Uncanny valley effect:
Thanks for the full video. Wow everyone should take a look at that shit. Druuuugs and CGI + extreme plastic surgery & dermal fillers. Its like watching a person close-up who is jacked up on drugs while they mumble-read a newspaper.
Not strange if you know a bit about how these large corporate news outlets operate. Someone simply forgot to remove the "DO NOT PUB" in their rush to be first to publish.
Years ago I had a friend who was an editor for CNN. They have fully pre-made, edited, and polished packages of footage and life details for all people over a certain age who are a certain level of noteriety. They do this so they'll be able to ready to go with the story immediately when they pass.
This is why it was absolute pandemonium in newsrooms when Princess Diana died. No big media outlet was prepared for that, so it was newsroom chaos.
This is the drag queen's video that the men were showing to the librarians
Linked from this page: https://thepostmillennial.com/drag-queen-who-sings-all-the-kids-who-look-up-to-me-can-s-ck-my-d-ck-hosts-story-time-at-sf-area-library
That first video looks like a totally normal seizure, which may, or may not have anything to do with the phone flash. Most people who have epilepsy are not photosensitive. If its a "scam" that lady is a talented actress.
The ladies working in the nail shop are reacting exactly the same way 99% of Americans do when someone has a seizure. None of them know whats happening, or what to do. This is why seizure education is so important for the general public (and school administrations).
Source: My 46 years living with family members who have seizures, along with my lifetime of researching ways to help them.
It was extremely common in decades past for politicians (and celebrities, and regular people who could afford it) to have VERY white, fake looking veneers/caps/crowns put on to make a big, wide, white smile.
It is also extremely common now for those same people to have those big white veneers/caps/crowns removed, and replaced with more modern looking veneers/caps/crowns. That old style of big, ultrawhite teeth is very dated, and now makes people appear older, because that tooth cap style is pegged to the 70s/80s decades.
Anyone who wants to look younger today gets rid of those old style teeth and replaces them with a toned down shade of white.
At Biden's age, they are as likely to be dentures as they are veneers/caps/crowns.
I see. Its a snip from this guy's Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicePasta13
Remember those huge number of unexplained IP addresses that went live right when Trump left office?
Makes me wonder...