into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is anyone here on TS posting about Racine?

Is TS Truth Social? I haven't used Truth Social but I don't think the topic is getting a lot of attention on there so it might be a good idea to spread the info on there if you use that platform.

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

No problem. You can find a ton of additional info here:

archived Voat threads: https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/15JTbBo3zZ/zuckerberg-tells-joe-rogan-that-/c/4OcRBXWCLLE

posts from GAW: https://communities.win/c/TheDonald/p/15JAcRgK9N/x/c/4OcPdMBzF2n

Please spread the word about Racine to help wake people up.

into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

/u/Joys1Daughter here is some detailed information backing up what he is saying here

Going back further, ancient civilizations believed Racine and the SE Wisconsin area was the gateway to the Path of Souls as the closest point on Earth through Orion and the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

Why Racine: Understanding the religion of the Mound Builders and the Path of Souls

The Bavarian Illuminati never disbanded after formed in 1776 with Rothschild, Weishaupt and Jacob Frank. They moved to Racine. It is a hub for many secret societies and alliances including Knights of Pythias and Malta, Pilgrims Society, Freemasons, Shriners, Jesters, Odd Fellows (Ancient Order of Bucks), Rotary, Moose, Elk, Kiwanis, Scientology, Kabbalah, B’nai B’rith, Jesuit, Unitarian, OTO, Sphinx Head Society and many others.

Racine and the Bavarian Illuminati

into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps there's not as much to those two companies as I thought, but what about the strange addresses like with Imperial Consolidated?

CORPAMERICA serves as "director" for the company "IMPERIAL CONSOLIDATED INC." whose registered address makes no immediate sense: MICHAEL JOHN HARVEY, 54A NEW BEDFORD ROAD, LUTON, BEDFORD , UNITED STATES, LU1 1SH UNITED STATES

So, we have found a British company, which is a branch of some company called "UNITED STATES", and which has a British-formatted address but is listed as being in UNITED STATES. Incredible.


"QUALCOMM EUROPE, INC." is an "overseas company" from the United Kingdom. The registered address for "QUALCOMM EUROPE, INC." is:

5775 Morehouse Drive San Diego California 92121 U.S.A. United States

Why would "QUALCOMM EUROPE, INC." list "U.S.A." as being within "United States"?

I believe the answer to the last question about U.S.A. being within the United States is that the United States is a corporation created when the constitution was ratified, whereas U.S.A. is a corporation created by Congress after the Civil War, and you have citizenship under that corporation because of the 14th amendment. As I understand it, this is why constitutional rights never apply when you're in court, because you are presumed to be acting in your capacity as a franchise of the U.S.A. which was not formed by the constitution but by Congress, ( which is inferior to the constitution because the constitution created Congress, and you are inferior to Congress because Congress created your legal person when they ratified the 14th amendment) and therefore different rules apply because your 14th amendment citizenship was created by Congress, which means your citizenship was created by Congress and therefore any act of Congress applies to you regardless of whether or not those acts/statutes/etc. infringe upon your constitutional rights.

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

It shows that there is only one corporation in the world, and one group of people that runs it.

Are you aware of the Corporation Services Company and United States Corporation Company rabbitholes? Here is some good info on them:


Note that Joe Biden is from Delaware.




into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who have they charged? We should make noise and draw as much attention to his prosecution as possible. Let them see that if they want to come after people we will rally around each other and expose them further so that everyone can see their tyranny in action.

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm just an internet researcher, I don't know the answer to your questions, which is why I tagged u/TrustTheTruth who has first hand knowledge, but I will try to answer them anyway.

With a gap in the dome that some souls can escape...sounds similar to gnostics?

I thought I answered that with my post. The mound builders do believe that there is a hole in the sky that souls go through. You can see that if you read their legend about Onaiazo the Skywalker.

Is what freemasons think happens after death?

I don't know what freemasons think happens after death, but it's obvious that they have taken an interest in mound builder belief systems, probably because, like you said, it's has many similarities to gnosticism and the ancient egyptian religion.

Dahmers obsession with Return of the Jedi and a Great Lakes prosecutor named Luke Skywalker are two examples that show that the masons/illuminati have taken an interest in mound builder belief systems.

And they are chipping people and vaxxing etc to prevent them joining the river of souls?

That's what I think at least. Their obsession with things like the religions of the Mound Builders and the ancient Egyptians make it look like they are after more than just depopulation and technocratic tyranny.

but if they block the exit they are trapped here too aren't they?

I don't know.

