Love it, dude got the ass whooping he so desperately needed.
I thought they were only allowed to incite and entrap on home soil, dafuk??
Dank insight, thanks!
Trades fag here. Y'all apparently have no idea how potentially dirty sounding a lot of trades terminology is. Especially a trade involving round long objects like pipe fitting...
The Bernie sticker does it for me. Anyone with eyes open saw bernie get screwed by both super delegates and some statistically impossible primary vote counts (sound familiar?) Not proud, but I too was once a misguided fan of bread line bernard. However, after seeing him get schlonged in the primary and instead of fighting he rolls over and gives all the money he grifted to the DNC and hillary I realized the game was 100% rigged. Discussion of this was banned on reddit shortly after, along with any coverage of the pulse night club shooting. Funny enough it was exactly this that pushed me back to /pol and to The_Donald, the attempted censorship came back like a boomerang.
If it was some giant conspiracy why would "they" make the "chemtrail" visible? Makes no sense.
Condensation, learn about it.
Is someone cutting onions in here?
Thank OP.... and Dan.
Merry Christmas Y'all!
Are you all fucking retarded?! It's called condensation, Hot exhaust from a jet engine vs colder air temp as altitude increases.
This is the most retarded thing I've seen posted here for a while and Y'all are taking this seriously.
Use discernment.
Thanks OP, never heard of this story.
A kinetic civil war is a victory condition for the Cabal.
100% Moves in this direction play into the enemies hand. If anyone has doubt look at how much is being made of what was an actual nothingburger, Jan 06.
If every pede out there showed one other person the way it would be done.
That's the most clever headline i've seen.... ever? From the BabylonBee!
C Handler
Child Handler.
Isn't she the person who threatened 50 cent over his vax comments?
Reddit is controlled by corporate overlords, Tencent, literal communist bandits.
Joe has no script. Much respect for him going to court every day to bring us back the facts.
Robert Gruler has some good coverage as well.
His wife who larps as a mexican sure remembered how to English quick. Lady grew up in maine and pretends to not know the word cucumber.
By my calculations the Evergiven would have burned about $17,200 in bunker fuel to draw said dickbutt. Looking at what happened in the Suez Canal directly after our tankers life drawing session I would guess the dickbutt was a test or demonstration of a GPS hack.
fuel $525 / ton
start 01.12.23 utc
end 04.42.20 utc
648 km/ day
225 tons/ day
9.375 tons / hr
32.81 tons / dickbutt
17,226$! lol
If hunters laptop has evidence of major crimes by powerful players It would go a long way to explaining why the federal bureau of matters pretended it didn't exist.... just like when they got their hands on wieners laptop.
AJ is a retarded limited hangout shill. Always has been, since he was shilling prepper supplies before he claimed missiles where in the air on NY eve 1999.
AJ makes anyone with an opinion other than the approved narrative look like an idiot by proxy.
Pretty sure this is his intended use. Don't fall for the stupid trap.
In west coast Canada they've tried vax pass for restaurants but everyone hates it. Saw one owner try to play ball and put out the signs saying vax pass only and after a week of being virtually empty the signs disappeared and the restaurants was full again.
Restaurants have notoriously thin profit margins, any still left after 2 years of lockdown are on life support. I can't honestly blame any small business owner for doing anything they think will help save their life's work, despite how misguided I think they steps they've taken may be.
Easy, people can't die twice.
What a greasy method of "enforcement".
Business must either enforce a vax pass on it's customers with it's own resources and repercussions, or have it's seating capacity (ability to make money!) cut in half based on fire code max capacity.
The Bush and Bill paintings from Jeffs NY appt look a bit like trophies. Like the ones a fisherman would take on the dock, holding up the giant fish they just caught. Show everyone who comes through the appt who you have in your pocket.
Hope the prosecution gets justice.
Civilization without Christianity? See Caligula.
Sounds like an actual hero, can this man be canonized instead of another baddie?
Sooo I can now see if barry soetoro gave out a bunch of pardons and then sealed them right before leaving office?
Sounds like an interesting day, especially with all the other news.