Incorrect on some of your statements. You don't have to pay anything out of your paycheck however you do not get those services and don't go begging for help later when you are in trouble. You don't get to play ball at your convenance, either play their game or not, until you know how to operate in both worlds properly. Don't go to a Chevrolet dealer saying Ford does it this way, learn both ways until then stick with one and don't complain either way it's your choice. If someone comes to take something you own that is theft and should be treated as such. No one should fear thieves.
EDIT: this only applies if you are not employed by the public/federal or do business with them.
Fill out your W-4 correctly, nothing will be taken out. Social security is a participation program, if you want it pay into it, read all the fine print. However, if you choose this route do not go begging for welfare, unemployment bs. You keep what is yours and they keep what is theirs, no handouts in this relm. It is not hard, but it isn't easy either. You have to learn to navigate things differently for a while before it become second nature.
EDIT: this only applies if you are not employed by the public/federal or do business with them.
I was just looking at the photo in the article and behind her is a vase. Someone posted a photo a few days ago that had the same vase with a gold bird sitting in front of it. Looked almost like the bird pendant the singer wore at pResidents inaguration. Thought it was interesting.
Now this is what makes a great movie. A setting pResident and his party giving out crackpipes, I couldn't stop laughing last night. Seems like something you could only imagine happening in a movie or LARP, they are under the boot of someone that is making fools of them on purpose. If the normies can't see this, I'd say they are lawfully blind and should be paired with a helper dog, so they don't get ran over.
I looked at older photos, unless he's been eating rebar to lose weight, those teeth are messed up. They look fake to me. Above the eyes don't look right. This is good stuff is all I can say. Makes you wonder sometimes, if your being played like a fiddle or strummed like a banjo.
Would someone be willing to make a post and sticky it with the true Truth Social app icon on GAW so people can see what app to get. Just for reference and possibly new lurkers. This is not in my relm. Thank you to whomever does this.