Birds of a feather flock together.
And the early voting lines are getting longer.
He was trained in officer safety
He will claim Kenya citizenship.
Wow talk about man hands, just saying.
It is actually a detention \ processing center made to look like a house in a neighborhood, IMO.
He very much at home in the basement
Voat is where my awaking began.
They are accepting subsidies and building shit no one wants, while laying off workers, more bidenomics.
Time to turn this into a drinking game, each charge equals one drink, of your choice.
He has that just sh*t his pants look on his face.
Vegas started taking bets last week on who it would be the owner of the illicit substance.
They are selected, just like politicians, he knew it was a suicide mission, but had no choice, pawns are expendable.
Here's an novel idea, don't move to Florida, it is on It's way to becoming a hell hole.
Real tough guys say no to the money. Wonder how much his soul was worth
Certain things piss me off and liddell paul ryan is one of them.
You never send the good stuff, kind of like the southern border
So many ways to look at it:
- It was a real chyna spy balloon
- Just one more false flag against America
- Shows that the military is complicate in treasonous acts
- Chyna was making a dry run for a more nefarious act, and wanted to see our response. 4a. Chyna looking for a land invasion path of least resistance
- A big distraction from everything else that is going on right now.
- More spying on Americans.
- Trader joe communicating with his bro's
So what has jt ever donated besides hate and discontent?
This was his rebranding, because he was getting hammered at ms, and getting destroyed.
There are no experts, except for conspiracy theorist, or truthers.
The setup for resignation had commenced.
I have a need for speed!