I am not bothered about dalmer

You should be bothered about Dahmer. He is not just some random criminal, Dahmer personally called the White House from a pay phone when he was on a highschool field trip and was let into Vice President Walter Mondales office at midnight. https://archive.ph/klKHM#selection-1729.1-1729.107

Dahmer is proof that there is a serial killing cult embedded in the US government.

Walter Mondale was Jimmy Carters V.P.; Jimmy Carter is directly connected to three separate serial killers.

  1. Jeffrey Dahmer who visited the office of Vice President Walter Mondale
  2. John Wayne Gacy, who was photographed shaking hands with Rosalynn Carter and
  3. Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre, who Rosalynn Carter had dinner with, wrote letters to, spoke at his church and visited with V.P. Mondale: https://archive.ph/fpEyW#selection-121.0-121.402

Here are pictures of Carter with both Jim Jones and John Wayne Gacy. https://i.redd.it/oyhdz3aetjo81.jpg

Here are more pictures of Jim Jones speaking at Carters rallies. https://calisphere.org/item/ac7334c3b2e0db0da8504047f4c9ce85/

Tony Podesta also had a statue of Dahmers headless victim hanging in his apartment:


Podesta also campaigned for Carters secretary of state Edmund Muskie in Racine Wisconsin when Muskie ran for president.

Here is a picture of Muskie alongside V.P. Walter Mondale, whose office was toured by an underage Jeffrey Dahmer in the middle of the night:


Less than a month before Dahmer was arrested for murdering people and chopping them up, the maintenance man who worked in Dahmers apartment complex was also arrested for murdering someone and chopping him up in Racine Wisconsin


That murdering maintenance man named Joachim Dressler who worked in Dahmers apartment complex co-authored an academic paper with a man named Charles H Faulker who is an expert on Mound Builders: https://archive.ph/Cxu0G

into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

/u/TrustTheTruth people are talking about Racine in this thread and the user uk9994 has many good questions about the Path of Souls.

...With a gap in the dome that some souls can escape...sounds similar to gnostics?

Check out the mound builder legend of Onaiazo the Skywalker which speaks about a hole in the sky.


Interestingly, there is a prosecutor who lives on the Great Lakes named Luke Skywalker



Also of potential interest is that Jeffrey Dahmer was obsessed with Return of the Jedi



into_the_continuum 18 points ago +18 / -0

Bill Barr's father Donald Barr wrote a science fiction novel called Space Relations about elite sex slavery.


In the future, humans have formed an intergalactic empire ruled by aristocrats. During a time of war with the Plith, an empire of ant-like alien bug people, ambassador John Craig, a formerly Liberal Earth man in his 30s, is dispatched to the strategically important planet Kossar, a human colony that was settled by the Carlyle Society as a place of exile for political extremists and now is ruled by an oligarchical high council of seven nobles, each of whom is in charge of a different domain with its own traditions. Their boredom and absolute power have driven them to madness, to the point that Kossar's entry into the empire has been stymied by the Man-Inhabited Planets Treaty's clause (written by Craig) against alliances with slave owning societies, due to its practice of kidnapping humans to become illegal playthings of the galaxy's super-rich.

Craig, who now is campaigning to bring Kossar into the empire, had previously been to the planet when the passenger ship on which he was travelling on a return trip from the Betelgeuse Conference was captured by space pirates. While en route to Kassar, one of the pirates awakened Craig and the other prisoners to rape a 15-year-old virginal redheaded female captive in front of them; the rapist's fellow pirates later hear of this and dock his pay as punishment for spoiling her market value. Craig then spent two years as a slave of the beautiful, sensual, and sadistic Lady Morgan Sidney, the only female member of the oligarchy, with whom he became romantically involved. Together, they lived in her castle, ruling over and engaging in sexual relations with those under their dominion, including an enslaved teenager at a clinic used to breed enslaved people. When Craig stumbles on hints of an alien invasion, he realizes he must escape to save humanity.

Craig is depicted as undisturbed by Lady Morgan's sadism. When he is ordered to sexually assault the enslaved teenager, he enjoys his participation in the act.

into_the_continuum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was FBI ANON the one who predicted a mass casualty event in Vegas which would then lead to the locking down/metal detectors HUGE security contracts, and even pointed to the exact name and company that would fill that security gap?

