Look up SS Exodus. Used to transport displaced Jews to Palestine Mandate territory after WWII. They were essentially illegal immigrants, as far as the British were concerned.
The Zionists called that type of immigration Aliyah Bet, illegal as opposed to Aliyah Aleph, the legal, limited immigration allowed by the British.
The Hagenah had planted explosives and threatened to blow the ship up if it were not allowed to land and allow entry into Haifa. If memory serves, the British military raided the ship to recover the explosives. Then the Haganah enforced a hunger strike on the passengers, who were committed to starvation if not allowed to disembark.
I have a contemporary news article about the story that was in the book 'Exodus' by Leon Uris.
I was expecting Genesis.
Our First Lady looks great in whatever she has on. Hopefully this time around we will get to see more of her.
I've always loved the yellow princess dress worn on the UK visit and the D&G ribbon embroidered flower coat. The though of the fed goons pawing her clothing at M-a-L make me sick.
The bruise is called a 'zabibah' in Arabic; it means raisin. Those who sport one are seen as super devout. It's a forehead callous.
No wonder devout Muslims are running such a sick, criminal outfit. Their religion allows them to do anything to women and especially girls in the beachheads they've established in the civilized world.