My boyfriend doesn't do much internet, but he watches MSM. And has always voted Dem. But he really is a conservative in his beliefs and views. He started changing the channel to Fox News on his own (I know, but baby steps). He's the type of person who digs in when you try to change his mind, so I just dropped little nuggets here and there and didn't force anything. He's a good man, even if he's been clueless all these years.
It took one commercial - the one about Kamala paying for prisoners to get sex re-assignment surgery - for his conservatism to kick in and go "Oh HELL no!!!"
He proudly told me that he voted a straight Republican ticket and where the incumbent was unchallenged and a Dem, he just didn't vote, because he didn't want to vote for any Dem.
Believe me - this is a BIG deal. Also helps our next door neighbors who we play cards with every weekend are MAGA, and our other next door neighbors who are Hispanic are also MAGA. And he likes and respects both sets of neighbors. The wife has been ranting to me about illegal Venezuelans for a few years now.
My next door neighbors are Hispanic - and we adore this family. The wife has warned about the illegal Venezuelans for a few years now - she hates them. We are always looking out for each other (she texts me if she sees a suspicious vehicle in front of my house). They are both voting for Trump.
Another population that is very pro Trump is the Vietnamese community. My nail tech who I've been going to for years now talks about Trump all the time and how she doesn't know a single person in her community that ISN'T voting for Trump.
My print out correctly showed Donald Trump and all my down votes. My boyfriend who voted for Biden, voted all R candidates. The only "shenanigans" is that we also voted earlier this year to start a new city (passed), and needed to vote for our district council person in a different room. No one asked us if we needed to vote for City of Mulberry council - we had to ask to vote and directed to that location. Our county does not want this new city and has been suing to dissolve the will of the people and are deliberately not "advertising" that there's only one early voting location where we can vote for council person, and earlier in the week had no signage about it either (they did today).
I wish that for you too. I'm blessed - neighbors on both side of me are totally on the Trump train and pay attention to what's going on. One follows Q as well as the wife's sister, the other side is a Hispanic family, and the wife is always sending me videos and X posts. She HATES Venezuelan illegals - she's been warning me about them for years now. She's REALLY concerned about the amnesty that Biden has given them and that we can't extradite them - I assured her that Trump will remove the amnesty. Another neighbor is also based that I'm friends with. The four households are always looking out for one another, all gun owners as well. We all agree to look out for each household.
Then at work - my boss is based, and one co-worker on my team is as well. Boss is an Army veteran as well as a National Guard veteran. Co-worker and I go on break together and discuss what's going on.
In my broader friend circle, I also have several friends who are awake. Including a gay friend who's been to every Trump rally in Georgia (we met through an adult adoptee group) and a gay friend from high school who proudly supports Trump.
My brother is firmly in the lib camp, but we agree to disagree (even though I've tried). He's also a photographer for a local paper in NC, and he went to the Trump rally in Asheboro. He said that everyone was very nice and cordial to him EXCEPT for a fellow photographer who was a real ass. He said he had nice conversations with so many people. But - his friend circle who has the most influence on him are the artist community in Asheboro.
This is arguably the most iconic moment in my memory and no matter how often I see it and remember it, it fills me with emotion and love for Trump. I've always been MAGA - but the pride I felt for him at this particular moment is difficult to describe.
So thankful my boss is based (former army and recently retired from the National Guard), and one of the hardest workers I know. When we started working a hybrid schedule, I was surprised how many of my co-workers I KNOW voted for Biden were talking about they were 100% voting for Trump now.
This was a great interview of him by Tucker Carlson -
Will be praying for you both. The thumb sounds like "trigger finger/thumb", which I have had, and had an outpatient surgery for. They tried a steroid injection first, and since I'm diabetic - I opted NOT to do a second round and went for surgery. It's been probably 3 years now since the surgery and it hasn't returned.
An excerpt from "Lies My Doctor Told Me, Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health" by Dr. Ken D Berry, MD, FAAFP regarding cholesterol:
"This embarrassing lie - an awful example of medical research and medical science gone wrong, should make patients question every word coming out of their doctors' mouths. Neither common sense nor meaningful research has ever been allowed to play much of a part of this controversial subject.
The common sense concerning this lie is much different from what doctors and the media have taught us. Cholesterol is essential for all animal life. Almost every single cell in your body produces it. Cholesterol makes up at least a third of the cell membrane of every one of your cells. Without cholesterol, none of the cells in your body, including those making up your heart and brain, would function properly. Your body also uses cholesterol as the framework molecule to make vitamin D and all of your sex hormones.
Never so completely has the practice of medicine been hijacked, brainwashed, and made to do the bidding of Big Pharma as when it comes to the cholesterol theory and the medications that lower cholesterol levels. The retelling of this lie is so unbelievable that I won't blame you one bit if you doubt what I say here and must confirm it for yourself. I encourage you to verify the information I tell you about this lie (and all the others)".
He recommends these two books for further personal research:
"The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Jonny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra, MD (2015)
"The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease" by Uffe Ravnskov, MD/PHD (2000)
Side Note - I highly recommend Dr. Berry's Book I referenced above in my intro to this post.
Huge Aldi fan - do MOST of my groceries at Aldi and supplement what I can't get at Publix or Kroger, but I hate most of the Kroger around me. Very rarely do I shop Walmart. I do strategically shop sales and BOGO's for the items I know I can't get at Aldi and stock up enough for the sale cycle. I also use Fetch for the receipt points - and have enough points for about $120 in gift cards that I'll redeem closer to Christmas to use for my Christmas shopping, so I always check what is giving extra points.
Similar to the "man on the street" interviews where they'd attribute a quote to say, Trump or Obama. But opposite. They'd HATE it if attributed to Trump (but was actually Obama) and LOVE it if attributed to Obama (but was actually Trump). Seeing their faces after the truth was revealed was priceless.
Chukna - are you Finnish? My step son is Finnish (dual citizenship with US) and is visiting us at the moment. We have had lots of talks about politics in Finland while he and his fiance are here. He voted for Trump twice and plans to again.
There's another theory floating on Twitter. There's a Block the Blue "movement" on the left to block anyone who has a blue check mark because they "bent the knee" and paid for the verification. So - Elon gave it to those three and then said "checkmate". Or so the theory goes.
I'm so sorry for your loss of your beloved grandmother. We lost my Daddy on Jan 30th, so I understand the grief right now.