randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukrainians have a coke problem, however.

I guess we can both agree to speculate both are possible?

randomnumbers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Injecting animals with untested

Oh, but it was tested on animals sometime before 2020. Every single one died within 5 years.

The people that got real shots have about 2.5 years left.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Followed him for years. He's always been spot on, pointing out the bullshit climate scare.

I theorized years ago that The Cult is assuming that normal people don't know anything about space and how it works (which is true for most, but there are a few of us that study it intently), so they can just scare you into giving all your money to them.

I also theorized that our weather has more to do with our Sun and the cosmic dust clouds that we travel through. It was nice to see a couple scientists in this movie that share the same thought.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw a theory that they took out the Baltimore bridge to block a possible Sum of All Fears moment. Could be true, they did keep casulaties low.

MLB just spun up and home opener for Baltimore was this weekend.

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

My wife and I are pretty chill with Albertans. One of my uncles lives out there too.

Wife wants to move out in that direction but the problem is that we don't have any money to move, because our government is robbing us fucking blind.

randomnumbers 7 points ago +7 / -0

Something I'm thinking about - This bill funds to September 30th.

Could we now see a red october when they fail to pass another funding bill??


randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, it's 11pm EDT and the Senate still has not voted on it and don't look even close.

I really really hope it starts tomorrow with a shutdown, because... It's the 23rd!!! Would be a glorious proof!

randomnumbers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Trump is supposed to get his second term (although it's odd with RFK running... is he supposed to get power?). If that doesn't happen, then things go to shit I'm pretty sure. There is probably a backup plan.

randomnumbers 18 points ago +18 / -0

Because the US Embassy offered a warning on March 7 that there was going to be an attack so avoid large crowds, specifically concerts?

Also the band, Picnic that was set to perform has interesting history?

In 2016, the band was barred from performing in Ukraine due to their performance in Crimea after annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, because Ukraine, like the United Nations, considers Crimea to be illegally occupied.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Unfortunately, what happened with the vax (and the trucker protest) has shown me that the majority of people in Canada are dumbass boot lickers.

The majority still believe man made climate change is a thing, for fucks sakes.

And they are still trying to get electric cars, as if they work here.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Definitely, Easter would be great!

I'm just looking at a pile of weirdness around this eclipse, though. School boards in my area of Canada are moving PA days to April 8 so the kids will be home? Seems like a lot of freak out over nothing.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's been tough for me because I've read the information we were provided, so I'm not surprised about any of this happening. I try to use conversations with people IRL as a measuring stick.

A lot of folks know something's going on because it was never so in our faces as it is right now.

It's not that I trust that some group has a plan and is carrying it through.

I just desperately hope that is the case.

Otherwise we have no one truely fighting for the common people.

I knew something was up after 9/11. I felt it through every fibre of my being. There was something more going on and I'll do everything in my power to figure it out. That's when I became a researcher and I haven't stopped.

Unfortunately, it appears we were cursed to live in interesting times. We were born into a war against our own kind. Ultimate mindfuck to figure that one out.

I just hope I'm alive to see the end of this.

randomnumbers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Certainly nothing can stop this event from happening.

Also, I think back about the time when Trump pointed and looked directly at the sun, even though we're told our whole lives not to do that. This was on August 21, 2017, where DC was not in the "path of totality", so they only saw a partial eclipse.

According to the Wiki article about the April 8, 2024 eclipse:

This eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse to be visible in the provinces of Canada since February 26, 1979,[4][5] the first in Mexico since July 11, 1991,[6] and the first in the U.S. since August 21, 2017. It will be the only total solar eclipse in the 21st century where totality will be visible in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.[7] It will also be the last total solar eclipse visible in the Contiguous United States until August 23, 2044.

Lastly, two Q posts have always stuck with me, referencing some kind of SKY Event. As we know, Q started Oct 28, 2017, so could not be referencing the August eclipse, but maybe that was a pointer by Trump months before?



randomnumbers 6 points ago +7 / -1

Out of everything, I'm most pissed about this stance of his. I know people IRL that took it because "if Trump says it's good, it's good". I just hope that they got the saline batches.

Sitting here thinking about it again at almost 2am, it's possible they have him boxed in right now. We know for a fact that Pharma has secret deals with governments. Maybe he's saying what he has to until he can fix it?

It's all fuckin odd to me. I'm lucky that I was clear headed enough to realize if the government is trying to force inject you with something, it ain't good. But we're losing good people to this as much as we're losing bad. It ain't right.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

This came out as part of the Florida case. They mentioned it as part of the defense earlier than 1/17.

However, the entire raid on Trump's home was because they are still trying to track down Q. That's without a doubt.

They might play the whole "it's a conspiracy" bit in the media, but they 100% know it's real.

randomnumbers 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL This idiot thinks people will listen to compromised Generals? They really are out of ideas.

randomnumbers 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's really unfortunate Bradley continues to choose to lie for them.

I thought he might flip when they obviously burned him on the stand last time, but alas... he should be disbarred and jailed like the others.

randomnumbers 3 points ago +3 / -0

My fam from Britian did not have any clue, either. It's not a known procedure, obviously.

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