The fish counters haven't seen any of those fish for years.
he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.
Sounds like immunity, doesn't it? As u/killerspacerobot pointed out in another thread, that is not a presidential power.
He is granting immunity, and THAT is not a power given to the president,
Here is the Rumble link, if anyone is interested.
Fraud vitiates everything.
It will be like the shower scene in "Dallas".
Where can I buy mine? I went to the grocery today and found many more people than average wearing masks. One clown had proctology gloves on too.
wistful as he reflects on his legacy u/#shaqwalks
The banner page AP puts up is better than the story. Get woke, go broke. AP goin' down.....
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