fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brilliant! and delighted to copypasta as needed on X!

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

horrible. And true

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any Representative who turns off comments should be retweeted with a comment about no comments—and an appropriate response to the original post.

fponick 2 points ago +2 / -0


Ok. Thx. Also end-of-quarter options expiration. Confluences constantly merging. Let’s see what happens …

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great response to “Conspiracy Theory!” — when it’s used to stop thought and change the subject!

Use a version of what you said:

“My reply, instead of always saying 'conspiracy theory' with such derision, why can't you admit, 'something for sure happened, don't know what'?”

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I did notice a reduction in riot funding. And I know about the financial markets. I’ve been married for five decades to a former stock broker who has spent the years since 2008 supporting us with investments, so I hear about the markets five days a week at breakfast and dinner.

But I still think the wealth-beyond-avarice crowd is selling their bric-a-brac first. Why? I’m looking at their situation from a middle-class perspective. If I needed some cash to cover a shortfall, I would run a yard sale or sell stuff on ebay before I would pawn my rings or sell my guns. Bankruptcy is a long way away even if I had to sell my house or cash in bonds. I need to hear about serious asset divestment before I can be convinced that the Rothschild types have been reduced to genteel poverty—or worse.

The Soros cutbacks were sort of convincing to me, but investor hubby pointed out that improved IT could mean staff layoffs with no loss of capital and possibly even an increase; reducing staff may be an indicator of loss, but believe nothing until more evidence comes out, perhaps in reduced financials or lack of expansion or somesuch.

On the other hand, It was fun hearing about the 650 planeloads of gold that Trump took out of the Vatican. And the pope has ramped up his demands for money from American Catholics. A lot. Along with his criticism, of course.

I always follow the money—ever since I was a newlywed in Washington, DC—when Watergate broke out.

So I know what naked short selling is. What is corruption upholstery?

fponick 1 point ago +2 / -1

They’re not broke; they’ve just got too much clutter lying around.

May look like a fortune to us, but for them it’s a yard sale.

fponick 5 points ago +5 / -0


If I type 293476669283001 into Google search (not Google books), I get this:


Note that this link includes more from drop 2337 than just the 2934 string:

TERM_3720x380- 293476669283001

Here’s the same book at google.com books:


Why does it show up in .au instead of .com? I don’t know.

Some of what we’re given is kabuki. Some is not. Our job, I believe, is to discern the difference.

fponick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why? Simple.

Cash flow in climate change drying up. Gotta find a different way to grift.

With Billy Boy, it’s always about the money.

fponick 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you decide to confront the school, you need to decide who to confront, what level, and exactly what you want them to do about it. Also consider what you will do if/when they blow you off. The more parents on your side, the better.

This sounds like your first journey into that particular wilderness. Go in thick-skinned and well-armed. Godspeed and Good Luck!

fponick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Assuming there’s a vote—not a decree, or a mandate, or a regulation by one or more powerful unelected bureaucrats. Sorta like with the vaxx, on which nobody voted. At least having a vote makes public opinion public, even if the government tries to overrule the outcome.

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