DJT is GEOTUS so, you're in the ballpark.
Absolutely. Big fan of both.
If anons want a concise history of central banking, please read: A History of Central Banking and The Enslavement of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson, a former director of the South African Reserve Bank. (2013)
White people ought not apply anyway. 😒
There is a saying, No good deed goes unpunished, which is depressing and which I have experienced multiple times in life. But I keep doing them anyway, cos it is right. The show must go on. 🙂
If they have to cheat in NY, things are very bad for the democrats. Dem death spiral.
Let's call it assisted suicide.
Thank you kindly.
Absolutely. Interesting that "Biden" didn't or couldn't fire Nakasone.
The military, sweet Virginia.
Willie Nelson supported Beto O'Rourke when he challenged Ted Cruz for Texas senate seat.
The Force be with you. ✝️
I dig this better than John Lenin's version. Could you set it to music and post to judetube. Thx in advance.
Elvis covered Early Morning Rain, one of his finest 70s recordings. RIP, GL.
Yeah! Move over bruce, there's a new boss in town. 😎
Don't forget the strapadicktomy option.
As good as any other theory. Why the downdoots?
Oy vey! Why do the based chads persecute us so?
Particularly when you love it so much that it reproduces in the form of usurious compound interest.
Maxine Waters (2019)
All of those criminals (AOC being the least of them) must be indicted eventually, in the name of justice. If not, then The Plan will have failed. I believe it will succeed.
It is basically the same information, but Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins was written first at the request of Ezra Pound.