iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +2 / -1

they should though. Ukraine has been shelling and shooting up Donbass again over last few weeks.

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

in my area they do that when a package is marked as not allowed to be left unattended or requires a signature and they 'claim' that no one answered the door - they redirect it to a pick up location. and since they don't have a dedicated office close by, they partner with some store brands to serve as pick up locations.

iamherefortheluls 6 points ago +6 / -0

wait for the jury to come to a verdict, than, regardless of that that verdict is, declare a mistrial with prejudice. than bring charges of contempt of court against the prosecutor for introducing evidence that was already ruled inadmissible (literally contempt of the court's decision).

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

consequences of this for US military? they now need to bring in a bunch of submarines... or they need to tell their sailors they have to go out in a sub whose safety standards have been faked.

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

they didn't mandate it for everyone in the first place. some jobs were 'the exceptions' - a lot of jobs.

iamherefortheluls 7 points ago +7 / -0

he specifically explains that he got better before taking Ivermectin because he distrusts it and when he was already feeling well the doctor insisted that he should take it in case of resurgence of the illness.

iamherefortheluls 7 points ago +7 / -0

is it just my perception or do these vaccines seem far more likely to kill the health than the old and sick?

Younger men get heart problems after vaccine most often statistically. But it also seems to be happening more among athletes and health freaks.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone knows by now... of those who care to know. Let's Go Brandon rap song that hit #1 on I-tunes... or maybe it that other one that his number 2 and 3 - mention Australia as whats coming to US.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

look up stats on miscarriages pre-2020. Not saying its not a likely result of the vax but if they got vaccinated a while ago, most of the effects of the vaccine (aside from the permanent damage the spike proteins did to some organs) should have subsided.

iamherefortheluls 7 points ago +7 / -0

you should explain to her that these 'others' understand that they can always find a new job. Far tougher to find yourself a new heart if you are one of those 'mild' myocarditis cases. E

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am curious, as an investor, why wouldn't you put a trailing limit sell order on this stock by say, 10%?

Even if you plan to hold it long term, selling it on the downward trend would have allowed you to double or triple your shares at this point.

iamherefortheluls 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think we should trust this journalist's interpretation of the snippet of the report that is praising vaccines in the very next paragraph after the one he is trying to base his take on.

Wish one of the based doctors who don't just repeat the government propaganda, could go through this report and explain what the difference between N-antibodies and S-antibodies is and what, if any, implications are to be made from this week's update.

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you put something more sane as the price like say 180 on your limit order and in the (very unlikely) it spikes to that price, while the brokers have lent out your shares, wouldn't that mean they need to immediately buy them from you at that price?

iamherefortheluls 2 points ago +2 / -0

never got that. just assumed they would send it to me once I get confirmation of payment going through. need to learn to be more on the ball with this stuff - got too used to comfy amazon

iamherefortheluls 1 point ago +1 / -0

i am not sure, never had a shipped item seized before.

anyway, i just looked again at my order and turns out its still 'on hold' - sent them an email about it. Last communication i had from them a month ago was that they received my payment.

iamherefortheluls 4 points ago +4 / -0

i ordered too, but did not get mine. possible that Canada border guards seized it.

iamherefortheluls 6 points ago +6 / -0


It suggests that people who got vaccinated are getting far better heathcare overall.

It suggests massive apartheid state is purposefully allowing or assisting un-vaccinated people to die in their hospital.

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