GPT is known for hallucinations and making shit up. We should be wary of a tool like this. Seems good on the outside, but as with all tools, can be used to manipulate public opinion as well.
Also, is on our side? Why would a company that wants to map out all of our genes, suddenly wanting to give us transparency into the politicians lives? I'm not sure I'm on board with this new tool.
This article is saying the CP is in the original training material, which then allowed the model to produce many more fake images of CP. And they're talking about creating filters to prevent CP from ever making into the training material to be produced in the future.
At least, that's what the article is claiming.
4th dimensional beings. Not necessarily aliens, just folks who live up in the fourth dimension.
Imagine, if you will, a sheet of paper. That's 2-dimensional. You can draw a line in the middle, and a stick figure on each side. You, a 3-dimensional being, can see each stick figure, but from their perspective, there's a wall in the way. No matter what one of the stick figures do, they cannot hide from you, the 3-dimensional being. You would always see them, even if they can't see you.
Now imagine the 4th dimension exists. Beings in that 4th dimension can see us, 3-dimensional beings, but we cannot see them. Nothing we can do, can possibly hide from the 4th dimensional beings.
I imagine "UFOs" to simply be vehicles capable of traveling in 4 dimensions.
That's at least, how i see the world.
It means they're new here, that's all.