That was a guy calling himself -john. Here is an archive of the thread: https://archive.ph/7O8cw

and here is a screenshot of the -john posts: https://ibb.co/Q8Q4HQL

I just realized that the date of -johns posts forewarning about the Vegas attack occurred on September 11th, 2017, the exact same day of the SenateAnon threads. And Guess what? Patrick Paddock, the father of the Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock, is from Wisconsin! Here is his birth certificate: https://ibb.co/yyYD6hB

/u/TrustTheTruth u/GQD_ u/Donny_Fiasco

You can read the SenateAnon threads here:

PART I https://archive.fo/eOLHb

PART II https://archive.fo/w74Qg

PART III https://archive.fo/jx3L0

PART IV https://archive.fo/XYjw2

8chan thread: https://archive.ph/vUapR

into_the_continuum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was FBI ANON the one who predicted a mass casualty event in Vegas which would then lead to the locking down/metal detectors HUGE security contracts, and even pointed to the exact name and company that would fill that security gap?

That was a guy calling himself -john. Here is an archive of the thread: https://archive.ph/7O8cw

and here is a screenshot of the -john posts: https://ibb.co/Q8Q4HQL

Also, here is a screenshot of another person who warned about the vegas attack the day after the Charlottesville false flag: https://ibb.co/zmnGjJ4

into_the_continuum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also look up the bizarre massacre at FLW's Taliesin property and also look up the prime suspect in the Black Dahlias murder investigation, who lived in a house built by FLW's son.

into_the_continuum 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is unleashed? Here's a lot of research I compiled on this topic with tons of links to mainstream news articles to back everything up:

General Info Dump

Why Racine: Understanding the religion of the Mound Builders and the Path of Souls

Racine, Ukraine and manufactured famine

Racine is the Invention Capitol of the World

Racine and the Bavarian Illuminati

Racine is the Emerald City

Vampire Cults and Satanic Murders

Star Wars and Jeffrey Dahmer

South Park and Kenosha

Racine and The Witch of the "Wakanda Leyline"

Racine and Kony2012, the model for Mass Formation Psychosis

into_the_continuum 5 points ago +5 / -0

I find one of the most effective ways to get the conversation started with normies is to show them how many aspects of their own daily life trace their roots back to Racine. When people are informed that everything from the first car in history, to the first motors, to the first lollipop, to their garbage disposal and their underwear all come from one place, it becomes impossible for them to deny the influence it has on them personally.

From there, you can move on to showing them how corrupt the area is. You can show them how they had three mayors in a row get arrested, one in an underage sex sting, as well as the police chief being arrested for CP, and then you can show them the articles about kindergartners having sex at Racine schools and then point out a particular comment in one of those articles from a local that exposes how they allow actual criminals who are currently serving time in jail to get "work release" and teach at schools! Then you can show them the SC Johnson billionaire who raped his step daughter and also got the same work release privileges.

Then you can point out that the heir to the SC Johnson fortune, John Jeffry Louis, owns almost all of the newspapers in the country including USA today. Then you can introduce them to the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread and show them how everything from NPR to american school curriculum and even the first nuclear arms control agreements and the International Criminal Court all spawned out of conferences held there.

Then point to this article which shows that The Johnson Foundation was responsible for America opening it's doors to China.

Then tell them that the Covid-19 spit test was developed by the mayor of Racines brother and that Racine served as the model for lockdowns with the strictest lockdowns in the entire country.

Then show them that Racine voters have "predicted" the outcome of almost every election in US history, more than any other county in the country. Then you can bring up the 2020 election fraud, including the shocking fraud that took place in nursing homes, and how prosecutors refused to bring charges despite investigations by the Racine County sheriffs office.

Finally, if they are impressed with what you have shown them, point out that this is the same place where the center of the galaxy passes over the horizon and leave them to think about what that could possibly mean.

into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only real question that matters is when will Trump share The Word?

Is there any reason to believe Trump will ever do this? He's had every opportunity but has made next to no effort in spite of how much it would benefit his election fraud claims.The only logical conclusion at this point is that he has a greater interest in seeing a Chinese style social credit system in America than he does exposing the election fraud that ousted him and led to his inevitable prosecution in a kangaroo court. That's a pretty big interest in a Chinese style social credit system if you ask me.

into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0


Wanaka, New Zealand (where numerous billionaires have built doomsday bunkers) is also a dead giveaway that the elites are concerned about both the center of the galaxy and the exact locations where ice stopped advancing during the Wisconsin Glaciation period. this post and this post explain a lot.

