Yeah I've had a personal policy of hot discussing anything other than work at work for a while now. Serves me very well. Also have a policy of not socializing with anyone from work outside of work. I'll go to a happy hour or Christmas party every now and then but always leave early. Helps that I'm a fully recovered alcoholic and can use the old "I dont need to be around any temptations" line. Not that it matters but its preferable to doing an Irish Goodbye.
I had the worst flu of my life in February 2020. None of the usual flu remedies did anything to mitigate the symptoms. I drank damn near 2 gallons of water a day, took a whole box of cold and flu meds over the course of 5 days, and felt so bad the only thing I could do was stay in bed and ride it out.
I've never had any of the covid tests and dont intent to get one, but I'm fairly confident I had covid. Any time I'd had the flu, the meds would at least calm the symptoms down for a bit. This time they didnt do a damn thing.
My family used to think I was a conspiracy theorist, but after enough things I "predicted" using information I gathered here and other places started coming true, my mom finally started listening to me. I didn't really tell her anything so much as show her my sources and let her think for herself. She's not going to get the vaccine.
Wasn't so lucky with my dad. I showed him everything but it feels like it went in one ear and out the other when we talked about it. He watches so much god damn TV. I'm sure I was one of the lone dissident voices he was hearing and it was drowned out by the propaganda and the lies. In the end, getting the vaccine or not was always his choice, and one of my life mottos is "the only thing you can really control is yourself," but it doesn't make it any less sad. I will be praying every day for him and anyone else's loved ones who took the vaccine. May we enjoy more time with them than we anticipate.
I am happy to hear you had a good experience with shopping while not wearing a mask. This is my experience as well, although I am a tall man and people tell me they find me intimidating before they get to know me. Maybe that's why I never hear anything. However I will occasionally pass by two or more people who are shopping together and will hear them say things to each other like "Are we allowed to come in here without masks now?" I just hope that I am able to convince others they dont have to wear a mask by being confident about not wearing one.
Consider this. Many people awaken when establishment lies hit home with them. It has to become personal. I'm the beginning of my college career I literally wrote papers about how Joseph McCarthy was full of shit. I loved Hollywood and entertainment, spending all my time partying, drinking, abusing drugs and living in the moment at great personal cost. It has taken me YEARS to climb my way out. Even now, I've barely been out of that hole long enough to progress toward something better. And it hurts to see the person I was in younger people today, making the same mistakes with no way to help them because I know they won't listen. After all, I was them once.
Once this participation in the collective exhausts itself for them, they will change. But it has to hit home. They have to realize they've been left out in the cold by the things they trusted the most. Then there will be the resentment and self-loathing. The fear that it won't ever rebound and you'll always be this subpar version of yourself that only failed because you were duped by evil forces. Then you meet others like you; finding camaraderie in the fact that it wasn't just you. You learn to trust again. You learn placing the blame on something or someone else is bullshit. You let the evil in because you wanted to. You may have even known better than to let it in and did it anyway. But you accept that the person you were was always going to let it in. It was a means to an end, just not the end that you thought.
In closing this loop, you finally come to know thy self. It's cathartic. Eventually you will come to laugh at how you have practically returned to being the self you were before you let the evil in. Only a older, smarter and more self-aware version of that previous self. A self that you may not have been able to become without going through your trial. If the vaccine and whatever fallout that comes from it is the first domino in the chain reaction that closes this loop for a massive amount of people around the world then to me it is worth whatever it costs in human life. Keeping yourself from knowing who you really are is the worst kind of suffering.
Yeah the sponsored ads are kind of repetitive but gotta pay the bills in the content creation game. And it's not like he's not hawking worthless products either. Theres definitely a market for health products and VPNs.
It was a challenge coin. I've seen images shared elsewhere that showed it has a Punisher skull on it and some text on the top and bottom of the coin. Challenge coins are given to new members of a group or organization, usually after an initiation or trial. Military uses them a lot.
What's curious to me is no one (at least I havent seen any threads) pulled Q post 1314 after that Pompeo tweet. Post 1314 is a picture of a cannon firing titled "Justice.jpg" followed by this:
[Future Comms]
Pre_stage ele_y
Pre_stage sec_y
Pre_stage dir_y
Pre_stage cap_y
I am coming up on 8 years sober in November. Little more than 6 years from when I quit cigarettes too. It's hard, but the most important advice I can give you is - if this is something you want for yourself, you have to think of yourself as not an addict or a alcoholic anymore. It's hard because an addict will burden him or herself with shame and that can be just as heavy as the addiction itself. You made a mistake and went down a path that negatively impacted your life. But there is a path back to the original one and if you look for it, you will find it. Remember the things that used to make you happy and go back to them. You'll find yourself again, make new friends along the way and perhaps even mend things with old ones. You just have to want it for yourself. So many people go into recovery to make someone else happy, and every single one of them fail. They relapse, and the pain takes hold of them again. It's a cycle that is exceedingly hard to get out of. But trust me. If I can do it, so can you. There is nothing extraordinary about what I did other than want to be myself again. But the worst thing you can do early in recovery is think of yourself as not deserving happiness, or having to earn your place back. I did A LOT of things during my addiction that I'm not proud of, but after all this time I know that it was the addiction that influenced me. Take that away, and you become yourself again. I hope this helps. If you want to DM me about anything in particular you are struggling with I would be happy to talk to you about it.