Not an accountant here but I think the number to be concerned about is not a refund amount but the tax due. Form 1040, Line 24. It even says “This is your TOTAL TAX.” That’s the number to compare year over year. Also, your effective tax rate is a good number to compare and get pissed off about. I believe it simply gives you a percentage that shows what percentage of your net income went to federal income tax, after all the deductions, credits etc are accounted for.
Yeah. Licensed 30+ year aircraft mechanic here…a radome (the “nose cone” as some call it) could never survive that impact. Ever seen pictures of a radome after going through some bad hail? And burning jet fuel could never generate enough heat to melt steel, let alone melt steel in an adjacent building (building 7).
CNN reporting this? FJB is now 100% under the proverbial bus. I told my wife the other day that I have a gut felling that FJB will resign within 2 weeks. (An actual 2 weeks, not the 2 weeks we always seem to hear about here) Not a prediction - just my gut, based on the snowballing of current events.
I read a good comment recently that "transgender" is a title that was made up to normalize the behavior. The historical term was "transvestite." But you are a hater if you use the real terms. The psychology books used to call it Gender Dysphoria and it was something that required treatment.
Graduated HS in 1979. I score zero across the board on this. Another one...dairy allergy? None. Although there could have been some lactose intolerance based on the results of some of the farting contests that took place.
Licensed planefag here, I've been highly suspicious of the story they've been telling on this NOTAM "outage." The NOTAM system is so critical to commercial flight, there's no way they don't have multiple backups for the system.
Well, sonofabitch.