifier was about 12 to 15 digits long. This fit the format from the post I am telling you about. This freaked me out and stressed me out. I started smoking again. Then my "code" which went me everywhere read "is not communicating" and later read "is switched off" and then a fews days later it disappeared. I was left wondering what is going on inside me? This article seems to address that very issue. I am not advocating smoking for anybody, but if you have had the jab or any jab or antisthetics by injection, you may want to look into patches, gum or lozenges that have the nicotine but not the smoke. Just my personal experience and trying to shed light.
As much as I like Trump, he is not my savior. Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of the one true God, is my and our savior. Trump has an anointing from God and does.as God guides, and will champion our cause. The true powers at work for us are God (creator of heaven and earth and CIC of the heavenly host), Jesus, and us (We the people) with our Constitution in hand and the Lion of the tribe of Judah in our hearts. Trump is our representative and champions our causes.
I think this is the worst idea in a long time. Who would be writing this new constitution? I don't see many politicians , if any at all, of the calibre and learnedness as say Thomas Jefferson, or Adam's, or any other of the original signers. You need a congress full of these type minds, to attempt such an endeavor. We are dreadfully short.
I am a super big fan of IVM but in this case may I recommend you look into horse mint. It is an herb, You can buy extract or pills at health food stores. My wife had her pancreas flair up now and then. We had a lady over who is an herbalist/nutritionist. She specializes in teaching how to forage on you own property or area. We have acres and she walked outside, picked some horsemint buds with flowers. Told us to take a few flowering buds and steep in some just boiled water. She has not had any flair ups since. In previous years I had been spraying this as I regarded it as just another weed in my pasture. This year I picked a bunch before I sprayed. Lastly, by steeping for 10 min the tea did not look very strong. We asked the lady and said that was the desired strength and that more was not better. Also, wait more than 24 hours for second dose , if needed, which she said she had never seen anybody need a second dose.
What they are missing....
- The complete breakdown of narrative control ( intentional , thank you anons and Elon)
- The complete breakdown of the uni-party (intentional ,thank anons and Trump
- The complete annhilation of the deepstate worldwide (intentional thank you anons and patriots worldwide).
My plans for the fall? CELEBRATE!!! I will celebrate the fall of the deep state, the fall of Biden, the fall of Pelosi; the fall of Schumer, the fall of Comey, Clapper, and Brennan, the fall of Bill and Hillary, the fall of the Obama's and the list goes on and on. God is Good!!!
I think what you are doing should be a wake call for all of us. You are stepping up, pressing in, and demanding justice. Even in these weird times there are still some in posititions of authority that is derived from us , we the people, and follow the constitution. What you are doing is available to us all, and the beauty is IT WORKS!! I know somebody wants sauce more than words so here you go...
This link is the website "The Peoples Operation Restoration". The page you land on will be will be a message they posted website. It iis all good news and these people are motivated to help and guide. IMHO, this seems to be the most expediant, effective, and non violent way to effect change. After reading the message, go to the bars in top right to navigate the sight. The videos of them in action stirs my heart. I am doing the research on my local reps now.
U.S.ranchers have banded together to build their own meat packing plant (around 30 million dollars so far). This was done to keep the packing plants from dictating that only jabbed cows would get processed. But, the point for this story is no bank will be dictating terms either.