randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC, they were only going to give us a small percentage of the bad.

We asked for more.

They agreed.

None of this should be brand new to us, we all have come to our conclusions awhile ago, through various means. Q was a lens that put everything in focus and now we're here.

It's going to get worse but that will hopefully help get the brain washing out.

Secure your family, secure your home.

Prepare for the worst - hope for the best.

randomnumbers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, they tried to coerce me into getting the death jab to keep my job.

My blessed doctor said don't take it because I could have a reaction (specifically, myocarditis, which conviently the media was just starting to admit to at the time).

After they "reviewed" my medical note, the panel of doctors my employer enlisted said they knew better and rejected my note. So they fired me.

Long story short, after filing a grievence they suddenly realized that it's illegal to medically discriminate in Canada. I wanted to take them to the cleaners for a cool 10mill... but I know that karma will come for them eventually. My wife says I'm too nice for my own good sometimes.

However, what they put me through for a year was clearly psychological torture, in addition to the financial burden.

Some days you think, "oh if I just take it, this problem goes away. But then I'll probably die, so what the fuck??! Why the hell am I the only one thinking this through?!"

All that said, that is NOTHING compared to what happend in the OP. That is straight up VILE and someone needs to pay for that.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is correct.

Everyone here should know that the final action that the opposition will take is to crash the econ (once the US fails, the rest of the West follows).

The passing of those bills for UKR, ISL, Taiwan reveals the direction. What most people don't understand is that they've already spent that money - those bills are meant to balance the books.

They have been and will continue to blindly spend because they have no means or will to pay that back. They know the econ is fucked, so they are having a party.

The only way is through.

I'm athiest but... God speed.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't need to convince every person - just the people that have power to send troops, so they can try to make it true. They are trying to start a world war.

From there, they crash econ globally.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortuntely, I had the same thought. Some of the pieces he had fit together, but they do not paint the full picture.

The media could claim this as one of theirs, since they worked tirelessly to malign us.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, I started to wonder awhile back if the plan isn't to use the threat of Russia taking over the EU to bring out the obvious secret tech they've been working on for decades.

We know they have vehicles that use electromagnetism to combat gravity, we've seen their testing. Russia has their own version as well.

But with these kinds of tech advances, they wait until things get really bad to reveal them.

There is definitely something in UKR that they've been hiding. Then there's Antarctica..

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, aw geez, can't a guy make an Alphabet mafia joke?

But fair, I didn't remember that line. However, that line was said in reference to past events, and the reason that we "have everything". Recent events and comments from Patriots seem to lean towards stopping data collection?

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh it's most certainly there. I didn't change anything but the date/time.


Edit: However, it dissipates after April 11 @ 5am.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was just theorizing that they used flu (especially since an article came out last month or so, suggesting certains strains were "killed off" by the lockdowns) - could be any number of things, as you suggest. And it could be different things in different regions. I'll add my anecdotal evidence for you.

I got sick in March 2020, just as they were locking down. Picked it up on the bus ride home from work. I remember because some fucking jackass completely sneezed on me. Sprayed me all over the back of my neck.

It was a flu - but different than anything I can remember having in the past 15 years. High fever (105, feeling like my brain was melting) but controllable with tylenol. General weakness lasted a day but didn't want to eat anything for a couple. Sinuses were fucked for days after.

Since we've been back to "normal", I've had another flu (over my Xmas vacation last year) that was slightly different than that. Temp was up and down, no weakness just light-headed, still didn't want to eat. Last 48 hours and then everything was back to normal.

randomnumbers 8 points ago +8 / -0

I don't think there's any proof of that because what they were "creating" in that lab only ever existed on a computer. To this day, no one has ever isolated COVID-19, which should be impossible if that lab had created it. Logic would tell you they would have at least one sample.

If they were spreading anything, it would probably have been flu strains, since those exist as far as we know. They have been collecting the strains much like they are collecting bio material in Norway (Svalbard Global Seed Vault).

Then they predictive program everyone by making fictional entertainment about pathogens being leaked, and then say "oh, it actually happened -- no wait, it didn't, we didn't mean to say that" to cause mass confusion.

That's their real weapon. Look at all the retards thinking they know science and that CO2 will kill us all... because it'll trap heat in? Or it'll cause an ice age? Who knows how exactly, but they definitely know something bad will happen. And that's supposed to be good enough for all of us to bow down, give over everything we own, and eat the goddamn bugs.

Just like they got people to inject unknown substances. An act that is (right now) irreversable.

Typical mass hyteria generation. WE FEW are privileged to know the bad guys misdirect to hide things. Be ever vigilant.

randomnumbers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Brightest is too cheritable.

She's fucking brain dead and gone. Stick a fork in her.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's nothing confirmed, only suspected.

However, in this case, there are certain documents being considered as "classified". It's caused a big issue because Trump's lawyers had to be read-in to review them.

Who knows what'll happen if they actually get to the jury stage.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not yet. The judge here is essentially saying that it's an active defense and that intent needs to be determined by a jury.

She's basically passing the buck to the jury because she doesn't think she can dismiss it herself (or doesn't want to).

However, there are other motions to dismiss that still need to be settled, including that Jack is not legally appointed.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukrainians have a coke problem, however.

I guess we can both agree to speculate both are possible?

randomnumbers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Injecting animals with untested

Oh, but it was tested on animals sometime before 2020. Every single one died within 5 years.

The people that got real shots have about 2.5 years left.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Followed him for years. He's always been spot on, pointing out the bullshit climate scare.

I theorized years ago that The Cult is assuming that normal people don't know anything about space and how it works (which is true for most, but there are a few of us that study it intently), so they can just scare you into giving all your money to them.

I also theorized that our weather has more to do with our Sun and the cosmic dust clouds that we travel through. It was nice to see a couple scientists in this movie that share the same thought.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw a theory that they took out the Baltimore bridge to block a possible Sum of All Fears moment. Could be true, they did keep casulaties low.

MLB just spun up and home opener for Baltimore was this weekend.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife and I are pretty chill with Albertans. One of my uncles lives out there too.

Wife wants to move out in that direction but the problem is that we don't have any money to move, because our government is robbing us fucking blind.

randomnumbers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Something I'm thinking about - This bill funds to September 30th.

Could we now see a red october when they fail to pass another funding bill??


randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, it's 11pm EDT and the Senate still has not voted on it and don't look even close.

I really really hope it starts tomorrow with a shutdown, because... It's the 23rd!!! Would be a glorious proof!

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Trump is supposed to get his second term (although it's odd with RFK running... is he supposed to get power?). If that doesn't happen, then things go to shit I'm pretty sure. There is probably a backup plan.

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