bluestatehostage 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great idea! Watch how fast they self-deport when the money is gone.

bluestatehostage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, you are eligible, however the Windfall Reduction meant that I'd have 2/3 of my social security benefit reduced due receiving a pension.

bluestatehostage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've paid into both in previous employment, and I pay into both now.

bluestatehostage 14 points ago +14 / -0

This doesn't pass the smell test. The Seals may be hunting MS-13 (I hope they are, with extreme prejudice) but they aren't going rogue. They're trained to follow orders, not freelance.

Again, I hope they are seal hunting, but I'm not buying the rogue element angle. At all.

bluestatehostage 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm guilty. Liked.

bluestatehostage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good question. Perhaps this is part of the military is the only way. They are arrested and removed by force.

bluestatehostage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recall someone making the point that the White Hats needed six years of federal elections, a full senate cycle, to trap all the Congress critters in the vote fraud. Thus all, or at least many/most, have benefitted from fraud at some point to get elected therefore they can get removed as they aren't legitimate.

bluestatehostage 13 points ago +13 / -0

My evidence for its efficacy is anecdotal, but certainly encouraging.

I'm 54 and finished a 25-day cycle of the protocol about a month ago. I had a doctor's appointment a few days later and my BP was 115/79. My BP for years ran between 130-140 over 80-90. At one point I was on hypertension meds.

In the gym (Crossfitter) I noticed an improvement in my cardio capacity after the first week to 10 days. I could work out harder for longer and recover faster than prior to the protocol.

I started wearing an apple watch about halfway through the protocol to track my workouts and consistently have sustained heart rates in the 160s-180s with no SOB, chest pain, or light headedness. So again, all anecdotal, but I'm definitely pleased with the results.

bluestatehostage 14 points ago +14 / -0

Agreed. Preparing the normies for elimination of the Federal Income Tax.

bluestatehostage 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think Trump is just prepping the ground for elimination of all income taxes. Start with No Tax on Tips and no tax Social Security, get the normies used to it, and then as they're asking "why do we still have to pay income taxes?" Trump can push elimination of FIT, the Fed, and all the unconstitutional taxes that have been foisted on us and the normies will happily go along.

And just thinking about this further, Trump is also slowly getting tariffs back into the conversation. He mentions tariffs seemingly during every rally, interview, etc. Again, preparing the normies for the economic shift that's coming.

bluestatehostage 29 points ago +29 / -0

It wouldn't surprise me if this was an October surprise and Biden endorses Trump and spills the beans on everyone and everything.

bluestatehostage 6 points ago +6 / -0

My son has, like me, followed Q since the beginning. He's spent the last seven years red pilling as many people as he can. He called me yesterday needing a pep talk, as the chaos was starting to get to him. He's was worried that it's all going to hell and did I still trust the plan.

Of course, I told him. Trump has never lied to us. Why should I doubt Trump now when the plan is finally coming together. Fast.

I reminded him that it's a movie (he agreed) and the chaos is necessary to wake the normies and, like any piece of drama, tension is needed before the satisfying conclusion.

So, not trying to sound preachy here, but it's okay to feel anxiety right now. It's a tumultuous time, but at least we're clued into the plan. Normies need our support now, and especially going forward when all hell really breaks loose.

bluestatehostage 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem is the criminals who've been installed in the House of Representatives, not the Constitution. Assuming The Plan comes to fruition, those criminals will be expelled, or worse, and we can elect true patriots to fill the House. And going forward, we as Americans, need to be vigilant and not allow this to happen again.

bluestatehostage 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Balls on this Guy!

bluestatehostage 25 points ago +25 / -0

As a proud firefighter, I can tell you the rank-and-file love Trump and would gladly do anything he asked of us.

bluestatehostage 29 points ago +30 / -1

Placed into submission?

Things seem to be speeding up.

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