ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh no, no, no. He doesn't admit regretting the jab here, nor even the booster. He related a negative experience but did not express regret; not in the quote shown, anyway. He will choose his words carefully and you can only ascribe to him what is included in the words he uses. He said the first jab was fine and the booster sucked, but he could also claim that they were totally worth it without ever contradicting himself.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

They want to be the opposite gender... but they can't... because they can't... so they cross-dress.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

'State Departments' don't make money, and don't have money. YOU were (and are) funding online fact-checkers to censor speech.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

They need to go physically demand their own country be reformed, not run to another country where someone else already did the physically demanding part.

ghostsage 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sweet, beautiful capitalism. When one business fails its clientele for any reason, another, better business takes its place. All we've ever needed was much more of this, and much less of government meddling in this process.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

That lawsuit - the lost revenue compensation would be stolen from taxpayers, not tyrants. The government makes no money and has no money.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Censorship by Big Tech obstructed both voter information and subsequent citizen outrage, either of which may have corrected the rig; Big Tech funded much of the fraud, and provided data to bolster those fraudulent ballots.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

35 whole participants. Okay. Evaluated by PCR test. Uhhh. Being COVID-vaxxed is not exclusionary to the trial. Yeah, no, this is a nothingburger. They're going to study about 2 people who haven't had clot shots and then test them with PCRs to demonstrate whatever they are getting paid to prove.

ghostsage 7 points ago +8 / -1

It is my understanding that things done under duress are inherently invalid in the eyes of the law. I see a lot of you calling him a coward, and he certainly could have taken a harder stand - but if this declaration is true and means something legally, this might have been noble - yet prudent - for him to do. J6 people are still rotting in jail to this day.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, get some guys who have already impotently and catastrophically failed at doing the exact thing you want done.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

The tranny suicide rate is something like 42% whether they get surgery or not. It matters little what these doctors do to these temporary people, it is parents and psychologists who are doing the real malpractice.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

the climate did it

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

Freedom. Trump is on TS, lots of patriots are invested in that and we should support the true platform. Elon can do whatever on a whim, and can undo this at a crucial moment; but for now, an injustice is righted and that's a good thing.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Spacey is a great actor, sure, but after the first year of him promising not to rape you again and then raping you again every time you hang out, you should probably consider that he might be lying and trying to rape you again. By year two, the point should really be sinking in, so to speak. If you go three years, I think you might just be considered his fleshlight.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are determinative. 6 (populous, Democrat-run) urban counties flipped the entire 2020 election. Fix those 6 counties, and you have cheating that no longer affects the outcome - and any cheating is observed, documented, prosecuted. This happens at the county level, with support from the SoS.

ghostsage 6 points ago +6 / -0

Maricopa is where the cheat is (they have the population to cover the fake votes). Votes are generated there (as one of the 6 urban, battleground counties (plus California) that participated in the 2020 steal) and those fake votes have to overwhelm the true votes coming from the non-theft counties. They wait for the state results, and then stall while they generate a 1-2% victory using fake votes. Real elections are almost never that close. When non-theft counties don't report, Maricopa lacks the data to calculate how many votes they need to generate, how far to push it. Without the final legit numbers, and with everyone watching, Maricopa has to post the numbers they're going with; then the non-theft counties (which will count legitimately) can deliver the genuine R votes to surpass the cheat. And then, Lake and her people come in and investigate all of it, fix AZ, hang traitors, and trace the cheating mechanisms back to the other cheaters across the country as well. Until Lake says we're screwed, this is the plan and we can wait quite happily for it to come to fruition in its due time.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

There must be evidence for them to a) bust in and b) arrest anyone. Because there is a chance that non-Maricopa counties are waiting for the Maricopa cheat to finalize before unleashing the thundering and overwhelming voice (votes) of the people, and thereby the fury of the Kari Lake political machine, we can be patient.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Investors that are investors for longer than a day realize that nothing is free.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

Candace has come through with lots of brilliant conservative commentary and crucial red pills for a wide audience. Losing her as an ally would be tragic if it has to happen.

ghostsage 8 points ago +8 / -0

They can revisit and overturn PA if the right evidence gets to the right people, but in particular, Marc Elias went up there the day before election for the Fetterman campaign and got a judge to accept all mis-dated mail-in ballots (which the PA supreme court said was illegal less than a month ago). Reaffirming the higher court's ruling could reverse the entire state instantly.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It isn't a worthwhile tradeoff. They know what they're doing much more than you think. They will gather all of your data (not just searches) and use A.I. to analyze, predict, and then control, your behavior without your knowledge by recognizing patterns you don't consciously realize you have; and exploiting them for the benefit of their real customers (which are not their users).

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about: They could, but Kari Lake has big, red counties holding their results until after the Maricopa cheatbox runs out of guesses on how many votes they actually needed to generate.

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