ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is big cities that are complex enough to support the cheat. There are only a few cities where the citizenry is actually D, but the larger numbers provide believable cover for literally countless fake votes. The sheer numbers also makes it absolute murder to investigate instances of fraud.

ghostsage 0 points ago +1 / -1

Detroit? Dearborn? Michigan is lost for now. We'll have to circle back to you guys after we stabilize the nation; in the meanwhile, you're Canada.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

To answer your questions: We cannot do the same because (even if we decided to behave like them), they have infiltrated the bureaucracy (the justice system, schools, election processing, etc.). Soros didn't buy all the DAs and judges for nothing; the law does not prevail right now. The system has been bought. WE don't buy the system back, put it into the hands of our party or any other; no, we have to cleanse the system and make it buy-proof. That's what we do.

ghostsage 4 points ago +4 / -0

Diesel: the fuel for a diesel engine; the engine designed by Mr. Diesel to run on just about any oil-based substance, including cheap, plentiful, and sustainable ones. This guy single-handedly and permanently solved this problem for humanity some century ago - how did y'all mess it up this bad?

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

You just need Corbin Dallas' love. Humans aren't done yet, we evolve and improve. On the timeline of the history of life, we're in our infancy; and all infants are psychopaths.

ghostsage 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love this. This is great when they post things like that; it's a back-handed red pill for anyone who eventually entertains a rational thought.

by BQnita
ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, except wtf are you talking about? This case, the Alex Jones case, is the MEDIA being sued for "LYING". Whatever you're talking about is old precedent, now, people can be sued to kingdom come for lying (or for not following the narrative, if you prefer). This is how it is, so WE CAN sue the MSM for damages in the dozens of trillions for Russiagate and the hundreds of trillions for COVID.

by BQnita
ghostsage 8 points ago +8 / -0

Alex Jones didn't perpetrate a hoax, he reported on one. Thus, it is not the government we sue, but the media; according to this precedent, MSM should be held culpable until they are all eternally bankrupt. And then do another round for COVID.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paypal handles money, it (mostly) isn't a credit service. When you buy something, it is immediately funded by your credit card or your bank account.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Google maintains and sells the information they have. They provide Paypal (or anyone) both phone numbers, along with your information, the information of your Contacts, and the content of those calls. If your phone is Android, they also collect and sell all of your app data, electronic purchases, location and travel information; and it is referenced to all of your other data (and analyzed by AI for future initiatives). This is what those User Agreements, that people don't read, say.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're there to rob the place because its easier to take than to earn, and the law says you're not welcome to do so. You know you're being waved in illegally, so yeah, you're trespassing. You turn around, go home, and start earning; everyone who isn't a thief has to understand this concept.

ghostsage 8 points ago +8 / -0

The "good" trespassing criminals are needed in their own shithole countries of origin; they can work hard and be skilled there.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0


ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't stop with incompetence, either; they both killed their previous wives using a suspicious 'car accident'.

ghostsage 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don't care. BOA is "too big to fail", so these minorities will default and then taxpayers will pay off their mortgages like we did last time.

ghostsage 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally, the data I provide them is irrelevant by design and therefore useless, I use cash frequently. I take your point that most haven't been protective of their spending data; but I would also caution that for those two decades, there hasn't been the capability for the data gathering, data collation, and AI analysis that is currently being weaponized against us. They are absolutely ready to do all of this now. And no, you cannot identify the manipulation they propose to employ; it will all be based (and customized for you) on the subconscious workings of your mind that they have extrapolated from your data - complex patterns and responses you never knew you were making. (ie: you hear a certain song on Tuesday afternoon and are 65% more likely to buy ice cream on that Friday. If your Thursday night show includes a certain unrelated keyphrase, you are 72% more likely to buy the ice cream from Store B instead of Store A.)

ghostsage 1 point ago +2 / -1

You say 'like digital tracking' kind of off-hand. Digital tracking fed into AI will quickly be able to read your mind, discover patterns you didn't even realize you had, and then manipulate your environment to control your decisions. It will do all of this without you even noticing. Big tech and big finance have big plans; we need to thwart every advance they make or we'll all descend further into slavery.

by PepeSee
ghostsage 19 points ago +20 / -1

Gay is a damage, like being fat or alcoholic. It is a more desperate branch of promiscuity where people can generate commonality by being a member of a very welcoming 'community'. It should be recognized for what it is, and gays should be encouraged to find repair with regularity but not hate. The quiet, omnipresent societal pressure not to be gay was quite effective at limiting the number of people who capitulated to the damage for a long time. We need it back. Gays are broken, suffering people living on denial and the desperate drug of intimacy when most of them could truly be happy and whole.

ghostsage 2 points ago +2 / -0

If email is sent to gmail (even to be forwarded), Google is going to read it, parse it, and keep it. You need to go around to each place that sends things to your gmail and update your info to your protonmail. There's also a service called anonaddy that will give you a custom email address (or a few) that you can provide to people or businesses that will privately forward your mail to whatever inbox(es) you set up. That way, nobody knows you're on protonmail and if you decide to change to another email provider later, you change one anonaddy setting instead of updating the address with every entity who emails you. They'll use the same email address, but it'll go wherever you set it up to go.

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