Not yet other than certain anthrax lots had much higher doses similar to MRNA lots which ended up in Red States
It could be the shampoo. There are current lawsuits regarding harmful ingredients (one in particular)
I switched to Moroccan Argan Oil and Shampoo from the J&J brand that supposedly becomes formaldehyde. Big difference so far in terms of thickness and less skin irritation
The Kardashian curves article below this one is a big fat ass
Not just Democrats RINOs too. Miss Lindsay should be in Gitmo
Hey that’s Kevin Kline! Wondered what happened to him
Plus she apparently takes her guidance from CNN! 🤡
Which gender prison? 🤔
I mean good for her (?) but why has her head been in the sand. Better late than never?
That’s a man baby! Paved the way for the pervy Penn swimmer with a schlong who wants to see girls naked in the locker room
Problem is Pfizer blew up the control arm by vaccinating them
Who made you the arbiter of reincarnation? 🤔
Title is misleading he played like 10 minutes in his NBA career
Kind of a goofball from his NBA career but hope he has matured and wins
C’mon guys and gals. Getting silly in here
They didn’t say she was taking it. MSM FU in plain sight
Take another jab Neil. You are playing Russian roulette especially as immuno-compromised
Can’t cut off Miss Lindsay’s Ukraine grift pipeline 🙄
Wary but it is tiresome with the hopium. Replacement sounds like his handler so worse if anything
True except for the pesky tax reporting
Trying to avoid getting suicided by Hilldawg