Thanks. This reinforces my caution on Elon.
I want to see this asshole in jail more than Hillary.
Ok, I searched, Elon appears twice, neither look like a warning. What drops are you referring to?
Judging by picture and date this is probably fake.
YYYUUUUUGGE. The left really has the biggest pussies, don't they?
Why would he want to be VP? He could be Sec of State, or Chief of Staff, or any number of jobs with more influence than VP.
Farage sounds great but he is a distraction to blow off right wing steam. He isn't going to do anything or lead anything. Getting excited about him saying something is about like getting excited when one of our R Congressmen write another strongly worded letter. Jim Jordan, etc.
Good. He is more left wing than some of the other rejects.
News about the shooting dried up quick.
As many times as it takes to keep raking in the subscriptions.
In the second video, I see 2 black men, 1 white man, and 14 black women.
Another proof of the Q statement: These people are stupid.
For a SS whistleblower he sure gave a lot of details about himself which will make it easy for management to identify him. Fake?
Some enterprising lawyer needs to file a suit for fraud or misrepresentation or some such. Or class action on behalf of businesses who are de-listed or down-ranked.
The purpose is to fire up the left that Big Court bad. Don't listen to any of those logical arguments, just go vote left.
Whiplash for me. When she went to work for Shapiro, I figured she was just another Paytriot shilling for the Jews. I guess she was merely clueless at the time she joined up for the paycheck. Good for her for waking up. I'll click in to see what she has to say more often.
Her younger pre-plastic surgery pics don't resemble him.
Good example of how the left continues to cancel us.
They are under the direction of AG Garland, so no they aren't being mobilized for good unless Garland is under the WH thumb.
Oh, I forgot about the dog! Kek.
The leftists protestors will be totally confused when they hear this.
Where'd they get this pale ugly gorilla?
Not really a squatter. He stole a condo.
Shapiro, great! The left will divide further as the Palestinian supporters rage against the guy who supports Israel.
They have perpetuated the war between Calvin and Susie on into adulthood when the two should instead be joined together in adulthood.