ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

American self-sufficiency. Stop trusting China and stop relying on their production of goods.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because they are overpopulated. They need to both a) cull their own herd and b) destroy America and take over its land and resources. They pledged 'death by a thousand cuts' to America, this is just one of those.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

As long as he sits in a political office that he is incapable of serving and that he stole from the American public, he deserves worse than whatever he gets. He is doing unrepentant evil to millions of human beings every day just remaining in office, and failing to report the crimes that put him there. You're compassionately pitying a rapist who's still in the midst of raping; ease off the soy.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

There can be a checkbox that pops up and asks them, though. We have the technology.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's baseless. A lack of care and awareness for themselves does not directly translate to them being uncaring and unaware. Some large people genuinely and actively, consciously or subconsciously, prioritize other people and issues above themselves.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

auto (my own) gyne (vagina) philia (craving) it's probably the worst kind of gynephilia

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Romney needed to cheat Ron Paul. RNC made sure Obama never had to.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can go to some communist country. ALL of this country is ours. We didn't lose our brave grandfathers and forefathers for PART of it. They get NOTHING. They can vacate or be torn to pieces!

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

This entire thing is self defense. They are trying to murder you RIGHT NOW, except they want it to look like an accident so they're not held liable. How do people still not grasp this?

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did it misplace it's adverbs before the surgery as well, or is this a symptom that the adverb isn't quite accurate?

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, the animals that survive will be premium commodities available only to the elite and will fetch the kind of prices you can get from those who are above 'money'.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

Since he is CIA; rose to the top of it, in fact. He seems to have done some good things, but he is cunning and can keep up a lie for decades; he's not to be trusted.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Popcorn Lung controversy was from a butter flavoring that was absolutely delicious in nearly every flavor mix - kind of like how butter is in cooking. Industrial popcorn workers got popcorn lung from lifetime exposure at the factory a while back and it was awful; so out of a MASSIVE abundance of caution, the e-liquid community decided to abandon its use voluntarily. Nobody ever got popcorn lung from vaping.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who cares how they smoke cigarettes? Smoking kills. But when they vape, it is liquid that is vaporized into vapor, a vapor whose ingredients do not chemically interact and whose ingredients have been well-tested individually for almost a century.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, each of the ingredients in their liquid and vapor phase have been studied for a century and found harmless (except the minor nicotine concerns I mentioned). Vaping was designed to be safe, and so was built around safe ingredients. To be clear, I'm talking about regular vaping (nicotine e-liquid) - I can't speak to vaping weed or other random crap people have been experimenting with.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

The states insist that the feds support smoking, not vaping, because of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement of 1998: you can sell cigarettes in this state but it will kill our citizens so you must pay us millions every year; in return, we will ensure that none of them can sue you. The states have already borrowed against this income for years to come and cannot afford diminishing payouts.

ghostsage 12 points ago +12 / -0

Those reports are propaganda. They ARE harmless and the long term effects have been studied for nearly a century. People say 'not enough study on the long term effects' because they are uninformed. To clarify, there are three ingredients: nicotine is about as harmful as caffeine and well-tested, vegetable glycerine is known to be harmless (beneficial, actually - they pump its vapor into the lungs of sick newborns) also well-tested, and the last ingredient is the same flavors you inhale when you smell dessert baking. Inhaling these things is not new, all that is new is the portability (because of lithium battery technology). Nobody should take up vaping with nicotine from scratch, but all smokers should transition to it. (Nicotine harms adults about as much as caffeine, but is notably harmful to developing brains; so no kids or pregnant women should touch it. What harms grown smokers has never been the nicotine, even Nicoderm knows that.)

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's just fine if maskers are questioning and noticing things, too.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the whole point of programming the mRNA is so that the effects don't revert to normal. You're genetically rewritten so that generating spike proteins is your normal. That's the intent anyway, but then again, life.... uh.... finds a way.

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