qdixon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you Dr. Zelenko!

(The original text is a little odd where it seems to confuse a prophylactic with a vaccine - but then again, maybe it was just ahead of it's time.)

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

WTF does it mean - for Q to be "real"?

Does anyone deny that someone (or maybe multiple people) posted messages as Q, and those messages have played a significant role in our current situation?

We also know from experience that Q messages have played fast and loose with timing - and in some ways it's like the Spanish language where the present tense is often used to describe something that's likely to be happening in the future. And Q posts have acknowledged that disinformation is sometimes necessary, so it's impossible to tell why certain details were included.

But still, there's a significant movement that acknowledges the value of Q's posts, and I find more honesty, truth, and varied and realistic perspectives within this movement and on this message board, than anywhere else.

qdixon 1 point ago +2 / -1

If Roe v Wade is overturned, then (hopefully) abortion law will be decided by individual states.

I'm against abortion, but with exceptions, and I believe that in the first trimester it has to ultimately be up to the woman that's pregnant to decide if her personal situation justifies an exception.

Most people (though maybe not most people here) believe that there are situations were an abortion is justified - most often when rape is involved or when severe genetic defects are identified. And in the first trimester I don't think the government should be involved in allowing or disallowing abortions that fall into those categories. Besides the fact that it's a deeply personal matter, there are some domestic abuse situations where an accusation of rape would put a woman's life in danger - and we also don't want to create an environment where a woman might be tempted to make a rape accusation in order to abort.

It would get messy - and imho, it's none of the government's business.

And on top of all of that, I'm afraid that the movement to totally ban abortion is pushing people away from seeing the truth about what's happening with lockdowns, vaccines, human trafficking, and all of the other things that people here care about.

By being absolutely against abortion - with no exceptions, I think that some people are buying into the efforts to divide us, and unfortunately that position is being used by people on the left to justify the horrific idea that any restrictions on abortion are just the first step toward a total ban with no exceptions.

qdixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes we need to believe two seemingly contradictory things - in order to stay sane. We need heroes and leaders - but we also have to understand that things are often not what they seem.

So we can cheer when it feels right to cheer - and write a few check and carry a few signs, and talk with our friends and families. And we can pivot when we have to pivot in order to stay true to ourselves and our own fundamental values.

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The biggest problem is legislators taking from all of the above. And no matter what the issue is, there's a big donor who's going to write a bill that will screw us.

qdixon 3 points ago +4 / -1

Wow. Folks here are nasty when it comes to Tulsi.

(And I usually reserve Nasty for QueMala!)

Tulsi has served for years - including in Kuwait and Iraq. She's 100% about Freedom first, and then yes, using a fair amount of our resources to do the best we can for everyone - without corruption.

She also introduced legislation at least twice to "Save America's Elections" by requiring paper ballots - which was pretty much ignored by everyone.

And Tulsi regularly called out the CIA in her campaign speeches (I was amazed the first time I heard her do it) and she's been clear about how horrific Hillary and QueMala have been - without pulling any punches.

As a Dem she reluctantly (but unfortunately) gave Biden a luck warm endorsement - and didn't do anything else to support him. And now she's called him out for the idiotic things that have come from his administration.

We could do a hell of a lot worse.

qdixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

'new phase' is probably hospice.

qdixon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is it okay if i do it once a week for 24 minutes?

Edit: Seriously I'm 100% for doing everything possible to keep our home as clean and healthy as possible, but imho the folks at https://suspicious0bservers.org have more to offer when it comes to cause and effect than our current crowd of pseudo climate scientists.

qdixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

QueMala is nasty.

qdixon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Whoa! I'm proud of not falling for the criminal push to eliminate the control group, but we have to be careful of an us vs them mentality.

My vaccinated friends aren't evil - and they're no shame in being gaslit by the evil and corrupt people who are intent on being our overlords.

We need people who've been vaccinated to see the light and to join us - and I'm sure many have. Imho, anyone who'd not among the worst of the worst is welcome.

qdixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

We need all the allies we can get on each issue.

But this group has been promoting horribly destructive bullsh*t for years, and I'm not sure that it will ever be possible to respect anything that comes from their organization.

