I agree with what I've read so far, anxious for more...thanks.
Lol, I forgot yahoo even existed.
So, you believe what bill gates is saying while trying to get a laugh and seem superior to a bunch of liberal students?
So ellen was arrested and will be spending some time at Gitmo, thats how I read it.
One one hand, duh, where the fuck you been? On the other....good for you, keep up the good work practicing freedom.
Lets just fix the voter fraud, thus ending the fake liberal control. The plan will work. Keep the faith people.
Not sure why people keep using this satanic freemason putz in their memes.....
Gitmo is where he currently resides.....
Same here, in Sacramento CA. Have never worn one or been asked to wear one. I did have a employee in Lowe's have a melt down pushing for me to wear one, told him to take a flying leap and kept shopping.
That's a man baby!
Et tu Brute? Lol.
If you dive real deep, you will find those who say 9/11 is Jesus Christ's birthday. I wouldn't mind sharing a birthday with Him.
If it helps, I like the way you think. Questioning everything, even the thing I want to believe is the truth has done me very well.
Also, not all shills take the opposition approach. Many act to be of the same mind and opinion only to lead others astray slowly. Some become Mods. Just saying.
This is a great question, I have been asking this for some time now. The blank look on the faces of those asked scares me.
It's mental illness.
Better late than never!
The three statements made in the first sentence are incorrect.
Patience and Faith are hard to find in today's world. Instant gratification is pushed on all levels and many times the results are not as rewarding in my opinion. Thank you for your post.
This is true. Now imagine how crazy it would be to have one as first lady, and then have him inducted into the National Woman's Hall of Fame. Oh wait, what's this?
May seem petty, but starting a sentence with "I mean" during a interview or when writing your thoughts is usually a big red flag for me. If you are making a statement, we know it is what you mean. Usually, anything said after 'I mean" sounds like blah, blah, blah, something, something.
Sad, isn't it? So glad I never joined twitter.
Starbuck belongs to the enemy, Shultz got his money to buy from bill gates father....and they donate to the demon party. Besides, the coffee is shit!