This will happen.
I play a local radio station in the morning as I'm getting ready for work \ feed the pups, etc. When you first open the site, there's an ad that plays. The morning after we buried my father, I fired up the site, the ad ended and , no shit, the song that started was my dad's top favourite song " Peaceful Easy Feeling" by the Eagles. It was a moment that I'm not sure I can even put into words.
Boobery, he will absolutely let you know he is ok. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss, please accept my sincere condolences.
I'm convinced more and more, everyday, that there will, in fact, not be an election.
Quick question, the border. So... this just continues until the election, Trump wins - then what? You guys have enough gov't forces ( army, NG, cops et all ) to round up and then to deport all these illegals?
Is anyone thinking this is being done specifically for when they announce Trump does win? That announcement is made and boom 4 million illegal immigrants immediately become a super cell.
Just throwing shit out there
Ummm yea.. It's a no from me, dog.
They didn't fucking get swept up in anything ; they were in on it. Somehow forget about all those dancing doctors and nurses when the "hospitals were over run with dying convid patients".
Go watch just one and note :
- how long would it take for someone to first, create the dance to whatever song,
- then teach and co ordinate with how many others
- how many times would they have a 'rehearsal', and did they do those at work or at someone's home during off time
No way any of that was 'swept up' in anything but being complicit.
right... why do you think all the CEO's and half of the American politicians have dual citizenship with Israel. All the top execs at Pfizer and the CDC have dual citizenship with Israel. Maybe now people will clue in to what "save Israel for last" means.
When the Epstein stuff really drops by the MSM, just watch them all scurry to safety.
this was circulated at the start of covid btw. I've seen a few posts on instagram about the sovereign debt thing
the stopped counting before most of Alberta and BC had even voted
Just wait until you find out where all the meat in fast food comes from
Ummm.... so Princess Leia is nobody I guess. What about Rey? And the best Star Wars movie they made in years : Rogue One - what about her? Have these idiots even watched any of the Star Wars films?
I've been saying it for awhile now, and I'm almost willing to put money on it. The starring witness for the white hats when the tribunals start is Mr, Epstein himself.
Done with politics, Ron? Certainly looks like it from this view
I don't like being a sore winner, but the empathy that would have been there is gone ; you get what you ask for in life. Most will still be way too proud to either admit they should have thought things out a little better, or ask for help / advice.
- you can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves
- you can only show someone the door
I've learned and have seen both of these in action in life ; almost as constant as gravity. You can only control your own actions. But, being outside of authentic to yourself will result in some bad karma coming back your way. We shouldn't need to be assholes just because we were right - the whole time.
In the beginning, we were actually trying to help these people. Stay true to yourself, that mindset of who you are. It's all we can do now.
sorry for the long answer :D
Everyone I know who took the shots, A: got covid and B are constantly battling something thereafter.
got to the WHMIS website and look up masks. Every type of mask available and their effectiveness / uses are all there.
Welcome to Canada lol. 2 litres of milk is $5 plus tax
Let's be honest though our military ( Canada ) is basically a couple of canoes and some slingshots lol.
Canadian here who worked in a grocery store and a family owned produce shop that was 90% locally sourced. Two points : First, ( as commented below ) strawberry season is over not long after summer ends in Canada. Second, organic is always more expensive. No real strangeness here to be honest.
I do believe we will be their first targets - because we have ( have had ) all the answers. They aren't going to get those answers from their doctors or the government. I also believe this will be a brief period though as full disclosure has to come from MSM, and these people will realize that we were actually trying to help them.
You might not like what I have to say, however I was in a similar relationship ( 25+ years ).
You have to love yourself first and foremost.
You can not help anyone that isn't helping themselves. Blaming past traumas for current behaviour is gaslighting and nothing but : sorry to tell you. It's a way to not take accountability for one's actions. Everybody knows what they are doing.
I guarantee you - if you're being honest with yourself - this is repeated behaviour.
She only had regret after you found out. You have no way to prove ( and neither does she ) that she felt anything until you found out.
She had no intentions to talk to you, at all, once she got pregnant and then made those decisions after that. She did not think about you, or your feelings, or what you previously talked about. This all didn't happen in one day either ; don't forget that.
She thought of herself first, and only. She needs help to get over her trauma or this way of being will continue.
People show you who they are : believe them. And I'll say it again ; everybody knows what they are doing
Just google "Obama meets Parker family Sandy Hook" and select images.
All you need to know
I said this on another post ; I'll say it again. Be very prepared for the shit, folks.
Mr. Gates made it very clear the next one would affect the kids. The DS knows they are on their last legs so.. if they can't have the kids, then no one can.
Funny because Gates stated that the next one would affect and target the kids.
They know they are going down so, in regular piece of shit fashion, they're taking everyone with them ; "everyone" being the kids. If the DS can't have the kids for their twisted agendas, then nobody can have them.
Sounds like a Hail Mary to me.
It's the slow drip to wake the normies up without shocking them too much all at once.
I own 4, I know all about it.
Reality is, the first dog is like " Hey! Hey! I'm outside! Anyone else outside?" And the rest are just chiming in :D :D
Tunnels are for hiding or smuggling something, pretty simple. Guess what I'm putting my money on what they are doing with those tunnels