I was a part of Voat Pizzagate. It was the best bc you could check in several times a day and almost every time some new and explosive info had been dug up.
If I remember correctly, the first time we were shut down was bc an anon had linked one of Epstein’s inner circle (woman) to the Vatican.
Effective against what, the flu, since that’s all it was. The flu. It’s all theater and every time someone mentions Covid it shows how late to the party they are. Covid was a hoax. Covid was the flu ramped up with masking, intubation, and Remdesivir.
I only took it to mean that you were simply reiterating what the person above you posted, which is:
– LongTimeListener 6 hours ago +6 / -0 If they arent doing exactly what was outlawed why would they care? It would be a meaningless law.
And comparing the lefties and their opposition to a wall, etc.. as being the same as “let them all in, they aren’t dangerous. And then shit a brick when they’re dropped off in their neighborhoods ala Martha’s Vineyard.
I didn’t think you meant it in a racist way but even if you did I don’t give a shit about that either.
Better yet, just learn the skeletal systems per male vs female.