magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything you say you want, I want. Like, yesterday. It would've been fabulous. But if you follow this board regularly you would understand that there is SO much more happening in the background necessary to take down the cabal for GOOD.

Think if we had everything you want to have happened. Too many people are still asleep and the reaction would've been catastrophic. Too many would NOT believe that these were sick child sacrifice Satanists. They would just think its more Orange Man Bad lies and Trump is a dictator.

The result would've resulted in many more deaths and destruction. Then the evil bastards would just be back in a few years. By doing things this way the Q team is forcing their hands and waking people up. By the time enough people are awake the cabal will be so weak and their operation dismantled that they may never return. Or at least the world will see what GOOD looks like and then have a clear choice to choose God.

Hang tight, fren. Its rough for everyone right now. Don't even think about the plan. Trust in God. Trust in Jesus. We WILL win.

magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

What happens when people short circuit on truth overload? How do they react? How many people would die via vaxx complications vs truth and violence?

Im just really starting to consider this now

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can say this whole experience has brought me closer to God. I still pursue what I have been driven to pursue in regards to career, kids well-being, love, etc, but I now recognize daily that I am programmed to pursue many of those "normal" things. My plans for 2 years or 5 years out are now subliminally in question. I still pursue them, but the knowledge that I may need to say goodbye to it all is increasingly more prevalent as I reassess my values and recognize my programming. Its better I do so now than when the big shift happens. I trust in God more each day and readymy mind, body, and spirit to sacrifice it all for the sake of those who cannot or know not to fight for themselves. It is a small loss and a big gain. I refuse to live life and die thinking I brought pain to others for a quick buck or to satisfy some shallow desire. Nothin' doin'.

magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wait... why would an A-lister like this PUBLICLY get cv? Why would ANY big public figure get this publicly? Lots of celeb names getting it recently in conjunction with vaccine... What gives? This just has the Corrupt Media reporting against the narrative. ??

by BQnita
magachudd 3 points ago +3 / -0

Came here to say this. Comey's daughter as prosecutor? Obama's woke ass looking judge?

Not to say I'm not hopeful, but we need to stay vigilant and keep our eyes on the prize. Don't be discouraged.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh dang... this is way above my pay grade lol

magachudd 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just... fuck these people. So, so sick of this shit.

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would figure some sort of frequency therapy?

magachudd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here to say this. Truly it is absurd. I didn't think we could surpass the level of clown world we've been seeing until now, but I am proven wrong.

magachudd 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's all so indefensible. Those who still lap this shit up are likely to be the 4-6%.

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