Guy’s a patsy. There’s always dipshits barely functional enough to exercise titles like that in every company just in case the unethical bullshit these companies are doing comes to light. They’ll just blame it on him, and others like him, hire more, rinse and repeat.
My god. I have a friend who got it to go to a football game and another friend who got it to go to a concert also. They’re both now vehemently anti-vax. Guess they couldn’t keep their proverbial dicks in their pants long enough to resist the urge of the dopamine circuses.
They’ll reveal a bunch of shit that we’ve been screaming from the rooftops for months and months and absolutely nothing will come of it. It’s cool that we allow ourselves to become so hyped by this absolute circus of bullshit. We’re the real losers here.[/black pill moment]
They’re allowing attacks involving chemicals in the home front…