They are not paytriots. That's the FIB antyfees.
And he says nothing about warp speed killing people - why?
Trump 47b4 11 5 24
It is the best place for Trump to get a easy rest otherwise he'd be busy busy busy all day long - hope he doesn't get use to it. Our President needs to go to work not sit around all day long with nothing to do.
Who to blame - who?
It's 2024 - the 20 makes it the 20th century right?
So Johnson is deep state?
MTG is right on this one - shut it down.
Wet wash coverup?
How does she remain on the 5? I have to turn her off every time she starts talking - one would think she would wise up and start being a Trump supporter instead of being a Biden lucky
He will flip the script - he will deweaponize the Bibrems department of injustice and turn it back into the Dept of Justice for the USA - Trump 47b4 11 5 24
The judge needs to drop out.
Didn't I hear Trump say he was going to look into to who lied to him about the warp speed being ok to take - they told him it was safe and effective. Trump is going to find out who dupped him.
More importantly Kerry also knows Bribems is going to lose and he'd be out when Trump takes over.
2020 was stolen - Trump 47b4 11 5 24
The Russians cleaned out all the DOD weapons labs in Ukraine.
Where is link at for the DONALD WIN?
Did Tucker ask Putin about the DOD bio-weapon labs in Ukraine?
Don't tread on us and we mean it. Bribems out now - Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
How about un-endorsing all of your former endorsees - maybe that might get you back in MAGAs good graces but I doubt it - Desanktoes golden goose is cooked.
Not the 1st time this has been said.
Especially her - she's scared 47 is going to put her in jail for being stupid.
Oh he is not just turning into a Republican - he's going MAGA. - Trump 47 b4 11 5 24
Yes, the people had to see it but the country is going to be ripped apart win or lose. Will make no difference - except this time if Trump wins the election a lot of people will be going to jail for rioting and looting.
RFK Jr. challenging Trump would tear apart the warp speed narrative of safe and effective saving millions of lives. That's the only thing Jr. can win on.