fervordanbek 4 points ago +4 / -0

Mark Dice did Brian Stelter better than Brian Stelter ever did.

fervordanbek 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not surprised. Take the 131 business exit into the north side of town and for 5 minutes you'd swear you are driving through detroit. Pray you don't get caught at a red light after dark. Almost every day on the news there's someone shot on that side of town.

fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had the early preview even before the governor-ordered nursing home deaths hit their stride. Thanks for sharing, Seoul. Shit spread so fast it darn near shut the compny down. Kicked my butt, pneumonia and the deal, but I knew if I went to the hospital they would just kill me with the treatment. With vitamins and the most important thing, staying moving to force the lungs to work again, I got better.

Then the state locked us down for some new virus (wtf? We already all were super sick and got thru it). Next year the boss said "we hope you do the right thing and comply on the mandatory vax or you're fired" (wtf? We're naturally immune and I only know people that died from the shot, not the disease). It was glorious when the deadline came up and they had to choose between staying in business or firing virtually everyone.

fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there is an engine oil shortage, sooo......

by gamepwn
fervordanbek 2 points ago +2 / -0

Over half of Oklahoma belongs to the natives now thanks to the supreme court. Wonder how that would work

fervordanbek 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then Walter Pidgeon fires an atomic missile at it

fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

Usually deplatforming means getting booted from services like when Alex Jones had some 30 or so companies kick him off within 48 hours.

Much of twitter traffic is through the mobile apps, which are only installable through the apple store on iPhone or google play on Android. Block the apps, or even remote delete as Apple can do, and lots of traffic goes straight to zero. Only on Android if you know how to find and install from apk can you get around it.

There can also be a browser level attack like Firefox is doing with jimstoneindia right now. Fake tls certificate warnings, blocking image and multimedia loading onto the page, and so forth. Open the same site from another browser from the same ip and it works correctly.

fervordanbek 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not in the way you're thinking. Cascadia subduction zone.

The Juan de Fuca plate is subducting under the North American plate. They lock together, the North American plate squishes back and lifts up a little bit, and every few hundred years the whole fault from northern cali to Vancouver (or sometimes maybe half of it) lets loose in what would be anywhere from a magnitude 8.5 to 9.5+. The coastline drops about 6 feet as the continental crust springs out 150 feet or more at the fault line as the ground is violently shaken for 5-8 minutes, and then all that displaced water pushes a tsunami in. It's the same kind of fault that caused the Japan tsunami in 2011 only it's a lot bigger and seems to get more stuck (stays quiet) between rips.

The last one was January 1700 where records in Japan show a lot of people died from the tsunami as it reached there. Dead trees in Oregon upland from the coast dated to that time when the land fell and plunged the forests into salt water. I highly recommend Nick Zentner lectures on the subject. He presents it well.

If the west coast got a full rip now, that would be very very bad

fervordanbek 7 points ago +7 / -0

Plausible. China's had the monopoly on ASIC miners for years with companies like bitmain. They have to have a large cache of multiple cryptocurrencies.

fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a lot of us in the same boat, fren. You're not alone and there's a certain level of reassurance in that. I'm several years into a difficult apprenticeship and they're probably going to nuke that into oblivion next week.

The thing that helps the most is not looking at the path ahead but stopping to look at the path behind. Look at the men and women of our nation's history and those we admire for what they've done. How much they endured and lost for freedom. How it was truly worth the cost.

Compared to what has been asked of me, I have not yet begun to sacrifice. We can endure this and we sure as hell are not giving up.

fervordanbek 3 points ago +3 / -0

Speakers themselves can have 'notches' just like hearing loss. That's why large speakers often have woofers, midrange, and tweeters so when the sound goes out of the range of one then another will take it up. Laptop speakers have awful response.

Another example is my old Logitech computer 2.1 speakers. I always thought they sounded good. One day I found a frequency test and I couldn't hardly believe that between 200-400 hz and again at just over 1000 there is zero ability to play the sound. The things you don't know you're missing

Windows does have application-specific volume. When the browser video is playing, right click the volume button in the taskbar and click volume mixer. The application will only show in the mixer when it is making sound so the video has to be playing when it's adjusted.

by Quelle
fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

So the dumbass in chief doesn't even know what a denominator is. This just keeps getting worsely better.

fervordanbek 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consumers Energy in Whitmerland is trying to catch up to California. The "base" rate isn't bad, but after they add all the list of gibmedats (including a per kWh fee to pay for other people heating with electricity... in the summer...) it comes up just barely under 20 cents per kWh.

But wait, there's more. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, from 9am to 7pm there's an automatic 50% rate increase on every weekday. So almost 30 cents.

by BQnita
fervordanbek 2 points ago +2 / -0

First 4chan troll proposition: tell libs to put the gps tracker on a model train and let it run all day to build up frequent driver tax breaks.

My v8 already gives Al Gore 11 fingers per gallon, now they want more... of course.