mjs001 12 points ago +12 / -0

Sent I had open heart surgery earlier this year. They have this down to a science I was probably less likely to die on that table than I would have be walking in Philly.

mjs001 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree it looks fake. But why? The story goes against her previous position to abolish the police? Or is this to start the narrative that local police were racist, but no cops ius dangerous, so now is the time to create a federal police force?

mjs001 6 points ago +6 / -0

Now you just need to get her out of Walmart.

mjs001 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a couple hundred variants of influenza. They put 4 in the vax, and have to decide a year in advance which 4. So they guess, and usually guess wrong. Why take the vax when there is a 2% chance the shot targets the strain of influenza you encounter?

mjs001 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pfizer/Moderna don't care if people don't take the vax, as long as they keep selling them. In fact, if no one takes them that eliminates any future liability for vax injuries. Brilliant! They could just put saline in the vials and have (even more) incredible profit margins.

mjs001 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honest question. Does it matter? If Bidan is illegitimate, wouldn't the true President have to sign the extension? I realize for optics pResident Biden would need to sign, but for it to stay in effect wouldn't the true President need to sign it?

mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like to think this is part of the drip, drip, drip. Things we have known for a long time are finally being made public.

mjs001 5 points ago +5 / -0

What you describe is the loss of humility. It is called Pride, the worst of the seven deadly sins.

mjs001 49 points ago +49 / -0

Biden tested negative. They must have given him an IQ test by mistake.

mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

A simple, high level summary of what is being reported: https://vaersanalysis.info/

mjs001 12 points ago +12 / -0

More specifically, "Trump Card" usually usually refers to an item or event that turns the tables on the perceived balance of power in a battle and/or locks in victory for the former underdog.

mjs001 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read something years ago about young people migrating to Islam because it was perfectly clear on the rules of what is right and what is wrong. Which is funny, because that's what the Catholic Church was for 1962 years. The Ten Commandments, the Great Commandment, and the Catechism spelled it all out.

Then Vatican II set about to make the faith "easier" and "more accessible". Simplify the mass; drop Latin; stop saying the only path to Salvation was through the Catholic Church and "get along" with other faiths. The Roman Catholic Church, until the 1960's, had in its Catechism that the Catholic faith was the only path to Salvation). Post Vatican II, any boat will get you there - every faith offers a path to Salvation (implying there's nothing special about Catholicism).

By bringing pagan idols into St Peters, by promoting gay clergy, by opposing the Latin Mass, by ignoring both the Catholic theology and the traditions of the faith, Pope Francis is driving the nail in the coffin of Tradition with every action he takes.

What is left? Prior to Vatican II the Church had been derided for being archaic and inflexible. But maybe that was a good thing. The job of the Pope is not the "Reinterpretation of the Cannon of the Faith", but for the _Preservation_and_Transmission of the Faith. Just as the Declaration of Independence, commenting on changing the foundations of government, states: "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes"; the same applies to the Tradition of Faith. It should not be changed simply because society has chosen to ignore God's law. Now that man has ignored God's law, he wants to remove the guilt caused by Religion, annoyingly pointing out the conflict between his actions and God's law. Man's response is that "I don't want to change my behavior, so change the rules".

Islam has long criticized Christianity for this very reason; stating the Christian faith has been corrupted (changed) by people during it's history, and the Gospel/Christianity are no longer following God's word, and thus, invalid. Most Catholics cannot respond to this criticism. But if you need to, know that the Catholic faith and traditions have remained largely unchanged for well over 1000 years. Modern bibles agree overwhelmingly with the oldest known manuscripts, undermining the claim that Christianity has been "corrupted". (In Islam, there are so many contradictions in the Quran the theologians came up with the principle of "abrogation" - whatever Mohammed said/wrote later replaced (abrogated) anything that was said/written earlier. Which means the entire Quran is abrogated by the last verse revealed, the "Verse of the Sword": "Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. This says find non-Muslims wherever you can, kill them or take them captive, and convert them to Islam or make them live as Dhimmis (oppressed sub-class within the Muslim society).

I think it is no coincidence that Vatican II was contemporaneous with The Pill and the sexual revolution, the explosion of the drug culture, government corruption, unwinnable wars - while Satan unleashed himself into the world, the crucible of the Faith, the Catholic Church itself no longer offered stability, direction, or guidance. By trying to play well with others, and not "alienate" its members with rigid and inflexible rules, the Church ceased to be anything at all. The Truth that it had defended for millennia was gone.

After a couple generations, people started to realize the Wheels Are Coming Off the Wagon. The competing ideologies of Communism against the unbridled commercialization of the West have shown that neither system leads to human fulfillment. Material possessions do not bring happiness (often quite the opposite). The "liberation" of women just meant that a woman needed to "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan, and never, never let you forget you're a man" as the perfume ad from the 70's bleated. All this meant was that every woman had to be a Superwoman to measure up. And disillusionment and disappointment were the result.

What many young people today, in particular the Latin Mass advocates, have found is the God knew what he was doing. By following his rules, by letting Men be Men and do what Men do well, and let Women be Women and do what Women do well, by following His design, each of us can live a fulfilling life in alignment with His design.

Recent trends show that families who live simpler lives, often in smaller towns, with fewer material possessions, traditional roles and traditional values tend to also have stronger faith, stronger community ties, and stronger patriotism, And they are significantly happier than those urbanites who "have it all".

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