Congrats. Very few understand addiction. It’s just as much of a mind sickness as it is a physical one.
“The courage to change the things I can”
Thank You for having the courage to share with us and fight the demons. Thank You for being fire in the darkness.
One day at a time.
Musk proved the Twitter account numbers were wrong the algorithm DOES target conservative. How many conversations and data were deleted in panic? What high profile people came out trying to stop him getting Twitter.
As long as they believed he was going to buy twitter they had to stop pushing dem narratives.
Musk was able to show that they were lying.
Biden should be on trial for treason. If you follow the narrative that Russia is the aggressor Russia is the bad guy we need to be prepared to defend nato from Russian aggression. Shutting down our energy industry only helps Russia.
The tyrrany of Throwing people out of their careers over a vax that does nothing remotely good for you. Blue states taxing the crap out of everyone. Everything is broken.
Here is the question we need to be asking ourselves. How much longer until the American public say that it is enough.
They are not migrants coming in, they are an army. How long until biden and the deepstate offer citizenship if they help with taking the country.
Biden will call anyone coming to take the power back traitors. He will say the republicans want you deported, join our side and you will get that American dream.
In world war 2 we transitioned everything thing to get ready to fight hitler. But now with Russia we are shutting down everything doing the exact opposite of what enabled us to win the war. We aren’t getting ready for war! Why?
They performing sedition and treason at levels nobody thought possible.
Maxwell trial is finally over. What Happens next?
For the first time it finally makes sense the dems are not throwing the first female person of color vp in our faces on a daily basis. ‘Women of color’ are every where in the media consistently letting you know they are except the vp.
Everyone is letting her fail on purpose. Think about it she doesn’t give a fuck anymore. They have burned her so many times. Think about all of the staff she lost. How many of those staff were given questions to prepare for only to have the question asker ask something different causing her to stand there looking lost and stupid. You know after that kept happeneing she blamed the staff and they quit. It wasn’t her staff fucking her over it’s everyone in the media.
The circle the wagons for republicans if they think they can get something out of it but not for their golden girl.
The big boys are getting off the bench and handling things personally…
True conservatives know running around in a group like that only confirms for the left the tv isn’t lying to them. It’s like…maga country. Trump supporters don’t operate like that. We have jobs and families.
Who does it benefit to have people dressed like this getting picked up?
This is maga country!!
I guess it came across as anti weed. I am not. The liberal position has been legalize it. They were on the way to getting what they wanted and they voted for a jackass who is ruining everything and right as it was within their grasp inflation shortages unemployment and hunger.
What it meant to me was he drew a line in the sand. You know he was threatened unmercifully. My guess when he brought the military that was the moment he declared war. There was no going back. It was an all or nothing game at that point. The only man that could stop them from getting to us.
Prayer for Serenity God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next.
I never gave up on POTUS I turned my back on the Republican Party. Unfortunately the scumbag rino see people aren’t supporting the party and try to spin it that POTUS is losing support. Normally I would be very concerned about POTUS thinking we do not have his back, but he knows we are there. He sees it in every candidate that he endorses. The uniparty is done. I think they don’t know it.
Gives me chills.
I am fortunate that in my life I got to watch him speak. It was a different time. While he was speaking I slipped up to barrier, the hall was silent as he spoke. A guy lifted me up so I could see him I was waved my arm he smiled and winked at me.
I could be making it up it doesn’t matter. What I could not make up is the kindness and strength he projected. He is a special man. We were blessed to have him.
I brought this up before. If you watch how they treat those who leave the church it is exactly what the left does verbatim down to screaming biggot at them follow them around, all of it.
Coincidentally Putin kicked them out of Russia.
This I keep saying this. The Biden are bought and cause of hunter we know about what it costs. The numbers are Pennie’s compared to the access to trillions Biden gives them.
Th ere is no room to argue about the Bidens. Pardons on all the major players have been done. Are crimes in the federal election under federal jurisdiction? If so Biden could pardon each and every person involved.