This was my thought. From my research, the druids constructed a wicker man and filled it with sacrifices of slaves/criminals. The sacrifice was devoted to some deity, and the druids would try to tell the future from how the sacrifices thrashed about as they died.
Well, the Plan is the White Hat's course of action to defeat the Black Hats. It's how they get rid of the Cabal's corruption/evil plaguing governments around the world. My question is, since the Plan's goal will come to fruition, then would the events of Revelation occur within the next few years afterward?
Imagine a site like anontools or qalerts, etc. where you could view/search Q posts, but in 3D! It would take a LONG time to put together, even if there was a team of people working on it, so I'm not sure if it would ever be done. However, I think it'd be a great representation of how at least I've tried to view all the posts in relation to each other in my head.
There are 2 Q posts containing "Time to Stand" in them:
The delta for them is 5 days from now on May 15th.
Early predictive programming:
"But it's like a totally fictional plot line that I totally researched all by myself guys! I'm serious!"
Q the DOOM Music
But seriously, I'm not much of a doomer. Hard to doom with all the habbenings going on, which are just a fraction of the battles we don't see. It's easier to have faith in God that everything will be all right in the end, which it will!
The thing about any branch suspending Habeas Corpus reminds me of post #34, specifically when it says "On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out": u/#q34 To me this does look like Trump can/will do this once the conditions are met.
We're here for you, fren! If there is one phrase that's the heart and soul of not just this board but this movement, it's "Where We Go One, We Go All!" Whatever troubles we face, we face them together. May this and God comfort you as you and your family grieve, and I pray His peace descend upon you. Amen.
They may try to use this to propel "her" forward, but it'll probably fail/backfire!