gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

rm -rf wouldn't work in this case as they didn't specify a target.

gurumedit 6 points ago +6 / -0

Look. If Trump wants to be serious, he doesn't want or need to take all of Canada.

All he needs to do is approach Alberta and Saskatchewan and make a damn good deal to the citizens of those provinces to want to leave Canada. Believe me, the treatment we get from Ottawa got so bad that we started have parties form with the purpose of western separation. They came in at some places in second place in the provincial elections too so the appetite to leave is strong.

Losing those two provinces will start an avalanche of remaining territories and provinces clawing to get out and get their own deals. The other provinces get fucked over by Ontario and Quebec so much they're practically ready to leave.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not really that shocking.

The biggest threat that must be addressed and dealt with before Trump leaves office is not the border. It's not the mass immigration. It's not the toxic food. It is the media and the propaganda. As long as they're lying about everything and filling heads with propaganda you will never win. Most people don't even know what's happening at the borders, in the endless wars, or the food. Because they've been told by the news otherwise.

Once they find out the real truth everything changes.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait... Weren't they telling us about a year or so ago that Russia's forces were weak and ineffective?

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

That look on Omar face when Trump is doing the dance... LOL

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe The Onion bought it up with the lowest bid to turn it into a satire channel. Not that they'd have to do much work to reform it in that case.

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Getting your first seat as a party is the real challenge in a first-past-the-post system especially when the ruling government is corrupt and bad.

When times are good, the voters will freely vote for a party they feel is best. When times are bad and the government is too, they'll harden and vote for whomever they feel has the best shot of ousting the ruling government even if they're bad too. Those types of governments never last past the next 4 years when the people return to the ballot box though.

For Farage's party to win even a few seats is a positive sign. In a tough election like the one they just had they were lucky to have gotten 4. The good news is once you get a few seats they tend to grow in future ones.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

VFX industry is seeing layoffs to AI that can do much of the work with a few human hands to put together the work the AIs do. Of course the bloodbath that is the death of Hollywood is the other factor as well.

Hope they all learn to coal.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't really mean much to me. There has been lots of signal intrusions and signals around UVB-76 since the Ukraine war kicked up. It's an AM signal so it's super easy to do. Also during the daytime there is lots of places that can't hear the signal anyway so anyone could be on that frequency. most impressive one I saw was someone was broadcasting next to this frequency an anti-war message that scrolled when viewed in this waterfall.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alberta Health Services (AHS) has become a rogue entity. During the covid lockdowns they went full fascist banning churches (not mosques) and other events while allowing the protests of the summer of love to carry on. They targeted anyone that didn't comply. They went behind the back of the government of Alberta and directly worked with the WHO. That led to firings which did nothing as those same people were hired back secretly when they thought the conservative government would lose the election and (big surprise) the polls were all wrong. Funny that. To add insult the courts ruled their actions were illegal even at the time and they now face lawsuits from Whistle Stop Cafe, Pastors like Artur Pawloski and Tim Stephens, that pizza place in downtown Calgary and I even heard an entire town is working on a class action lawsuit.

They need to completely dismantle every single section of the entire corrupt government health institutions and jail everyone involved. The entire health industry Canada wide is completely taken over by these psychos whom hold the power of life and death over people. Saskatoon Saskatchewan has a health board that still operates like Covid lockdowns is still a thing.

gurumedit 1 point ago +3 / -2

I actually feel a tinge of pity for him. He probably felt he was the good guy. He trusted the mainstream sources and made sure to avoid the propaganda outside his sphere of influence. He got his shot like everyone else. Most importantly, he was smarter than all of us.

Abject evil. Miserable and motivated believing they are the righteous and superior to all other around them they do the worst kind of evil until it inevitably consumes them.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the last few days, I have received mod mail of people trying to take over some Canadian political subreddits as well as ones that were just made up with improper spellings to prevent certain bad faith redditors from being pests. These have all sat very dormant for almost 6 years after everyone moved to .win after the donald purge. Now there's people trying to take them over and reddit trying to purge the empty ones suddenly.

Very strange timing...

gurumedit 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was listening to a podcaster recently and sadly I can't remember which one it was as I tend to listen to a lot of them in the background.

Guest was saying that all the pushback we see now started to happen due to the Canadian Trucker Convoy. Other countries started to stand up to their mandates and then after lockdowns it continued on to woke politics and now everything else. They really did go way overboard with their lockdowns and now the population is now pushing back incrementally on their agendas and sure there's small battles here and there that we win or lose but it is happening now whereas before everyone just cowered in fear before the woke mob. That's why they're resorting to their last effort -- the lawfare/political power route and that will inevitably fail too in time.

I personally suspect that when we win this there will be a time in the history books they'll single out the trucker convoy as the moment that the people began to rise up.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Clearly not really a gamer tho.

The lid is not covered in any decals of any kind.

gurumedit 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sophie and Trudeau have been on the rocks for a long time. Sometime after his little embarrassing trip to India around 2017-2018, Sophie and the kids packed up and moved to the summer cottage for a while. Naturally barely reported on by his media puppets but thanks to independent media we knew of this. The media puppets used to fawn over Sophie a lot but after that she's barely mentioned. Rumors say she shows up for photo ops, elections, and that's about it and she supposedly being paid very handsomely for that.

gurumedit 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's okay. We'll go form our own society, with churches, strong families with fathers, hard work, and real beer.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could there be a change in conditions, like a strong wind perhaps, that could come in and cause smoldering fires to flare up at once like this?

Not a firefighter here, but genuinely curious.

gurumedit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Natives. At least the ones in the northern half of Alberta. They do this EVERY year. Why? They get paid extra $$$ from the government to fight fires. So like clockwork, the moment it gets dry enough they drive around and light fires so they can go out and buy another new flatscreen TV and PS5.

This is nothing new.

gurumedit 6 points ago +6 / -0

What is up with her? Is she high or something? She looks like she's about to break out and cry or something.

gurumedit 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know he changed my mind on the matter. Let's watch it all burn.

gurumedit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I made some phone calls to some friends and cousins I know in the area and asked about them. So they're hanging out in the fair grounds, a place called doc's town. It's where they have the rodeos, heritage museum and stuff. They're also travelling beyond Swift Current to nearby towns like Gull Lake and Kyle looking for subjects.

They have a list of everyone already they want to test. They are going to the doors of homes to get the written tests and according to people that have been asked, they are EXTREMELY pushy. They refuse to take no for an answer. They also will not tell anyone, verbally at least, what the tests are for and why. They also are not very 'chatty' from what I understand. Most people in the area are friendly and outgoing but the staff won't even strike up idle chit-chat (based on what my friends have heard, so take it with a grain of salt)

According to a friend of a friend (third hand salt again) she took the tests and got paid. They then turned around and wanted to do the same tests on her 5 year old and she apparently told them that the kid needs to be paid the same amount. I don't know if they did or not.

Nutrition, lifestyle, sexual health, smoking, drinking, physical health and more. They're checking everything they can imagine.

This is creepy shit. Decades ago in Medicine Hat, a city about 3 hours from Swift Current, the United States government dumped low amounts of a chemical from a spray plane over the city. Some joint Canada/US test that was declassified a few years back show they wanted to see how their weapon would affect a population so they dumped low amounts that would make people sick but not kill them. That they picked a small, rural city of about 10,000 out of a list of major Canadian centres makes me wonder if they did something here again.

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