popsiclep3t3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Translation: a couple of fags who also happen to be pedophiles are using mainstream extremist gender and sexual orientation ideology to obscure the fact that they are fucking pedophiles. These are sick people and they seemingly have already fucked up a child's life as well. Sad sad sad.

popsiclep3t3 1 point ago +2 / -1

Computer generated viruses are to manipulate computers and machine code, not to prove the existence of biological viruses that are underpinning a fake pandemic.

Sure computer simulations can be valuable tools but if there was an actual pandemic then there would be no need to computer model a virus. It would be everywhere and could be proven in the physical.

That hasn’t happened and won’t because covid is fake and gay and the only people who get it are faggots and trannies (because they are fake and gay)

popsiclep3t3 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow. So does that mean that the 20% or whatever that Nikki Haley got could actually just be democrats trying to same day register? If so, that's absolutely INSANE. Holy cow

popsiclep3t3 1 point ago +1 / -0

What an absolute fucking moron. Have you ever seen someone so far from reality? Ever? Literally a fucking idiot.

popsiclep3t3 2 points ago +2 / -0

it's really difficult if you don't meet the criteria under the first world treaty. I for example would definitely go to the USA, but I can't meet the requirements to do it just because I want to. I'd be a really good citizen who cares more about America than several Americans do but it is what it is.

popsiclep3t3 1 point ago +1 / -0

This guy provides zero insight to people on this website and he's actually kind of retarded.

popsiclep3t3 2 points ago +2 / -0

when Crapernick started kneeling and got praised for it, I wanted to puke. It was a disgusting act. I'm not even American and I was offended by that entire charade. I have not watched a second of that shit since.

popsiclep3t3 10 points ago +12 / -2

I’ve watched countless people get interrupted and pushed back on for a lot less than that. The fact that this guy gets to parade around dropping these scripted paragraphs that sound good on paper are all I need to see to know he’s there to play a part.

popsiclep3t3 5 points ago +5 / -0

“This was a legitimate gas leak. I know because I turned the oven knob myself! I was here when the fire department came and turned the knob back off. Gas leak confirmed. Rigging complaint delegitimized. Omg I’mso smrt”

popsiclep3t3 2 points ago +2 / -0

In other news, inmates at ADX Florence declared war on the correctional system: "We are not dangerous people and we should be released back into the public"

popsiclep3t3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I lived this exact same experience. Neighbor cut the power as soon as the clock struck midnight. Kind of funny that there are multiple people in here with the same story. What makes me laugh thinking back to it was all the parents started freaking out and all the kids were cool as a cucumber. We just looked around at each other like…. Let’s go!!!! It kind of shows that all the adults were fully through their government brainwashing program and we were still too green to be scared of fake habbenings.

popsiclep3t3 5 points ago +5 / -0

It’s honestly disappointing. One of the few orgs that seemed to be different. Guess not. It’s especially tone deaf given the “trans” issue with bud light and the several recent controversies involving trans fighters in MMA. (Such as men fighting in women’s MMA and caving in their fucking heads) … UFC aligning themselves with the pro trans movement for their future women’s division which will turn out to just be a division full of men who couldn’t cut it against men so instead chose to bash on women to pretend they are a success

popsiclep3t3 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is disappointing. There’s no forgetting the fact that the UFC is one of the only professional sports organizations that basically refused to shut down and play the covid game. several of their star athletes are also decidedly conservative. They are definitely pro Trump and are a big player in the dwac, truth, rumble picture and a major delivery mechanism for reaching patriots on a large scale at once. Still can’t believe Dana white would do this. He’s better than that. I do wish to point out that UFC AND WWE recently merged with some company called TKO that went public on the stock exchange. I wonder if this is somehow related.

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