This is from the second post I linked above:

Lake Wanaka and Southeastern Wisconsin have many similarities. They are at similar degrees of latitude on opposite sides of the world, the center of the Milky Way is over the horizon, there are underground tunnels and bunkers, both are located at the end-point of a glacial advance during the last ice age known as the Wisconsin Glaciation period, and both are heavily influenced by the Rotary Club.

into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0


This was published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. At the end of this page, under the headline "special articles" is an article titled "Evidences of Glaciation in Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora". According to the author, the moraine is located between Nogales and Imuris:

"...along the Sonora Railway, south of Nogales, frequent exposures of material resembling in every way, except in its component rocks, that of the terminal moraine of New York and New Jersey. These exposure were between Nogales and Imuris... and exhibited sections of till and boulder clay with large angular rock fragments and the occasional partial stratification characteristic of various portions of the terminal moraine in the northeast"

"...there is, in the vicinity of Nogales, both in Arizona and in Sonora, and for a number of miles north and south of the national boundary, an area of some width in which land ice transportation has been operative and has resulted in the formation of morainal deposits of various types"

"Some ten miles north of Nogales rises... the Santa Rita Mountains... Within a mile or two of the southeastern base of the range passes the Sonora Railway, which here as in Sonora, by its numerous cuts and borrow pits, gives an opportunity to study the composition of a formation which has all the characteristics of a moraine deposit, but which, in the absence of sections, a casual observer might pass by as a terrane of volcanic material rotted in place..."

"...one recognizes at many points the rolling topography and pitted surface of a moraine. At one or two points are observed depressions, similar to those which in the north have been formed by tanant ice, surrounded by kame terraces and their concordant phenomena. One of these is just south of Huachuca Station."

"About three miles south of Nogales is a very extensive borrow pit, formed in the construction of the railroad, in which has been left a number of large rock fragments which are clearly of transported material. Among these, the writer noted several blocks of dark blue limestone which did not belong to the crystalline terrane beneath and which had evidently been transported some distance"

"[the extent of the glacial formations] are apparently limited to the vicinity of the higher mountain ranges. About twenty miles west of the Santa Rita Mountains, between Sopori and Arivaca, on the west of the Atascosa Range... which has a morainal appearance..."

"In northern Sonora, near the valley occupied by the railroad and between Nogales and Imuris, one sees near the mountain bases low benches which have been eroded into overlapping oblique ridges of which the material seems to be all of morainal character."

"In traveling eastward from Benson toward El Paso, at a few points, mountain masses were observed, rising from the desert plains, around the bases of which were slightly elevated benches corresponding in some measure to the bench of morainal material along the eastern base of the Santa Rita Mountains. Occasionally, also, the railroad cut through low rolling ridges of material morainal in structure and clearly not formed by sheet flood erosion"

"On the Rock Island Railway, about a mile southwest of Santa Rosa, N.M., near the southeastern bank of the Pecos River, is a train of rolling hills which show morainal structure in the railroad cuts"

"These observations lead to the conclusion that the quaternary history of some portion of this region is more complex than has been supposed. Clearly before the present period of arid climate and periodic sheet flood erosion was a time of low temperature and accumulated precipitation in the form of land ice which resulted in the formation of extensive deposits of rock debris around the bases of at least the higher mountain ranges. Climatic conditions limited the extent of these moraines so that the present desert basin areas, in many cases, remained unglaciated"

My crazy post about a pole shift, which you can read here helps explain why I think the cabal is interested in both Racine and other areas that feature terminal moraines. Every single place they have set up shop, without exception as far as I can tell, is on the edge of a terminal moraine. Allentown, for example, is only a few feet away from where a glacial advance terminated.

into_the_continuum 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is completely compromised by the cabal that he was born and raised in, and his family has been involved for at least a century. He is named after quarterback Milton "Mitt" Romney who played for the Racine Legion, one of the first football teams.

Milton "Mitt" Romney, team captain at the University of Chicago in 1922, became a quarterback for the Racine Legion before later joining the Chicago Bears. He was a cousin of Michigan Governor George W. Romney, and his nickname inspired that of George Romney's son, 2012 U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

His involvement in the satanic ritual of the "Olympics" makes him very suspect, IMO (SLC 2002). The cities awarded the Olympics appear to be cabal targets for new trafficking hubs. This is more obvious with Summer Olympics, but likely is also Winter Olympics. (Example is Atlanta 1996, clearly satanic symbology at Olympic ceremonies; and Atlanta rapidly became "busiest airport" from 1976-1996 which appears to be connected to trafficking).

Events like the superbowl and the olympics are the largest human trafficking events in a given year. Pro sports do not make their money from ticket sales. Large stadiums almost never make their money back, at least not on the books, so what is the real incentive for building them?

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