helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Biden wants to forgive my student loan, I'll take it. Won't vote for him for anything, but I'll take the payoff. The amount of taxes I've paid over the last several years would cover the amount of my student loans many times over. It'll be like getting a refund.

helenofthewest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Showed this to my husband...he is laughing so hard right now tears are streaming down his face.

helenofthewest 8 points ago +8 / -0

You are absolutely right. And they didn't start WWI either. They were dragged into it by their treaty with Austria-Hungary. Love that youtube channel, by the way. Great stuff.

helenofthewest 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a WW2 history book printed in 1945. It only has 1 line in it about the Holocaust, doesn't call it by name of course, but does claim that Hitler killed millions of Jews. So they were printing that in books even that early because the narrative had already been established.

helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

The concertmaster should've kicked her behind the knee to make her fall off the stage. First chair cello too for the other one. That would've been great.

helenofthewest 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, my oven has wifi. So I can turn it on away from home. Yeeeah, like I'm really gonna do that. I didn't want an oven with wifi, but most of the ones I could find on short notice have it. It's blocked from the network. It was spamming our phones with notifications every time I preheated it. Useless feature.

helenofthewest 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bingo. My German is rudimentary, and mostly forgotten, but I know enough and I remember my grammar well enough that with a dictionary, I want to read an original German copy and compare it to a more modern translation. I bet they'd be very different.

helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just watched the trailer of this...a couple of the "monster" enemies had "Clinton" show up above their heads.

helenofthewest 4 points ago +4 / -0

My mother and grandmother thought Crisco was the greatest stuff ever invented. They both used it, as well as vegetable oil, in everything. Ugh. We also had to have at least 2 carbs in every meal (one always a bread, with margarine), not including dessert, and we weren't allowed to leave the table until we had finished everything on our plates. I have struggled with my weight all my life because of that crap in my formative years. I have thankfully broken through the programming in my Mom though, but it took a long time.

helenofthewest 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, that could get really out of hand counting invertebrates too...can you imagine any time your coral grows a new polyp you have to register it?

helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Besides the unsent one, the other one she posted is clearly typed in a font supposed to look like handwriting. She couldn't have one of her staffers just hand write a note? Lazy.

helenofthewest 4 points ago +4 / -0

My Mom said that her doctor, who she's been going to regularly for over 25 years, has recently always seemed disheveled and scatterbrained. Like, he's forgetful, flustered, and his clothing is disheveled (jacket buttoned wrong, etc). She says this has been the case for the last 2 years, and it seemed to come on suddenly. He's not that old. She's convinced it's the vax, and I agree. She rarely has to go to the doctor anymore now after stopping taking the flu shot every year and quitting almost all prescriptions, so I don't know if it's gotten worse.

by DoElmo
helenofthewest 3 points ago +3 / -0

My husband and I watch this every Christmas...and several other times throughout the year. Never gets old.

helenofthewest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I was on it most of my life because of bad periods (which I now realize were probably caused by our western diet), and I'm ashamed to say it took me getting permanent health problems from it to finally wake up and see how bad it is for women. It's the go-to of doctors for any feminie problem, and women have been brainwashed to think it's an easy, safe solution.

helenofthewest 23 points ago +23 / -0

Not to mention that they put just about every adolescent girl on birth control pills as soon as they start menstruating and keep them on it for years.

helenofthewest 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can confirm it works topically. I smear the horse paste on my face and it completely cleared up my rosacea in a few days, when nothing else worked.

helenofthewest 1 point ago +1 / -0

She also used to be someone who was an upcoming guitarist and singer/songwriter. Taylor guitars even featured her in their magazine back when she was mostly unknown (early 2000s). Then the record companies got ahold of her and bastardized her. Now she just prances around.

helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a whole bunch of old education books (english grammar, math) from the early part of the 20th century that were my great-grandfather's. He was a teacher after WWI. I haven't looked through them. Maybe I should...I might learn something!

helenofthewest 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use Duramectin, and the dosage is 1 click of the syringe for every 50 lbs of body weight. So for a full dose, I do that, rounded up. So if you're 180 lbs, do 4 clicks (for 200 lbs). For the half doses, I just halve it, rounding up. So if a full dose is 150 lbs (3 clicks), a half dose would be 2 clicks (100 lbs). When I feel I'm getting sick, I do a full dose on day 1, along with some Quercetin and zinc, and then do that again 2 days later (even if I'm feeling better). I do half doses about every 3 days, along with topical application, just for my rosacea. That seems to be what works best for me for that purpose. Other people probably have a different regimen for prophylactic use. My father takes a full dose once a week and it keeps his allergic asthma under control.

helenofthewest 9 points ago +9 / -0

Half dose of horse paste every few days orally and then I slather a bit on my face too...keeps the rosacea away, and way cheaper than Soolantra! And I take a full dose any time I feel like I'm getting a cold. Haven't been sick for more than half a day for 2 years.

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