drpisser 8 points ago +8 / -0

I thought the hand signals were great but this is better. Still laughing.

drpisser 8 points ago +8 / -0

Josh Allen has not been vaxxed. See Steve Kirsch article.

drpisser 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you. I did not know that Ryan Cohen bought into it heavily. I already own 4000 shares of the stock and I know it is a mining company. I was only asking you why are you recommend the stock.

drpisser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did not know who Tate was until I started reading various posts last night. The usual "He is this," "He did that." This video helps clear the air about what is going on with Tate. Thank you

drpisser 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is more likely the GOP sees him, turns the magnifying glass towards the sun, points the heated beam of light at their own heads and run like cowards. This seems to be their play with election fraud and all other matters! I hate the fucking libtards but the GOP establishment is very pusilanimous (great word).

drpisser 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for this. I recommend everyone to read the article and then watch the video.

drpisser 5 points ago +5 / -0

My Lord and Savior ,Jesus Christ, may name a room in hell for Nancy Pelosi where all the Democrats can all get toasted together!

drpisser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like your idea that the judicial system is messed up. I am trying to figure out your last lines. The Supreme Court overturned Roe And the leaker was never found or prosecuted. Who was blackmailed? Who must give something in return? Thank you

drpisser 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gotta love the Bee. Just laughing my ass off at their humor. Thanks!

drpisser 2 points ago +2 / -0

This should be stickied. It is Q. It is the Qanons. It is our battle. It is who we must ultimately put all of our trust, Jesus Christ. Thank you

drpisser 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been anti-VAX for at least 20 years. After telling a patient that I was anti-VAX years ago, she said I must’ve read Dr. Marys monkey. I told her I had not read it but I ordered it, read it, and recommended it to many many people. After reading that book, I do not know how anybody could take another VAX.

drpisser 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am very fortunate and all of my co-workers have been with me at least 25 years. We had to shut down hygiene when Michigan dictated it but everything has been fine since. I don’t know if other dentists are struggling to find workers as I don’t hang around many dentists. My one hygienist is woke and been vaccinated and boosted and she had a return of a cancer from 25 years ago. Related to the VAX?Who knows. I was trying to find the percentage of dentists vaccinated in Michigan earlier today I like could not find the number. I can remember reading something earlier where 90% of the dentist were vaccinated. Sad!

drpisser 10 points ago +10 / -0

Truly sad. I had a patient that I had to do some crowns on as he had some major tooth decay on some teeth. The decay was way below the gumline and there was bleeding. His blood was unlike anything I had ever seen. Thick, dark and hard to control the bleeding around the teeth. Got my work done but questioned, "Why was his blood like that?" Two months later, he was hospitalized and died. At his funeral, I asked his wife if he was vaxxed. We all know the answer, he was. A healthy 70 year old man was killed by big pharma, the media and the cowardly medical establishment.

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