lol stop the Paxlovid and you test positive again.
We have known this to happen months ago.
These people are just so ignorant and uninformed. It hurts my brain.
I am a vegetarian that occasionally eats meat.
Mostly in the late afternoons and evenings.
I felt great, then I had Omicron for 2-3 days and feel great ever since. I am outside a lot. Have a really nice tan going on, despite being milk-white in winter.
Maybe go out on a lake with a boat, a laser and a board and measure the curvature yourself?
I have seen this experiment performed and did it myself. There is no question: The Earth is an obloid sphere.
If you can not understand how gravity would cause objects to become more spherical the more massive they are, perhaps you should read a book. Perhaps you should try to visualize the concept.
Flatearthers are MORONS. There. I said it.
It's a matrix of 67x67 entries or because of lack of definition a scalar (1x1 matrix) :-P
I can thoroughly recommend getting the audio book version of the Gulag Archipelago. It is a lot more impactful, imho.
But the Vietnamese were not deluded and were fighting for their survival by any means possible. They had family values and something to fight for. They built thousands of miles of tunnels. They had the logistics and the stamina.
These people will be shot from afar while making a selfie to post on Twitter and will throw a tantrum if they do not immediately die.
War elephants.
I remember 30 years ago already, we would refer to such women as T80s. And we would go: "T80 at 3 o'clock".
One time a friend of mine saw a T80 like the one on the left. We both noticed her, but said nothing. Then he blurted out: "This reminds me, I need a new couch."
Ah I thought it was "sh*t faced wankstain"
Uhm, what?
Last time I checked my steeering wheel is still on the left side of the car... In fact only the Brits have their steering wheels on the wrong side.
I have looked at this frame by frame for a bit and to me it is evident that an explosive device was shot from the left of the camera view, hitting the guidestones.
I made the mistake of googling her to see larger photos of her.
I think I have a case of spontaneous erectile dysfunction now.
Steve Bucket kicked the bucket lol
Leaky air conditioning system?
So many ways this could have happened.
It is not actually nitrogen. They use that word for the reason you mentioned, but in reality it is about nitrogenoxides.
What they should do is normalize that amount by tonnes of production. You would easily find that the Dutch farmers are the most efficient and clean (per tonne) farmers in the world.
You could take the cell phone data of all citizens of a city and determine their second to second proximities to dropboxes over the course of a month or so. From that you take a statistic. I think an average and standard deviation will do nicely.
I am sure you will find two clusters; "normal" people and people who are very close to multiple dropboxes.
You would have to somehow weed out people who simply live or work close to these boxes. The most important measure would be if a person has been close to many dropboxes, which would indicate purpose.
Anyhow, without the data, I can not do some tests. I would love to, though. This stuff is exactly what I live for. Processing data.
I live in an area that has a few power outages a year. It typically takes 2-8 hours for the power to come back. The first time it caught me by surprise. The second time, I was boiling my coffee and cooking dinner over a wood fire in my garden right as the power came back on. I was dissappointed lol
That was not a solar observatory... just a big radio telescope that had seen better days.
Once things kick off, there will be nothing they can do but dig their own 6 feet deep holes.
Electrolysis is not new. The problem has never been the generation of hydrogen, but the storage.
I do not think he knows very much more. I am willing to believe he worked at S2, but it would not surprise me if it turns out he was fooled into coming out with this information.
The UFO stories are insanely helpful as cover stories.
Arrest them all. Give them a short trial and hang them from their feet and let them hang until they are dead.
Delete the elite. Revoke the woke.
Her titties are almost as far apart as her eyes.
Potatoes definitively.
Germany made a law, already a year ago, that would allow for the confiscation of private property to compensate people who suffer from vaccination damage.
It's almost like they all knew in advance and it is all part of their plan.