jfk_cheated_too 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's been going on for centuries, possibly since before Jesus was born. You would never have seen this if it wasn't intended that you did because this is soft disclosure that we're all meant to see and it means that the course change has already been set, whatever the destination may be.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

They queue pre-written tweets to happen at specific times. They have social media teams drafting and refining tweets a week in advance and then setting them up to Tweet automatically at specific times and dates. It's not some kind of conspiracy is all I'm saying, they just all set their tweets to automatically hit at high traffic times for maximum visibility.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

Splinters can take root again. Ashes cannot.

jfk_cheated_too 1 point ago +1 / -0

What if they're not talking about using section 4 of the 14th amendment but talking about section 2? Go read it. It would make sense that they would be equipping specifically the senators they plan on NOT kneecapping.

jfk_cheated_too 29 points ago +29 / -0

It's more like smokescreening the behemoth treasonous animal they've created over the last 6 years. Imagine everything they've done coming unzipped one after another: if you faked the Russian collusion, now the fake news harassment of Trump is suspect, then the impeachment, then Biden's Ukraine involvement, then the lab grown COVID, then the laptop, then the election, the poison vaccine, the media-FBI collusion. It's like someone pulled a single bottom piece from a giant Jenga tower and the whole thing slammed down one level and started swaying.

jfk_cheated_too 8 points ago +8 / -0

Fox News is actually worse for us than any of the other networks, because it's designed to maintain complacency. You can barely stand what's going on? Can't think of what to do? Just so bewildered by the obvious theft and ruin of this country? That's ok, just sit down and watch Judge Janine's theatrics and you'll feel so much better. There now, aren't you just right as rain?

jfk_cheated_too 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm pretty amazed I never hear about it in local or mainstream media but there's currently a massive amount of snow water accumulation across the American west, more than ever recorded. There are drainages where the snow accumulation is over 1000%. That's right, 10X the water. We're talking amounts of water not known for tens of thousands of years, maybe hundreds of thousands.

Besides just this year, rivers have been coming up for about the last decade. Find a small river in the west in Google Earth and go back 10+ years and see how much less water and growth there was around them. Something is happening with the way our climate is treating water.

Edit, scratch that: there are areas over 10,000% of the normal snow water equivalent in Arizona and Nevada. Up to 150X the median. https://www.weather.gov/mfr/snow-depth

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bullshit she's responsible. This is Joe trying to transfer his sins and absolve himself.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about they just forfeit their life?

jfk_cheated_too 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nicotine promotes apoptosis in white blood cells, and at the standard rate of tobacco consumption it helps keep your white blood cells young, fresh, and healthy so they can fight cancers off. The reason tobacco consumption is associated with cancer is because when tobacco users get cancer they live longer, long enough for the cancer to be detected instead of dying from a secondary effect of the cancer before anyone even knows they had cancer.

jfk_cheated_too 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take a look at Figure 12 in the UK Vaccine report. I would direct you to look Figure 12 in the first report at the very bottom, look at the S antibody levels in December of 2020 (indicating normal levels before vaccination. Compare Figure 12 in the following reports. Compare it today. Normal antibody concentrations in an infected person are 0.8...today half the people in the UK have a concentration of 25,000 during peak infection times. 25,000 is an insane number, there has been no other infection in all history that creates antibodies at that concentration, it's unbelievably high. What's more, we're also producing that many antibodies even if we're not vaccinated, because they're shedding the spike proteins at a ridiculous level as well.


jfk_cheated_too 1 point ago +2 / -1

Too late. S proteins will be made by their bodies forever. Exhausted immune system means constant disease and unavoidable cancers. Sorry if this is bad news, but the good news is everyone who took the vaccine was terminally stupid to the point of causing our imminent extinction.

jfk_cheated_too 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting, I didn't know they connected that way. Of course no hedge fund companies should exist at all anyway and every single one of them is evil to the core.

jfk_cheated_too 5 points ago +5 / -0

The book and the rest of the series are amazing. Books 2 and 3 get kind of dry but the rest are so good. Frank Herbert wrote some of the best fiction ever published, and some of it very pertinent to our times. "White Plague" is about a man who loses his family to a car bomb in Ireland and makes a virus in his basement that kills only women that he releases to Ireland, the UK, and Libya. The virus spreads across the world anyway and wipes out 99% of the women on the planet. "The Dosadi Experiment" is about a planet created and curated by the galactic elite to be brutal and polluted for the purpose of making the people on the planet as strong and resilient as possible so the elites can use a mind transfer technology to steal their bodies and live forever. Every series/book he wrote is mindblowing.

jfk_cheated_too 1 point ago +1 / -0

A single, 5 second video plays which is several videos cut together to show Trump saying the phrase "I...am...a...racist...monster." Dramatic music, cut to credits.

jfk_cheated_too 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, if you start carrying cement in powder form in your coffee travel thermos (you know the kind that seals) and you find yourself with it in the bathroom at city hall, you might be able to think of a way you can achieve the same cost increase without risking an audit.

jfk_cheated_too 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely. When you're presented with a situation where you have enough warranted fear you'll have saved your own life before you even know it. “We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”

― Archilochus

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