fuckdemswithcactus 5 points ago +5 / -0

TL;DR: Pascal Najadi emerged in late 2023, claiming to be the son of a WEF co-founder and a former Swiss Air Force commander turned investment banker. He's been making significant pronouncements and disclosures, often linking to articles featuring himself on platforms like Truth Social and Rumble. However, investigations into these articles reveal dubious origins and associations with entities like Mavilach Group and Swagger Deevs, suggesting they may have been paid for. Despite being promoted by Najadi and some alt-media influencers, questions remain about the legitimacy of his claims and the sources he uses.

fuckdemswithcactus 3 points ago +3 / -0

this has been posited on this board before. obviously it has legs because more pedes, like yourself, are starting to consider this. It is very interesting

fuckdemswithcactus 3 points ago +3 / -0

rumor is he is the lesbian eating herself out on the cover art of a t00l album

fuckdemswithcactus 9 points ago +9 / -0

same thought. She and they have to be a poison pill the white hats are forcing into the conversation. There are still so many "conservatives" that do not realize this is 5th gen life or death

fuckdemswithcactus 2 points ago +2 / -0

even if there were no demonic or luciferian intent they should all be castrated for the bad taste. The Weimar Republic is to be blamed for the latest iteration of this debauchery

fuckdemswithcactus 2 points ago +2 / -0

im not certain fanni has two brain cells to game this out. she is handled and they are all stupid and biding time until someone higher up loses their nerve and goes kinetic

fuckdemswithcactus 1 point ago +1 / -0

older than piglosis snatch, agreed

fuckdemswithcactus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The law doesn't account for a "more attractive return" to your country of origin. If you're here illegally gtfo and come back legally. #theendingwontbeforeveryone

fuckdemswithcactus 1 point ago +1 / -0

this womyn invented the term virtue signaling. My God her constant race baiting to maintain her self perceived importance and relevance is suffocating... boil down her entire narrative to the following #whitepeopleareevil. There is no such thing as white people and black people. There are light skinned Europeans and Moors

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