colonial113 22 points ago +22 / -0

Look at where Bush's index finger is... familiar?

colonial113 13 points ago +13 / -0

Oh, now that their polling is shit, they want to have Midterms cancelled? How democratic of them.

It's always how their pushes start. With small opinion pieces, to test the waters.

colonial113 2 points ago +2 / -0

plus, the "reformulated" boosters are coming. No trial required.

Election Honkening v2.0 incoming

colonial113 4 points ago +4 / -0

Talking about sex in the workplace: harassment

Talking about sex to kids: empowerment

colonial113 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joke's on you, those phags don't have kids

colonial113 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump getting ahead of the ageism narrative the Dems will bring up soon

colonial113 7 points ago +7 / -0

his hair is bigger than the space for the photo

colonial113 4 points ago +4 / -0

But wait, with muh climate change, the ice caps melting, sea levels rising, huge parts of the Netherlands will be underwater, right?!

colonial113 1 point ago +3 / -2

Is anyone paying attention to this?

It's a narrow decision. Nothing broad. It's alright, but not what people were hoping for.

colonial113 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good thing we can call this out without being labeled as concern trolls, glowies, etc.

Something is not right. There is a disturbance in the force. I am getting different vibes, energy signatures.

I am suspicious and alert.

colonial113 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blackrock is literally everywhere. Was with a prospective client not long ago, some French company, never heard of them before so checked shittypedia and yup sure enough, Blackrock is a shareholder. It was a real red pill moment

colonial113 0 points ago +1 / -1

Roe v Wade was never decided based on morality or choice.

It was decided because of a non existent "Right of Privacy" that does not exist in the Constitution.

This imaginary "right" is a legal stumbling block for a federal Mandatory Vaccines push.

Furthermore, all the talk about how the current SCOTUS abortion case will somehow overturn Roe v Wade is conditioning the public to accept a faulty premise ... the same way the Gay Marriage License case somehow made Gay marriage legal in all the states automatically.

What happened in the gay marriage license case in SCOTUS was more trickery. That court case was about whether or not one state had to recognize a same sex marriage license from another state. Even if the answer is "yes" (according to SCOTUS), this by no means automatically meant that all states must ISSUE same sex marriage licenses .... it only meant that it had to recognize one from out of state.

Yet, somehow ... magically ... that one court case forced all states to ISSUE same sex marriage licenses.

The same type of trickery will be used here. The Mississippi Abortion case will be upheld and will amazingly somehow kill Roe v Wade. The Right Wing Christians will celebrate.

And then ..... one or multiple Vaccine mandate court cases that have been blocked recently will ... in perfect timing ... be heard by SCOTUS ... now without a troublesome "Right to Privacy" precedent.

Now ... there is no My Body My Choice ... now there is no right to your bodily autonomy and privacy ... and SCOTUS will now have the "legal" moral authority to allow Vaccine Mandates on a federal level.


and the fact that NO RIGHT WING PUNDITS are talking about this analysis ..... only shows you how the fix is in.

colonial113 0 points ago +1 / -1

you all got it wrong

it's about the privacy thing RvW set as precedent.

They had to get rid of it so the vaxx mandate cases can be dismissed by SCOTUS in the future

it's a trap

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