We shouldn't limit passing them off to Delaware. They should go to all the commies' communities that allow this to happen. Such as, AOC's district; Omar's district; Pelosi's district; Water's district; ALL of them. They want open borders, her ya go!
I had an interesting thought this morning: Fauci IS the fall-guy. They put him out front to spew the rhetoric and he will go down for it. They see him as "the boy that wanted to join the group" and they found a way for him to do that, at a price.
I remember tossing this thought around quite some time ago, but I put it to bed. However, it is now becoming clearer and clearer to me that that is EXACTLY what is happening. He has the education but not the experience to make such wild claims. So, who was feeding him the info?
Thank you. We all had a job to do to get Mom through this and I was happy to do mine.
I was also happy that I didn't have to fight sis on any of the treatments; she was completely onboard. She still has a toe in the MSM narrative but mainly because of her job. If not for her job, I believe she and her husband would be all in. They were both jabbed a few months ago and I believe they regret it (b-i-l told me they aren't getting any more shots). He believes he was the one that brought the illness into the house.
Regardless, she is through the worst of it. Thank you for lending your ear (eyes) and hearing me out.
WHAT? I was agreeing with someone else that asked for the source. You have to look on the left side of the page to see what I was replying to, not that I agree with the three things that happened today.
Typically, on this site, if you are claiming something a news story that isn't in the usual places, you put a link. That's what we were asking for.
Solar generator. It doesn't require fuel and can be run indoors. Expensive but well worth it. The one I bought will run my refrigerator, not consistently but enough to keep the contents cold.
I highly recommend checking out 4Patriots.com
I think it's training. First, something is thrown toward the truck and explodes (smoke). Second, and most telling, someone is standing off to the side "watching" what is going on and not engaging. Third, the truck looks stationary throughout the video and there is no sign of fleeing. The truck looks like it is parked in an orderly fashion.
Thank you. We got some promising/positive news yesterday. My sister brought Mom to her PCP's office where they checked her over and listened to her lungs, which sounded good but they heard a little bit of crackling. So, off she went for a chest X-ray. Her lungs are clear and she seems to be on the road to recovery.
I have to give all the credit for pulling Mom through this to God and my sis and brother-in-law (my mother lives with them, temporarily). I live very close to them so I was the runner, picking up prescriptions and other things, waving to my mother through the window. OH, sis and b-i-l were sick too but everyone is doing much better now.
Thank you for asking. Mom has had her ups and downs, good days and not-so-good days. She got the IVM and HCQ but she had some side effects to them. As soon as she stopped taking them, she no longer had those issues. However. the Dr from the James Clinic said he never heard of those side effects, but there's always a first.
Mom is seeing her local PCP today. We'll see how that goes. On the bright side, we don't think it effected her lungs because she's not coughing. But she has some slight nasal congestion.
Again, thank you for asking. I'm hanging in there as much as I can. I have my own health issues so I have stayed away from seeing Mom, but I've talked to her at least once every day. I constantly pray for God to heal her and restore her health.
In my opinion, that is exactly why those treatments were squashed. Can't have an effective treatment out there AND have EUA for vaccine; it's one or the other. So, get some big name medical people to talk bad about the treatments and the EUA remains.
Follow the money.
The whole point behind the vaccines was to illustrate just how totalitarian the regime is and/or could be. It has opened the eyes of many people. Keep in mind that 45 has ALWAYS said we have the choice to take it or not. However, the regime is saying we MUST take it. BIG DIFFERENCE. People have not been allowed to do their own research, or to get the TRUTH about the jabs.
I found this: https://nationaldailyng.com/uk-admits-covid-vaccine-damages-natural-immune-system/