bluestatehostage 14 points ago +14 / -0

Agreed. Preparing the normies for elimination of the Federal Income Tax.

bluestatehostage 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think Trump is just prepping the ground for elimination of all income taxes. Start with No Tax on Tips and no tax Social Security, get the normies used to it, and then as they're asking "why do we still have to pay income taxes?" Trump can push elimination of FIT, the Fed, and all the unconstitutional taxes that have been foisted on us and the normies will happily go along.

And just thinking about this further, Trump is also slowly getting tariffs back into the conversation. He mentions tariffs seemingly during every rally, interview, etc. Again, preparing the normies for the economic shift that's coming.

bluestatehostage 29 points ago +29 / -0

It wouldn't surprise me if this was an October surprise and Biden endorses Trump and spills the beans on everyone and everything.

bluestatehostage 6 points ago +6 / -0

My son has, like me, followed Q since the beginning. He's spent the last seven years red pilling as many people as he can. He called me yesterday needing a pep talk, as the chaos was starting to get to him. He's was worried that it's all going to hell and did I still trust the plan.

Of course, I told him. Trump has never lied to us. Why should I doubt Trump now when the plan is finally coming together. Fast.

I reminded him that it's a movie (he agreed) and the chaos is necessary to wake the normies and, like any piece of drama, tension is needed before the satisfying conclusion.

So, not trying to sound preachy here, but it's okay to feel anxiety right now. It's a tumultuous time, but at least we're clued into the plan. Normies need our support now, and especially going forward when all hell really breaks loose.

bluestatehostage 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem is the criminals who've been installed in the House of Representatives, not the Constitution. Assuming The Plan comes to fruition, those criminals will be expelled, or worse, and we can elect true patriots to fill the House. And going forward, we as Americans, need to be vigilant and not allow this to happen again.

bluestatehostage 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Balls on this Guy!

bluestatehostage 25 points ago +25 / -0

As a proud firefighter, I can tell you the rank-and-file love Trump and would gladly do anything he asked of us.

bluestatehostage 29 points ago +30 / -1

Placed into submission?

Things seem to be speeding up.

bluestatehostage 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not this union worker and his co-workers. We have a Trump flag hanging in our workplace and wear Trump 2024 pins. Union leadership is corrupt to the core, but many rank-and-file union members are MAGA.

bluestatehostage 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I've started showing The Greatest Show on Earth to anyone whose interested (my job has plenty of downtime where this is possible) That is one of the best red pills there is.

bluestatehostage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I start all the newbies at work with the side-by-side pictures of Biden. That's a good hook as anyone with half a brain can see it's not the same person.

Then I show them the televised admissions by John Kasich and Meghan McCain that No Name was executed.

And then it's the Bush Sr. funeral.

bluestatehostage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just thinking out loud, as this is something I've been concerned about for awhile.

If the white hats crash the economy to eliminate the fiat system, and don't make the average, honest, citizen whole, much suffering and potential backlash follows. Trump and the White Hats risk losing the support of the masses, which I'd think they prefer to avoid.

Now, think back the Executive Order that seized the assets of all persons involved in human rights abuses. That basically allowed the white hats to seize trillions in cash and assets from all the wealthy criminals worldwide. Take those fiat dollars out of circulation, and just maybe there is enough gold/silver/precious metal to make all law abiding citizens whole on a one-to-one basis.

Again, just thinking out loud. But, I'd love to hear other ideas that avoid potential societal upheaval that would follow people losing their life's savings.

bluestatehostage 28 points ago +28 / -0

Watching it again, I wonder if each envelope was individualized. Hillary spent a couple seconds examining (reading) it's contents; the Bushes on the other hand had immediate reactions, as if it was a picture.

bluestatehostage 3 points ago +3 / -0

My wife and I take IVM twice a week and Fenbendazole three days a week.

bluestatehostage 4 points ago +4 / -0

Serious question, was the "real" Hillary still even with us on election night? I believe she was arrested at the 9/11 ceremony in New York a couple months prior and they were using body doubles for her through the election.

bluestatehostage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most rural parts of Maine are quite conservative, and people are armed to the teeth there. Lewiston is a shit-hole liberal city surrounded by plenty of red. I highly doubt this "shooter" would have been in a free fire zone. If the bowl alley was as crowded as it seems, he would have been met quickly with return fire.

So, I have my doubts.

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