noidolsleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of those things are taught in the public schools in my area.

The reality is, that many choose not to partake. Many do not care about any of that stuff. You can't put enough money out there to make people care about what they don't want to. In the old days, people would just drop out in eighth grade when they didn't want to do school anymore.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

The masons have a booth set up at my county fair every year with this child identification program. You would think with all the bad press, they would drop it. I don't see anybody going up to them for it.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tim Ballard is a CIA agent. His movie was financed by Carlos Slim. Think about it. Trump retruths people that are in the "Trump Quicksand". Where did that 2000 Mules movie go? He caught them. He caught them all.

noidolsleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Um, the chief of disguise for the CIA was able to fool the President and Secret Service with a mask thirty years ago. They have the technology to replace anyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cza9uQiFbU4

Why wouldn't they do it? As Q said, what makes a movie good? Good actors! There are remarkable changes in some people over the past couple of years. I know that the inauguration was phony af. The ceremony was not the same. The marines were turning their backs. Jill Biden's shoes changed color twice. Trump did not show up. Stuff happening for sure!

noidolsleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

They don't look for autism the way Western medicine does. There's this new book, The Autism Industrial Complex, that documents how modern medicine has turned this diagnosis into a commodity that feeds into the industry to fix autism. The Amish just don't participate in the screeners and such that everyone just mildly quirky is on some imaginary spectrum.

noidolsleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. I've seen them there too. They have lots of rare diseases that are just as debilitating as autism. On the upside, one of them handed me a detailed booklet years ago waiting if the mark of beat microchip system in the waiting room.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

The original video I posted in the associated link was removed from Youtube, it was so hot, but it had the same clip where he says Carlos Slim. It's not different at all when you understand the deep state works through families, ex. Hunter, Romney, Clintons, Rothschilds, etc. Unless you have an incredibly compelling story of why Carlos Slim's son, who is also named Carlos Slim! has broken away from the deep state and is fighting the man, I don't even understand how it's different. The son is in the World Economic Forum for fuck's sake!

John Paul Dejoira, also mentioned by Tim Ballad as supporting this movie is a top sponsor of Baby2Baby, another NGO cover supported by Disney, the Kardashians, and Chrissy Tiegan. He's the guy behind the Paul Mitchell Shampoo at salons.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Carlos Slim pledged 100 million to the Clinton Foundation Sustainable Growth Initiative. Plus several more million.

Yeah, he's the guy that bankrolled this Sound of Freedom movie, according to ex CIA agent Tim Ballard. So they're not hiding the pedo, they're making movies about it, pumping up the emotion, and letting it simmer.

I think Trump is letting them expose themselves. Normies might watch this CIA movie and it move their Overton Window over to where real action might happen. Still I'm curious to what they are leaving out of this movie and who they don't mention. https://greatawakening.win/p/16bimYSgzA/sound-of-freedom-movie-connects-/

noidolsleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

thanks! right on! I can't believe they didn't hide Carlos Slim involvement. Deep state as it gets!

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dr. Seneff says glyphosate causes it according to her research.

noidolsleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

Walsh Protocol and understanding neurotransmitter genes is real science, so of course it is not funded. I've seen people cured of mental illness with the right targeted supplements based off empirical lab data.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with everything you said. I wish people could band together against our common enemy instead of insulting people.

noidolsleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bud, the kids don't ask for all that stuff. They don't even care, they're just put in activity after activity so the parents can have photo ops with participation trophies. The kids would rather be playing in the neighborhood, but no one will ever let them alone to do it.

noidolsleft 7 points ago +8 / -1

You can't "adult" your way out of fiat money consequences. Minimum wage in 1964 was $22/hour. Don't remember that? That's because the $1.25 in five silver quarters would have a melt value of $22 today.

The average eighteen year old high school graduate signed up for debt under completely false pretenses. I know several tech graduates who were told they were going to be making $$$ and then couldn't get a job in the field thanks to floods of H1B cheepee hires.

I know it's fun and cute to laugh at people younger who are further away from the gold standard switch having to make far less money go further. I think we ought to be calling out the college scam for what it is, the Federal Reserve for what it is, and calling giving kids who can't hardly balance a checkbook a lifetime of crippling debt what it is--criminal.

noidolsleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not the courses so much as the overbloated administration. Affirmative action officers who sit around on their phones all day. Cut out that fat, and the college costs would come down.

noidolsleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

I went to the Amish iridologist/herbalist doctor recently, and they said they've been doing a lot of work detoxing people from the Covid vax. People ahead of us had flown in from San Franscisco to go there because of Covid vax symptoms. Super awake people there, conversant in reality!

noidolsleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

And Bank of International Settlements, the central bank of central banks where they all come together. There is a reason why Switzerland is always neutral, it's where the money gets exchanged in the expensive business of war. Rosanne Barr recently did an interview giving her opinions on Switzerland being like Babylon.

noidolsleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

My daughter's life was saved by orthomolecular medicine. William Walsh took up where Hoffer left off. His book Nutrient Power is a must read for anyone suffering mental illness. Go to the Walsh Institute and find a Walsh trained practitioner. They will do labs and look for markers in your blood and urine, and develop a supplement protocol off that. My listless, chronic fatigued teen was a new person in four days.

The Walsh Institute has the largest database of biochemistry mapped to mental illness. For instance, 98% of autistics have elevated copper levels. The poison they are putting in the food as well as the lack of nutrition in the food are probably affecting everyone's mental health because if you have a leaky gut or a sluggish liver, all kinds of problems can occur with your endocrine system, which is totally connected to your nuerotransmitters.

noidolsleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's the controlled op from the left y'all! 🙄

Del Big tree and a lot of the anti vax movement are actually joined to the hip with scientology.

To play the dialectic, these people always, always keep ringers out there to contain dissent, and then move that opposition somewhere where it won't change anything.

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