On the other hand most of us don't move from dark to light all at once, as there's usually one issue that we care about the most - and that leads the way to a better understanding of how horrifically screwed up everything else is.

So imho we need to be as accepting as we can be when our friends and family and coworkers - and even well known people - take baby steps forward.

But also imho, this guy calling for alignment on absolutely worthless, and I can't imagine cutting them any slack - unless they actually start working for the truth, instead of just spouting more bullsh*t.

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The big question is whether or not we're ready for a totally fake press conference.

And maybe the real reason for deadly covid vaccines and "breakthrough" cases is to make a fake press conference appear to be a reasonable alternative to a real one.

qdixon 3 points ago +3 / -0

This sucks! The corporate farmers will have their tractors, and the rest of us will have to depend on hand tools?

They'll probably end up requiring chain saw licenses - for chainsaws with a long list of required safety and environmental features. Of course we'll have to show "need" - and pay a yearly license fee, that increases 40% a year.

qdixon 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's hugely important to differentiate between good and evil. And when evil seems to be so much in control it's generally surprising and gratifying when good makes an appearance.

But now we're actually seeing some significant weaknesses in the facade presented by our politicians and mainstream media. And I'll continue to be optimistic.

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hearing about the Arizona Patriots makes me wonder when the New England Patriots are going to formally get on board.

But of course the real question is going to be how well the massive proof holds up after all of the lies and spinning that we're seeing in the mainstream media.

In the anti-mandate world it feels like we're nearing a tipping point as the absurdity of continuing down the current path is becoming more and more obvious as individuals seem to be accepting the truth one by one. And maybe this will help when it comes to getting people to question the mainstream narrative on the 2020 election.

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you!

While sometimes it is better to respond with something short and sweet - this kind of data dump is a good response to someone who posts a long list of references (which often end up being a long list of mainstream actors parroting a single unreliable source.)

qdixon 0 points ago +1 / -1

So your grandparents didn't get the flu shot - and they died?

qdixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

10% for the BiG GuY, and 50% each for 4 layers of bureaucracy, leaves $7500. Then most of that goes to a connected "coyote" - leaving just enough for the pissed off immigrant to buy a handgun in NYC.

qdixon 1 point ago +2 / -1

It doesn't seem like a counter move to me - but rather an indication of how artificially divided we are. I'm pro-choice for both vaccines - and abortion. I think that what's being done with vaccines (and suppressing other options) is horrific. And abortions are very sad - but there are times in the first trimester when abortion may be appropriate. (If you're willing to accept an exception for rape, then I don't think we're that far apart - except that I'd rather have the pregnant woman make the decision, than the government, as ultimately she's the one who knows best whether or not the pregnancy is viable - for her.)

But the bottom line is that we need people who are pro-choice to understand how we'll never be free - and our lives will never be the same unless we fix election fraud, get rid of vaccine mandates - and end the severe censorship of what can be said on-line and on the air.

And then we we can bring some sanity back to the abortion debate - and find a legal middle ground that non of us believe in, but that will make it possible to work on reducing the number of abortions by winning people over - instead of arresting them.

qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0
  • The "vaccines" now seem to be increasing the chance of dying from Covid-19.
  • It's looking like vaccinated people are more likely to end up in the hospital.
  • Vaccines make it more dangerous to hug your loved ones
  • Vaccines help to create new variants - and booster shots are are going to be required to go out dancing, go to a restaurant,
  • or to go on holidays and many more things to come ...
  • Avoid the vaccines to live your life.
  • Avoid the vaccines for Covid-19 to be an old memory.
  • Protect yourself with supplements and good health - and by taking ivermectin when you're not feeling well.
qdixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll bite.

Initially the drawbacks seem to include increased electromagnetic radiation, and the potential for more direct surveillance - everywhere on the planet.

And we're likely going to see cartoons with a mad "scientist" turning up the power on a field full of sheep - to get them to line up for another vaccination.

qdixon 0 points ago +1 / -1

Imho, having Tulsi here shows that being included doesn't necessarily mean that someone is deep state - or cabal. There was a time when they thought that they could control her, but she chose to fight back, and it's going to be very interesting to see what she does in the future.

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